My wife (no pregger wife pic) and I are expecting our first child in June and are getting ready to register for the baby shower. What are some must haves, best brands and/or worthless things that we will be needing/not needing. We stopped into Buy Buy Baby in Des Moines a couple weeks ago and most things seemed like a waste of money to me. I've done some additional online research but thought I should get some more info from the elites to hopefully not screw my kid up too much.
Kids live mostly in Onseys?, especially those born in the summer. So most of the clothes you buy are way to small or worthless by the time you try to put your kid in them.
The best diaper rash stuff is actually Lotrimin for athletes foot, same stuff in a stronger formula and cheaper. Put it on and leave the diaper off for an hour or so, it will wipe out the worst diaper rash super fast.
Balmex beats everything else for an ointment.
Get a tape or CD that helps when kids have collick, get it now, do not wait, you can always sell it later!!!!! It is white noise. In my day I taped a vacuum cleaner running and ran it in a loop. There is better stuff out there now.
I was never a fan of the diaper genie, our dog always got into it and made one heck of a mess.
Good cloth diapers, buy some, about a dozen. They make great spit up wipes, you will be glad you did.
If you are nursing (your wife), spend the money on a very good breast pump, over a grand. Otherwise she will always be pumping.
Do not waste your money on a Bassinet or Cradle, the kid will be out of the cradle in a month or two. Lay blankets on the floor and change the kid on the floor, easier than fighting your kid rolling off the bassinet.
Pack and play....essential as you use it as a portable crib when you travel or visit family/friends.
BTW, you will not save much money with cloth diapers. Those things are pricey and you go through tons of detergent, water and energy to dry. More diaper rash however.