Hillary's awful response to the question of her ownership by Wall St.


HB King
Jul 9, 2003
She is so so owned by the Goldman Sachs of the world. You can count on no reforms at all from her.

You can see who owns her

Top 5 Contributors, 1999 - 2016
Contributor Total Indivs PACs
Citigroup Inc $824,402 $816,402 $8,000
Goldman Sachs $760,740 $750,740 $10,000
DLA Piper $700,530 $673,530 $27,000
JPMorgan Chase & Co $696,456 $693,456 $3,000
Morgan Stanley $636,564 $631,564 $5,000

To be fair, Jeb Bush rakes it in as well, and many of his are hidden. The whole thing is nauseating. Roy L. Fuchs would be proud.
Does not matter she is a Democrat. This is only an issue when the person is a Republican.
I think its an issue with some Democrats, namely many who support Sanders or followed Lessig's campaign. It should be an issue with every American and isnt really a partisan issue. Its about people being bought and owned by special interests of one type or another.

You can say what you want about Sanders, but he at least has integrity and raises money from regular people.