House conservatives may end up in court to kill Iran deal


HB King
May 29, 2001
The tilting at windmills continues, to the detriment of the country and the world:

House Republicans may have quelled a budding internal revolt with a last-minute tactical switch on the Iran nuclear deal. But now, they have all but committed to settling the Iran fight in the courts — or admitting defeat.

The House plans to vote Friday on a resolution of approval (where a “yes” vote means yes to the deal) instead of a resolution of disapproval (where a “yes” vote means no to the deal) that was previously planned.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) promised Thursday that House Republicans will “use every tool at our disposal to stop, slow and delay this agreement from being fully implemented” up to and including suing President Obama to keep him from enforcing the Iran deal.

“That is an option that is very possible,” Boehner said.

The strategy shift comes after a group of House Republicans successfully pressed leaders Wednesday not to play ball with President Obamaover two confidential side agreements between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that lawmakers have never seen. Without those documents, they argue, Congress’s 60-day review clock under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act never started.

There’s just one problem: In the eyes of the administration, the play clock runs out on Sept. 17 and if Congress hasn’t by then rejected the deal via a disapproval resolution, the Iran pact will take effect.

But the House GOP group pushing this change figures that if Obama isn’t going to hold up his end of the bargain, neither will they. And if the president doesn’t like it? They plan to sue him.

“The law that the president signed, that all relevant documents have to come to Congress before the clock starts ticking, and those documents never came,” said Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) Wednesday.

“A lot of the dialogue we had today was about setting up a lawsuit,” Salmon said.

It wouldn’t be the first time the Republican-led House tried to check an Obama-driven law (see: Obamacare) in the courts. But the tactic wasn’t terribly successful: the Supreme Court sided with the Obama administration on major portions of the health care law, though lawsuits are still ongoing and the GOP won one legal battle on Wednesday that may embolden them.

The House’s latest moves come as implementation of the Iran deal seems all but assured. House Democrats are confident they have enough votes to preserve Obama’s veto of a resolution to disapprove it, and there are likely enough Senate Democrats committed to the deal to block such a resolution from ever reaching the president’s desk.

The House’s new approach, an approval resolution, will undoubtedly fail, given that seemingly all Republicans are opposed to the Iran agreement. But while the exercise allows critics to register their discontent – and claim purity-of-purpose points by not legitimizing the idea that the Obama administration fulfilled its end of the bargain – it won’t do anything to block the deal’s implementation.

The law giving Congress review authority over the deal specifically refers to “consideration of a joint resolution of disapproval.” Any other kind of resolution wouldn’t actually prevent the administration, under law, from implementing the deal.

But the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act also, critics repeatedly note, refers to “side agreements” as one of the components of “an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iran.”

Republicans, and a few Democrats, have been pressuring the administration to produce those agreements for weeks, while the Obama administration argues that it can’t because it doesn’t have a copy of the confidential documents. But the law makes no special allowance for such a situation, if Congress wants to press the point.

And this band of House Republicans does – all the way to the courts.

Thus far, the House isn’t moving toward a lawsuit vote. And House GOP leaders still have the right to act on a disapproval resolution.

But it’s unclear whether Republicans insisting on a possible lawsuit will acquiesce to return to the original plan once they have their way.

Meanwhile, across the Capitol, senators are watching their Republican colleagues and shaking their heads.

“Even if the two side agreements were available and pure as the driven snow…I don’t think that would change our view of whether allowing Iran to industrialize their nuclear program is a bad deal,” Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said Wednesday.

Corker stressed that he too, believed the administration had not held up its end of the bargain and that thus, the 60-day clock on Congress’ review period had not started ticking.

But, he added, “the best way to express concerns about the documents, but also concerns about the deal itself, is to vote to disapprove the deal.”

Democrats, confident in their veto-sustaining numbers, are simply standing back and watching the show.

“The question here is quite clear – the Republican conference is trying to make it somewhat confusing: Do you support the agreement or not?” said Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.), a member of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) whip team on the Iran deal. “These are tactical conflicts to essentially try to avoid the inevitable. In the Senate and in the House, there is sufficient support to sustain a presidential veto, and they just don’t want that day to come.”

It’s “not so much a decision about a wise tactic as it is a badge of integrity about the purity of their position,” Welch added. “That’s the dilemma over there.”
Whether the "Deal" goes through, or not Iran will still have enough centrifuges to continue their work.

The question is are we going to free up their financing to help?
Whether the "Deal" goes through, or not Iran will still have enough centrifuges to continue their work.

The question is are we going to free up their financing to help?
They might be able to continue their work, but it will be far far far slower. They will go from 20,000 centrifuges to 5,000. With no deal, they would keep all 20,000.
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They might be able to continue their work, but it will be far far far slower. They will go from 20,000 centrifuges to 5,000. With no deal, they would keep all 20,000.

5,000 is all you need.

20,000 is what they needed for clean energy.

We denied their clean energy capability and saved their weapon capability.
5,000 is all you need.

20,000 is what they needed for clean energy.

We denied their clean energy capability and saved their weapon capability.
This doesn't compute with what I think I know. Don't you need more highly enriched uranium to make a bomb than a power plant? And aren't we taking both the centrifuges and most of their uranium? Oh, and wasn't Iran set to get financial relief no matter what? So if any of that is true, your objections leave me puzzled.
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This doesn't compute with what I think I know. Don't you need more highly enriched uranium to make a bomb than a power plant? And aren't we taking both the centrifuges and most of their uranium? Oh, and wasn't Iran set to get financial relief no matter what? So if any of that is true, your objections leave me puzzled.

I posted link in one of the daily "Iran Deal" threads yesterday.(page 2 of the "Hysterics" thread I believe)

It does seem counterintuitive, but apparently true.

When I get a minute I will go find it and add it to this thread.
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This is phony political posturing. The Republicans voted to surrender the Congressional treaty approval authority [i.e. Congress now must get two-thirds to kill the agreement when the Constitution requires two-thirds for approval]. Now it's apparent that we-the-people got scammed because a deal was struck to let Obama have his treaty and at the same time the Republicans can squeal like pigs. So everyone in Washington wins and it's screw the American people again.

This sh*t is exactly why Thump may be our next president.
This is phony political posturing. The Republicans voted to surrender the Congressional treaty approval authority [i.e. Congress now must get two-thirds to kill the agreement when the Constitution requires two-thirds for approval]. Now it's apparent that we-the-people got scammed because a deal was struck to let Obama have his treaty and at the same time the Republicans can squeal like pigs. So everyone in Washington wins and it's screw the American people again.

This sh*t is exactly why Thump may be our next president.

Please God let Boehner and Mcconnell be tossed in the street and hit by a bus.

This doesn't compute with what I think I know. Don't you need more highly enriched uranium to make a bomb than a power plant? And aren't we taking both the centrifuges and most of their uranium? Oh, and wasn't Iran set to get financial relief no matter what? So if any of that is true, your objections leave me puzzled.

This is what I was referencing.

"If you are going to have a nuclear weapons program, 5,000 is pretty much the number you need," Morell, now a CBS analyst, said on Charlie Rose. "If you have a power program, you need a lot more. By limiting them to a small number of centrifuges, we are limiting them to the number you need for a weapon."

Morell told PunditFact he said 5,000 because that was lowest number he had heard was in play. The number of centrifuges in place today is a hair over 20,000, and a likely goal is to cut that to about 5,000. But Morell’s basic point struck us as just plain intriguing. We wanted to learn more about this idea that a nuclear power program would require many more centrifuges than you’d need for a bomb -- which by extension means that limiting centrifuge capacity is just one negotiating point out of many.

The consensus among the experts we reached is that Morell is on the money. Matthew Kroenig at Georgetown University told PunditFact the Morell is "is absolutely correct." Ditto for Daryl Kimball of the Arms Control Association and David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security.

Matthew Bunn at Harvardagreed with his colleagues.

"People think surely you must need a bigger enrichment system to make 90 percent enriched material for bombs than to make 4-5 percent enriched material for power reactors," Bunn said. "But exactly the opposite is true."

Bunn said there are two reasons. First, you need tens of tons of material to fuel a power reactor for a year, but just tens of kilograms to make a bomb. According to the
International Atomic Energy Agency, the threshold amount for a bomb is about 25 kilograms of the most highly enriched U-235.
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