How does this happen?

Guns turn up in all sorts of places they shouldn't.
There are ways to curtail this, but the gun lobby is opposed to those methods.
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Guns turn up in all sorts of places they shouldn't.
There are ways to curtail this, but the gun lobby is opposed to those methods.

These are guns that were "lost" by the ATF. You people lose your s*** over anything that has to do with guns, but when your lord and savior bungles something like this, you're amazingly cool about it. What a bunch of hypocrites you are.
These people want to restrict our guns rights, but they have no problem giving heavy firepower to drug lords...smh.
The same reason they fund ISIS and AQ. By creating an enemy, they can go to America and say, "Look people, we need to be over 'there', so they don't come 'here'. Funding drug lords gives money to the prison industrial complex. Yes, they have lobbyists too strolling the halls on K Street. Then they say that Five O needs to be militarized. Disarm the law abiding citizens. With half of our youth overseas fighting unconstitutional wars and the other half out of work due to moronic minimum wage laws (aka unemployment laws), these people become disenfranchised and turn to drugs. With mandatory minimums, the prisons 'here' overflow. In times of social unrest, there is no one around to revolt against our paranoid leaders in DC. They remain in power in perpetuity.
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