How is your injured player doing?

He got pretty messed up. When he started shoving off the trainers I new he was a mess. His hit and Smith's hit to the head were pretty scary. No idea how Smith came back so fast.
I'm not sure if he'll play next week or not yet. I assume he'll have to pass whatever the concussion protocol is for that. But I read a few different places that he was in good spirits and seemed fine after the game.
He got pretty messed up. When he started shoving off the trainers I new he was a mess. His hit and Smith's hit to the head were pretty scary. No idea how Smith came back so fast.
It's weird. Sometimes hits that look really bad really aren't, and sometimes a guy will be out 2-3 weeks with a concussion from something that looked routine.
Smith came back after a huge it earlier in the year, too. Not sure those were the best decisions in the world, but that kid does seem to bounce back quickly from hard hits to the head.
It was very obvious Ben was in lulu land after that hit. I hope we don't rush him back. He's a hell of a player and very valuable to our defense, but I have no argument with holding him out next week in the title game.
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Watching UFC fights, it seems those guys get knocked out and are then fine. Wonder what the difference is between getting knocked out in a fight and on the field.

I've never been knocked out but once I was loopy for a few plays. So I don't know how it feels
Watching UFC fights, it seems those guys get knocked out and are then fine. Wonder what the difference is between getting knocked out in a fight and on the field.

I've never been knocked out but once I was loopy for a few plays. So I don't know how it feels

It's not the initial impact that causes injury, it's the brain bumping the skull. UFC guy might get knocked out, but he's likely not fighting again for weeks or months. But the velocity of a football hit is way higher, so the brain hits the skull harder. And they're scheduled to play again in a week.
^ Husker, thank you for showing a genuine concern.

I couldn't believe how many absolute stain posters from Nebraska showed up this week, but Alum-Ni has always been one of, if not the best poster from a rival school ever to post on this board. There is another Husker poster that is pretty good. Maybe 1fansopinion?
I thought Smith didn't get hit in the head directly (at least I think that was the player). And it seemed as if the trainers were looking at his neck some too.
^ The fans near us started their Go big red crap after both of those injuries. Wouldn't let up. THAT was bush league.
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It's weird. Sometimes hits that look really bad really aren't, and sometimes a guy will be out 2-3 weeks with a concussion from something that looked routine.
I remember the injury that ended Sterling Sharpes NFL career. It didn't seem like a career ender at the time
Got knocked out once by a catcher's mask hitting my noggin in high school and I was pretty woozy for at least a few hours. This was before people really knew/gave a hoot about concussions.
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Got knocked out like that in HS on a kickoff cover early 1st quarter - woke up lying on the field looking at coach. Next thing I remember was getting off the bus to go back for half time. Apparently I played the whole first half and still remember nothing of that (or much of the game at all except bits and pieces of 2nd half). This was in the day where all they really did was see if your eyes would dilate. The next week was whiplash city - could hardly move neck and headaches up the a#&, balance not quite on target. Followed me all through wrestling season, too.
I couldn't believe how many absolute stain posters from Nebraska showed up this week, but Alum-Ni has always been one of, if not the best poster from a rival school ever to post on this board. There is another Husker poster that is pretty good. Maybe 1fansopinion?
He's always solid on the basketball board. Does a great job with the B1G team updates.
It's not the initial impact that causes injury, it's the brain bumping the skull. UFC guy might get knocked out, but he's likely not fighting again for weeks or months. But the velocity of a football hit is way higher, so the brain hits the skull harder. And they're scheduled to play again in a week.
What is it that knocks a guy put though? Always thought that was weird. So if the brain isn't squished against the skull and you are still knocked out, what gives?