Hot flashes - Veozah


HB Heisman
Jan 16, 2002
So I’m watching the news and an ad comes on for hot flash medicine, Veozah. Blah, blah, whatever. Then we get to side effects.

VEOZAH is a prescription treatment for hot flashes and night sweats. It was proven to reduce the number and severity of day and night hot flashes.* And, for some women, it can start working in as early as one week.†
The most common side effects of VEOZAH include:

  • stomach (abdominal) pain
  • diarrhea
  • difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • back pain
  • hot flashes or hot flushes
So essentially a woman can live with hot flashes, or take this medicine and also look forward to a host of other problems to go along with hot flashes? Sounds like a swell plan to me.
Apparently commercials for medication you don't really need is a thing in America that is not very common around the world.
Apparently commercials for medication you don't really need is a thing in America that is not very common around the world.
Years ago one of the evening shows (60 minutes maybe?) did a hit piece on a drug that really hurt its sales.

So the big drug companies starting advertising heavily on network tv. They had zero expectation it would affect sales. They simply wanted to influence coverage of their medicines by being able to threaten to pull large amounts of ad revenue.

But then what happened was people actually started asking their doctors about drugs and demanding them. So they discovered that drug commercials actually affect sales as well. And now here we are.
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Years ago one of the evening shows (60 minutes maybe?) did a hit piece on a drug that really hurt its sales.

So the big drug companies starting advertising heavily on network tv. They had zero expectation it would affect sales. They simply wanted to influence coverage of their medicines by being able to threaten to pull large amounts of ad revenue.

But then what happened was people actually started asking their doctors about drugs and demanding them. So they discovered that drug commercials actually affect sales as well. And now here we are.
A modern American classic.
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My favorite is the one for JARDIANCE. I’m always drawn to the commercial when it lists the side effects, and one of them is: In rare instances, JARDIANCE may cause necrotizing fasciitis of the perineum.

Uh, no. I’m not taking something that might rot my gooch.