How tech illiterate is your SO?


HB Legend
Apr 26, 2013
My wife has had to use Word and Excel regularly for well over fifteen years. We've gone over things a thousand times, but she is still baffled by the difference between "Save" and "Save As". And if she wants to create a WORD document with multiple columns of information, she insists on trying to use the space bar to separate the columns.

Her: The columns keep getting crooked
Me: You have to create a "table" and enter your stuff in it
Her: But I don't want a bunch of boxes
Me: Remember, you can make the borders invisible so you don't see boxes
Her:That's too complicated.
Me: So you are asking me to show you how to do it incorrectly but make it work, anyway?
Her: I just don't want it to have to do it the stupid way.
Me: But you are doing it the stupid way, I'm trying to explain how to do it the not-stupid way.

Okay, that last bit is just in my head...
My wife has had to use Word and Excel regularly for well over fifteen years. We've gone over things a thousand times, but she is still baffled by the difference between "Save" and "Save As". And if she wants to create a WORD document with multiple columns of information, she insists on trying to use the space bar to separate the columns.

Her: The columns keep getting crooked
Me: You have to create a "table" and enter your stuff in it
Her: But I don't want a bunch of boxes
Me: Remember, you can make the borders invisible so you don't see boxes
Her:That's too complicated.
Me: So you are asking me to show you how to do it incorrectly but make it work, anyway?
Her: I just don't want it to have to do it the stupid way.
Me: But you are doing it the stupid way, I'm trying to explain how to do it the not-stupid way.

Okay, that last bit is just in my head...
I empathize with you. Mrs. Dragon (no pics) can barely get on the Internet on her laptop without assistance.

I have learned not to degrade her like when she asks how to compute values in a column but she stresses at the thought of a “formula.” Or even just mention of the auto-sum feature.

I have learned to parlay this into creating the unofficial title of Household IT Manager. Now I help her anytime but I always make it sound like what she needs is a major technology issue that will take a long time or require complicated resources. In reality they are simple fixes of course but Mrs. Dragon believes I am a superhero because I “exhaust” myself to help her.

Yes, I have received at least two or three unscheduled sexes because of this and also have weaseled out of other tasks because she feels the need to return the favor.
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My wife is much more adept with word, and I am much more adept with excel, although I often long for the days of lotus 1-2-3.
Wife (no pics) is very good, has to make up reports and presentations all the time. Me on the other hand not so much, I send raw data to a couple of people that work for me and they create everything. I can barely post this cool gif of boobs bouncing.

My SO is a pro at manipulating a joystick

If you know what I am saying...

I will post pics later today
My wife is a near illiterate but she thinks she's a pro. She has everything Apple while I have nothing Apple. I always get asked how does this work? Since I'm not an Apple user, I have to learn it as well.

Before retirement, I used Word, Excel, and PowerPoint regularly but since retirement I don't have much need for them, only fun projects.
My wife actually got her first undergrad degree in computer science before picking up her current actuarial degree (which is what she does now). So she’s a little bit better than me. I don’t have a degree in anything computer related (my 2 undergrad degrees are in Economics and Finance), but I did my internship with Kodak (in the 90s when they were preeminent and not basically extinct) in their Digital Science department while at FSU, was a tech and app demonstrator for Courtroom 21/Center for Legal and Court Technology which is the tech display center and traveling exhibited for the National Center for State Courts while in law school at Bill & Mary, I was the Technology Chair of the Florida Bar Association and in one of my side gigs I’m the president of a small company that does electronic medical records for pharmacists. So I’ve got some skills with the Ole Keyboard, although I mainly use it to both physically and digitally mod some retro and current game consoles and computers for my collection.


Having said that, my wife blows me away and I’ll sometimes have to ask for her assistance on my projects both business and pleasure.

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When I had one--very illiterate. She couldn't even use a cable box or change a tv input most of the time. Computers? Forget about it.

I had dinner last night with some old friends, a married couple. They were telling me that none of the computers in their house can access the internet and nobody, including their three children ages 17+, knows how to fix the problem so they just don't use the internet at home. It has been that way for months. I can't imagine living in a home where there wasn't at least one tech savvy person to "fix" things.
I used to use lotus123 a lot,... do not miss it at all.

I used WordPerfect and Lotus123 “back in the day”, but now I’m exclusively Word and Excel like 99% of the population. When they were both legitimate products, I preferred them to the Microsoft versions but now there’s no going back. All hail Microsoft!
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On a related note, we are in the NW Suburbs because the MIL had a new knee put in. My wife graduated from high school minutes away from the rehab facility her mom is in and won’t go anywhere without plugging it into Google Earth for directions. When it was time for PT we went to get lunch, and the wife starts looking on line for places to eat. THREE times she says there is a Chili’s up ahead, so I say, “Chili’s is fine”, and she responds that she doesn’t want to go to Chili’s. “Why did you mention Chili’s three times then”, I asked?
To sum up, better tech doesn’t eliminate that flaw that all women hold for not being able to just spit out where it is they want to go to lunch.
My wife has had to use Word and Excel regularly for well over fifteen years. We've gone over things a thousand times, but she is still baffled by the difference between "Save" and "Save As". And if she wants to create a WORD document with multiple columns of information, she insists on trying to use the space bar to separate the columns.

Her: The columns keep getting crooked
Me: You have to create a "table" and enter your stuff in it
Her: But I don't want a bunch of boxes
Me: Remember, you can make the borders invisible so you don't see boxes
Her:That's too complicated.
Me: So you are asking me to show you how to do it incorrectly but make it work, anyway?
Her: I just don't want it to have to do it the stupid way.
Me: But you are doing it the stupid way, I'm trying to explain how to do it the not-stupid way.

Okay, that last bit is just in my head...
Mrs. LC had a long and successful career as a programmer/systems analyst. She has never expressed any interest in how the systems in our home work. She can turn her PC on and off .
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My wife is currently yelling at her new laptop we just purchased if that tells you anything. I'm not offering any assistance because she'll just start yelling at me and that will start a fight that we don't need to have.

You know at some point tonight you’re getting yelled at anyway, right?
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My wife is currently yelling at her new laptop we just purchased if that tells you anything. I'm not offering any assistance because she'll just start yelling at me and that will start a fight that we don't need to have.

Similar here. Wife uses all the Office products regularly, could probably run circles around me in Excel and PowerPoint but anything hardware related, like not recognizing the printer, not connecting to the internet, etc. That leads to her getting ticked off at the computer, if i try to fix or suggest how to fix, that'll lead to words being exchanged and an unnecessary fight. Usually I'll wait for her to give up and walk away then I'll sneak in and fix the issue.
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On a related note, we are in the NW Suburbs because the MIL had a new knee put in. My wife graduated from high school minutes away from the rehab facility her mom is in and won’t go anywhere without plugging it into Google Earth for directions. When it was time for PT we went to get lunch, and the wife starts looking on line for places to eat. THREE times she says there is a Chili’s up ahead, so I say, “Chili’s is fine”, and she responds that she doesn’t want to go to Chili’s. “Why did you mention Chili’s three times then”, I asked?
To sum up, better tech doesn’t eliminate that flaw that all women hold for not being able to just spit out where it is they want to go to lunch.

You didn’t suggest Portillos?

My wife has had to use Word and Excel regularly for well over fifteen years. We've gone over things a thousand times, but she is still baffled by the difference between "Save" and "Save As". And if she wants to create a WORD document with multiple columns of information, she insists on trying to use the space bar to separate the columns.

Her: The columns keep getting crooked
Me: You have to create a "table" and enter your stuff in it
Her: But I don't want a bunch of boxes
Me: Remember, you can make the borders invisible so you don't see boxes
Her:That's too complicated.
Me: So you are asking me to show you how to do it incorrectly but make it work, anyway?
Her: I just don't want it to have to do it the stupid way.
Me: But you are doing it the stupid way, I'm trying to explain how to do it the not-stupid way.

Okay, that last bit is just in my head...

I'm in charge of technology in my house, and it's always my fault when tech doesn't live up.
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I have to enter the wireless password in her Ipad when necessary and she still has a flip phone.

Any questions?

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