Hillary picks up the Samuel L. Jackson endorsement...

The Tradition

HB King
Apr 23, 2002
Actor Samuel L. Jackson said Sunday that he is backing Hillary Clinton for president next year because Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has no chance of winning the White House.

“I’m forever a Democrat, you know, and I’m gonna vote for Hillary,” he said, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

“I mean, I love Bernie — Bernie’s a man of the people — but he can’t win,” Jackson continued. "So I gotta cast my vote for a person that can keep those other people from winning, okay?"
Jackson argued that Clinton’s past political experience gives her a significant edge over other White House hopefuls from both parties.

“Hillary kind of knows the job — she can hit the ground running,” the movie star said of the Democratic presidential front-runner. "She doesn’t have a huge learning curve like [President Obama] had or some other people had.”

“Hopefully she can open up the skeletal files on these do-nothing assholes that go to work like four times a year and not vote on things and threaten them with whatever she and [former President Bill Clinton] uncovered on them years ago and make them do something and we can get something done.”

“The Hateful Eight” star admitted he is disappointed in his occasional golfing partner Donald Trump’s Republican White House run.

“[Trump is running on] hate,” Jackson said of the GOP front-runner. "There’s absolutely nothing I can do."

“There are some other people that aren’t as open about what he’s saying that are running also, you know, that are just as crazy,” the performer said of the GOP’s 2016 field.

“[They] have just as much ill-will toward the common man — and not just the common black man. People who don’t have a certain amount of money don’t mean anything to them.”

I'm sorry, but isn't Samuel L. Jackson about as far-removed from the "common man" as one can get?
This "he can't win" crap is stale. Maybe he would stand a better chance of there wasn't such a large "he can't win" segment.
I just cancelled my Capital One card. I couldn't wait. Had to cancel it before I made this post.
I remember all too well because I was a Paul supporter at the time despite having some big things I disagree with him on.
Hopefully his racism and complete ignorance of macro-economics were a few of the things you disagreed with him on.
Are there any white republicans who aren't racists? Seems like I hear that allegation a lot.

Probably, but Ron Paul isn't one. I loved him in X-Men though.

I think lots of lots of Republicans running for office are fine when it comes to race. But, if you don't understand the difficulties the Paul's have with race then the Southern Avenger needs to pay you a visit.
Are there any white republicans who aren't racists? Seems like I hear that allegation a lot.

Jackson is wrong that Sanders can't win. He certainly could defeat Trump in a general election. I think he could probably beat Cruz as well. Any Democrat who runs is going to start with a 45% share of the vote, at the very least. Republicans can throw the word "socialist" at him, but that word doesn't really scare people anymore (most Americans probably don't even know what it means and they like that Bernie is going to give them all these things for "free").

I'd like to see the Dems just vote on principle in the primaries, choose Bernie, and get him elected in the fall.
I really like the way Erin Bilbray just gave Bernie an endorsement and did it primarily because Bernie is the one candidate who's taking on dark money in this election, and she's doing it for her kids and the coming generations, as noted in this article here:


Nevada DNC Member Erin Bilbray Endorses Bernie Sanders for President

I find this interesting and gratifying too, because it appears she's trying to right the wrongs of her father James (a Democrat congressman) as well as that of his cousin Republican Brian Bilbray (who was prematurely in a runoff election sworn in by Dennis Hastert as the replacement for my former congressman Randy Duke Cunningham when I used to live in San Diego area. Looks like she's trying to make up for their mistakes by trying to encourage a new year with less crony capitalism in it.

A Bilbray, Not Brian Runs for Congress

Someone like her could see what happened with the corruption that surrounded her father and Brian Bilbray's experience in congress and just give up and say "money will win", but she is showing that even with personal experience to try and push her the wrong direction, she can take the lead and to recommend those she feels will fix these problems instead.

And note that in polls, Bernie does better against GOP candidates than Hillary does. And if you think about it, though someone like Trump has many stances (catering to bigotry) that I can't stand that perhaps for others they like, he's one of the few that like Bernie has taken stances both against the H-1B guest worker programs and against "free trade" agreements like TPP, etc. If Bernie is the nominee, I think he gets voters concerned about these issues, but I think many of those same voters might vote for Trump over Hillary.
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