Holocaust survivor receiving 200 threats per day.

What's the hate of Jews based upon? I've never understood it.

Usury. Killing Jesus

Christians were not allowed to charge interest on loans so they made the Jews do it for them. That is where most of the stereotypes originated. Jews would have a separate part of town and the good people of the town would head over there and borrow money and get charged for that. They liked it fine if the Jews were committing the sin of usury because they got money they otherwise wouldn't get. They didn't like it so much that they had to pay it back especially if they had to pay extra. So the hate you feel for your credit card company today is the way the Christians thought about the Jews back in the middle ages. dare you sin and then on top of it make me pay you back. So rather than pay them back they would run them out of town. Or kill them. That worked too.
Plus they of course killed Jesus. Which is an incredibly stupid thing to think but that was the prevailing thought.
Tomorrow is the 81st anniversary of Kristallnacht.