How does an official not call a foul on this?

It was a foul. Just as Perkins fouled on a three point make that wasn’t called. From what I saw, both teams got away with obvious fouls, but this was one of the best officiated games I’ve seen in a while because of the consistency.
BS. Kid flopped and whined. Just cause Robbie called it, doesn't make it so.
He also called no foul on this play soo..
Robbie slobbered over Rutgers the whole game..
It's really dangerous to not call a foul on this play--that's basically the official saying that Filip needed to lean into the contact in order to call the obvious foul. If that happens, you risk Cliff flipping in the air and something very bad happening. An idiotic no call.
BS. Kid flopped and whined. Just cause Robbie called it, doesn't make it so.
He also called no foul on this play soo..
Robbie slobbered over Rutgers the whole game..
Didn’t get to watch the game, but LOVE games that Hummel does. He’s usually extremely fair and complimentary to both teams. He’s also critical when it’s warranted, and knows more about how to play the game than I ever could.
Didn’t get to watch the game, but LOVE games that Hummel does. He’s usually extremely fair and complimentary to both teams. He’s also critical when it’s warranted, and knows more about how to play the game than I ever could.
Hummel is my favorite BIG commentator. You are spot on. Hated him as a player though.
Didn’t get to watch the game, but LOVE games that Hummel does. He’s usually extremely fair and complimentary to both teams. He’s also critical when it’s warranted, and knows more about how to play the game than I ever could.
Hummel is my favorite BIG commentator. You are spot on. Hated him as a player though.
He's also relentless on the commentating trail. Just 4 hours after the Iowa/Rutgers game wrapped up, he's back on Big Ten Network calling the Penn St/Purdue game in the Palestra in Philadelphia.
It wasn't a foul. Hell, he had his back turned toward him.
It was a foul. Perkins made more contact on that play than the Rutgers player did on Sandfort’s three, and they called that a foul. The shooter has to have room to come down. Stop being such a homer
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It was a foul. Perkins made more contact on that play than the Rutgers player did on Sandfort’s three, and they called that a foul. The shooter has to have room to come down. Stop being such a homer
Agree with the good no call on Perkins. The Rutgers player sticks his hip out to creat the contact. Usually officials fall for it just like you have and Hummel did. Luckily the official didn’t fall for it. It’s actually a point of contention aid could have been called a flop IMO.
I didn't think Perkins fouled him. He did touch him but I thought it was a good no call. Especially for the amount of contact they let go all game.

Now, if you want a foul, there were two blatant missed ones for each team. Rebraca was hammered on a layup attempt that they deemed a block. The ball was knocked out but the first of the two defenders was in mid air and smashed into his entire side knocking him off balance. I thought it was for sure going to be called but they let it play on.

Then towards the end of the game, I believe it was McConnell had a great move and Kris was somehow involved. I think he was helping. McConnell pulled up and Kris raked him across the arms leading to no follow through and a terrible shot. They played on giving the Hawks the rebound to which Rutgers had to start fouling.
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BS. Kid flopped and whined. Just cause Robbie called it, doesn't make it so.
He also called no foul on this play soo..
Robbie slobbered over Rutgers the whole game..

We got a quick replay from the side before they cut back to the game. It kind of looked like a flop from the replay.

Hummel also originally said there was no contact on the Rebraca play but changed his opinion after seeing the above replay.
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I didn't think Perkins fouled him. He did touch him but I thought it was a good no call. Especially for the amount of contact they let go all game.

Now, if you want a foul, there were two blatant missed ones for each team. Rebraca was hammered on a layup attempt that they deemed a block. The ball was knocked out but the first of the two defenders was in mid air and smashed into his entire side knocking him off balance. I thought it was for sure going to be called but they let it play on.

Then towards the end of the game, I believe it was McConnell had a great move and Kris was somehow involved. I think he was helping. McConnell pulled up and Kris raked him across the arms leading to no follow through and a terrible shot. They played on giving the Hawks the rebound to which Rutgers had to start fouling.

Agree on both of these. The Rebraca one was just baffling because there was no verticality or anything close to it. Dude jumped straight into FR from the side completely changing the shot attempt.

It did also look like Kris got a lot of the hand on that shot attempt disrupting the follow through.

I think it was Rebraca that got called for a double dribble once as a Rutgers player was hacking down at the ball. We didn’t get much of angle, but I can’t imagine he didn’t jar the ball loose there. Rebraca looked puzzled but didn’t put up much of an argument.
Piscataway to Philly is only an hour and a half away. I could see him being able to do both games.
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Lol. It was a foul on Perkins.

Yes, then Robbie saw the replay and stated it was a foul.

You seem cranky.
It's a foul, no it wasn't! Yes it was, no it wasn't!!
Why does it really matter? Hawks won, move on.
It was a foul. Perkins made more contact on that play than the Rutgers player did on Sandfort’s three, and they called that a foul. The shooter has to have room to come down. Stop being such a homer

The rule is you cannot violate the player's vertical space. So technically if a player drifts to the right or the left, or forwards or backwards which is common on many three-point shots it is not a foul as the player did not maintain verticality. Most fans and almost all referees get this wrong.
BS. Kid flopped and whined. Just cause Robbie called it, doesn't make it so.
He also called no foul on this play soo..
Robbie slobbered over Rutgers the whole game..

I would wager that you would have wanted a foul if the shooter had been a Hawkeye and the defender a Scarlet Knight
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It was almost comical watching Iowa players get hacked to pieces every time they tried a dribble drive, "what great physical defense by Rtugers!" I don't understand how that type of play can be considered basketball.
It was almost comical watching Iowa players get hacked to pieces every time they tried a dribble drive, "what great physical defense by Rtugers!" I don't understand how that type of play can be considered basketball.
Basketball has become a full contact sport.
Didn't you get the memo?
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I did like Rutgers out of bounds set where their player ran full speed into Rebraca. Rebraca puts his hands up to defend himself/brace himself and gets whistled for the foul. That was a unique one.
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