Huckabee: I wish I could have claimed to be transgender to 'shower with the girls' in high school


HB Legend
Nov 13, 2007
Presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) has a unique take on transgender rights.

In video highlighted Tuesday by BuzzFeed, Huckabee suggested that, in today's climate of increased acceptance for transgender rights, men will lie about their gender identity in order to ogle women in bathrooms. In fact, Huckabee said he would have done exactly that as a teen.

"Now, I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers in PE," Huckabee said. "I'm pretty sure that I would have found my feminine side and said, 'Coach, I think I'd rather shower with the girls today.'"

Huckabee's remarks prompted laughter from the audience.
I know us Libs are suppose to be outraged by this, but that is an awesome anecdote by Huckabee. He does seem down to Earth at least compared to some of the past candidates we've had.
I know us Libs are suppose to be outraged by this, but that is an awesome anecdote by Huckabee. He does seem down to Earth at least compared to some of the past candidates we've had.

I'm not outraged by it. I think it sums up the knowledge most Republican candidates have regarding LGBT individuals.

Also Huckabee the most "down to Earth" candidate?

This guy might very well be a fairly smart guy, and even though the grand importance of the issue is maybe 10,000 on the list of Things A President Should Take A Side On...just a very poor attempt at non-answering a question using "humor".
Actually, the fact that some people consider this funny, including an announced candidate for President of the United States, is why this country is headed to the crapper.

Actually, the fact that some complete weirdo, who actually has some PAST relevance, suddenly came out to further demonstrate how weird he is, and the rest of us are expected to accept it, cheer it, celebrate it, and award it with "courage" why our country is in the crapper.
No outrage by me. Bad attempt by a Presidential Candidate to make a joke of an issue rather than take a stance on it because he doesn't understand it or is uncomfortable talking about it. Unfortunately, this is the type of candidate that the GOP will offer up. I'm more concerned with the candidates economic stances than their social stances but still need a President who takes the social side seriously.
Actually, the fact that some complete weirdo, who actually has some PAST relevance, suddenly came out to further demonstrate how weird he is, and the rest of us are expected to accept it, cheer it, celebrate it, and award it with "courage" why our country is in the crapper.

Why are you so insecure with who you are that it bothers you so much how someone that you will never interact with decides to dress, behave, or refer to themselves?
Why are you so insecure with who you are that it bothers you so much how someone that you will never interact with decides to dress, behave, or refer to themselves?

That's what you got out of that response?
Wait a minute. Are pre-op transgender candidates being allowed to shower with those of their intended future gender?

I did not know that.

And I tend to doubt it.
Why are you so insecure with who you are that it bothers you so much how someone that you will never interact with decides to dress, behave, or refer to themselves?

That's funny, but keep on keepin' on.

Actually, I can't see the relevance to how I feel about myself, and I consider myself a pretty insightful guy. What I don't like is having my kids see it and having to explain why some segments of our society embrace it. I don't embrace it and I don't have to embrace it. Why not? Because it hasn't been scientifically proven that Caitlyn's "identity" change is anything more than contrived as a part of being a member of one of the most attention-whoring families in our social-icon-obsessed world. Or perhaps it is a decompensating response from some unresolved issue in Jenner's past that HE failed to deal with appropriately (when SHE was a HE). At this point, we will never know because Caitlyn has no choice now other than to make the best of it. Bully for her.

But before you go on making a mountain out of a molehill, feel free to categorize my response as my own "perception". I'm not out carrying signs or writing hateful posts on her twitter. I'm going to go ahead and say what I think because I can...same as Caitlyn can go about her own business. I'm one of those evil people who find that it's ok to disagree with where our social world is going
Actually, I can't see the relevance to how I feel about myself, and I consider myself a pretty insightful guy.

Trust me, you're not.

What I don't like is having my kids see it and having to explain why some segments of our society embrace it.

So you're upset that you actually have to do your job as a parent and explain confusing aspects of society to your children, especially those that they will certainly have to deal with once they leave the nest and have to fend for themselves. Better to just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend like nothing is happening. I'm sure they'll learn about it on the playground (like every other difficult subject they have to deal with in life) and everything will turn out just fine.

You sound like a great dad, and Exhibit B as to why this country is going into the crapper.
Trust me, you're not.

So you're upset that you actually have to do your job as a parent and explain confusing aspects of society to your children, especially those that they will certainly have to deal with once they leave the nest and have to fend for themselves. Better to just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend like nothing is happening.

You sound like a great dad, and Exhibit B as to why this country is going into the crapper.

Thanks. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would support or chastise me for the way I parent my kids. That happens to all parents and if you were blessed enough to be one, you'd understand it.

I'll dumb it down for you. Count me as a believer that individuality has limits. Tattoo? Fine! Giant Mike Tyson facial tattoo?- Don't support that. Want an earring, son? Well, I'm not loving that idea but go for it. Want a gauge for your ear the size of a golf ball? No, I'm sorry but I don't support it and you should probably think about it because your ear will look like an 80-yr old vag and when you grow out of that phase and want a professional job, you will look like an idiot. There are 100 million gray areas for parents. SOME people may teach their kids to accept everything that comes down the block. I don't and I suspect there are a few others like me. Sorry that you have trouble with it. As I said to another poster, I guess YOUR tolerance has limits too, eh?

And yes, I'm quite certain that my tacit refusal to pat Jenner on the back for becoming a transsexual is the EXACT reason this country is going down the crapper.

Still, I'll await your scientific evidence that one's "need" to become a transgender is anything more than their own wish. Therefore, that kills the "He was destined to become a woman" argument because if science proves it, I will have to change my stance. Yes, that bothers you and others that I can't just sit back and idly support what others want to do with their lives. But I can DAMN sure teach my kids that until proven otherwise, a decision like what Caitlyn made is little more than an antisocial one that garners attention and a whole lotta magazine sales.
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Daddy, why does Billy have two mommies?

Never mind son, it's just a publicity stunt. Now who wants ice cream!

Hey look at that. You quickly changed the topic to gays (vs trans). That's what happens when you "anything goes" nuts are asked to construct a rational (hell, any kind of) argument. In fact, looking back, you haven't truly made an argument yet. You've simply made insults and snide comments of intolerance of a different degree. Not sure you have any values or information to add to make it an interesting conversation, so this will be my final word on the topic. I wish you and Caitlyn a long and loving relationship.

Someday you might have to come out of mom's basement long enough to actually LIVE in this world.
Both Bill Clinton and Huckabee attended the same high
school in Hope, Arkansas. They both were governors of
Arkansas. Both were repressed teenage boys who went
their separate ways.
Hey look at that. You quickly changed the topic to gays (vs trans). That's what happens when you "anything goes" nuts are asked to construct a rational (hell, any kind of) argument.

Someday you might have to come out of mom's basement long enough to actually LIVE in this world.

Really? You can't seen ANY kind of similarity between these two issues, particularly from a parental perspective? Are you really that much of a clueless idiot?

In fact, looking back, you haven't truly made an argument yet. You've simply made insults and snide comments of intolerance of a different degree. Not sure you have any values or information to add to make it an interesting conversation, so this will be my final word on the topic. I wish you and Caitlyn a long and loving relationship.

LOL, take a hard look in the mirror, douchebag. The only argument that you've made (and quite successfully, I might add) is that you're a shitty parent. And you'll get no argument from me on that point.

Still, I'll await your scientific evidence that one's "need" to become a transgender is anything more than their own wish. Therefore, that kills the "He was destined to become a woman" argument because if science proves it, I will have to change my stance. Yes, that bothers you and others that I can't just sit back and idly support what others want to do with their lives. But I can DAMN sure teach my kids that until proven otherwise, a decision like what Caitlyn made is little more than an antisocial one that garners attention and a whole lotta magazine sales.

Show me the scientific evidence that gay people have to be gay.

You truly are one of the dumbest fvcking idiots to ever post on this board. You make Thomas Barnes look like a MENSA candidate.
Both Bill Clinton and Huckabee attended the same high
school in Hope, Arkansas. They both were governors of
Arkansas. Both were repressed teenage boys who went
their separate ways.

Bill Clinton grew up in Hot Springs AR, so he and Huckabee did not attend the same high school.
Show me the scientific evidence that gay people have to be gay.

You truly are one of the dumbest fvcking idiots to ever post on this board. You make Thomas Barnes look like a MENSA candidate.
You probably didn't know this - and I certainly understand why you wouldn't - but Mensa is not an acronym and it is not necessary to capitalize all the letters.
Presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) has a unique take on transgender rights.

In video highlighted Tuesday by BuzzFeed, Huckabee suggested that, in today's climate of increased acceptance for transgender rights, men will lie about their gender identity in order to ogle women in bathrooms. In fact, Huckabee said he would have done exactly that as a teen.

"Now, I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers in PE," Huckabee said. "I'm pretty sure that I would have found my feminine side and said, 'Coach, I think I'd rather shower with the girls today.'"

Huckabee's remarks prompted laughter from the audience.
Huckabee's not exactly a scholar in the field of sexual science.

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