HuffPo letter to Trump supporters



I'm cool with you removing me from your friends list if you don't like this post. You can even disown me if you like. But Donald Trump isn't a good person, nor would he be a good president. I can understand a difference in politics. I can understand if you don't like a government run by Democrats. I can understand if you don't like certain ideologies, like Socialism. But I can't understand why you would support someone as hateful, sexist, racist and ignorant as Donald Trump.

How do you support him so blindly? Ask yourself, are you a racist, sexist, hateful and ignorant person as well? I hear his supporters saying they like him because he tells the truth, because he's so rich he can say whatever he feels like with no apologies. Just because Trump is saying these things doesn't suddenly make them right. It's not okay to discriminate against an entire religion based on a small percentage of its followers who have become terrorists by twisting the words of the religion to fit their crazy ideals. It's not okay to marginalize an entire race of people, saying things like all the Mexicans are lazy, that they are all stealing our jobs and bringing drugs into our country.

White people also have bad apples. So does every race of people. We're all human. Some humans are really bad people. Some are really good. And it doesn't matter what color they are, it makes no difference whatsoever. Trump says he is just telling the truth. But whose truth? There are lazy people in every race and there are dangerous violent people in every race and every religion. Kicking all Muslims out of the country is not the answer, nor is it the acceptable behavior of a person in an extremely powerful position, like the President of the United States.

The Japanese Internment camps were wrong, Segregation was wrong, Slavery was wrong. We fought wars amongst ourselves to rise above racism and hatred. In WWII more than 60 million people died worldwide. Why? Because of twisted people who were whipping up the population into a frenzy and making ridiculous statements, killing innocent people simply because of their race or religion. The United States lost more than 400,000 lives fighting in that war, against the same ideas that Trump is pushing. The idea that certain religions are more dangerous than others and the idea that people should be judged based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.


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Explain the way narcissism and arrogance are related. And explain to me how arrogant and narcissistic people interact with they have opposing views.
OOOoooOOOoo... The new line in the sand... Unfriending on Facebook.

I guess I expected a little more from a Marine Corp veteran. But Jeremy Nix has quite a bit more to learn about the history of this country and the wars it fought.

I'm in no way a supporter of Trump, but get real. Are people on the left really so ignorant to believe that Trump supporters are on board with everything he says? The more liberals bitch and moan about Trump, the more appealing he becomes for people who are on the line.

There never was nor will be a better time than now for Trump to make a run at president. As much as I don't like Trump, I still believe he's very intelligent. A lot more intelligent than he lets on. He's making a mockery of the system and telling a high percentage of this country what they want to hear.

The only way I vote this year is if Clinton is Dem's nominee. It will be to vote against her.
Was one written about Hillary as well? So she can ruin the lives of women who claim Bill raped them, lie to the families of Benghazi, receive money from countries who stone women just for the hell of it, and set up a secret server to keep all her dealings private but yet Trump is the worst person in the world.
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I can't stand Trump, but I don't understand how people can criticize Trump for all these things and then turn around and vote for Hillary.
The left really needs to worry less about Trump and more about their own candidates. They've needed to worry about themselves for a while, it's basically too late at this point - so better to just smear whichever R steps up. Assuming Trump represents the right, he is going to get a lot of votes solely from the poor choice that will be on the left between Clinton and Sanders.
I can't stand Trump, but I don't understand how people can criticize Trump for all these things and then turn around and vote for Hillary.

I'm no fan of either of them, but political leanings aside, HRC has a far superior resume compared to Trump when it comes to actual governance. Being SoS is all about negotiating and bargaining to achieve mutually agreed on results; same thing with being a Senator (or at least it used to be).

Trump has practically zero experience in anything close to that. His 'my way or the highway' mentality is not the way any of our greatest Presidents ever functioned. You can look to the movie 'Lincoln' to understand/comprehend how one of the greatest Presidents ever accomplished things; or, you can look at how Reagan negotiated with Dem Congresses to achieve his goals - another poster pointed out that Reagan stated anytime he could get ~70% of what he wanted, he'd take the deal.

HRC will be capable of negotiating; Trump will not.

Neither HRC or Trump will ever be anything near Lincoln or Reagan, but HRC is a mile ahead of Trump on that criteria, despite whatever political leanings you have.
Was one written about Hillary as well? So she can ruin the lives of women who claim Bill raped them, lie to the families of Benghazi, receive money from countries who stone women just for the hell of it, and set up a secret server to keep all her dealings private but yet Trump is the worst person in the world.

Preach my brother.
I'm no fan of either of them, but political leanings aside, HRC has a far superior resume compared to Trump when it comes to actual governance. Being SoS is all about negotiating and bargaining to achieve mutually agreed on results; same thing with being a Senator (or at least it used to be).

Trump has practically zero experience in anything close to that. His 'my way or the highway' mentality is not the way any of our greatest Presidents ever functioned. You can look to the movie 'Lincoln' to understand/comprehend how one of the greatest Presidents ever accomplished things; or, you can look at how Reagan negotiated with Dem Congresses to achieve his goals - another poster pointed out that Reagan stated anytime he could get ~70% of what he wanted, he'd take the deal.

HRC will be capable of negotiating; Trump will not.

Neither HRC or Trump will ever be anything near Lincoln or Reagan, but HRC is a mile ahead of Trump on that criteria, despite whatever political leanings you have.

Yeah, Trump has not engaged in ANY negotiations with leaders of foreign countries. They just give out permits to build megacasinos to anyone who asks.

During all of Hillary's "negotiating and bargaining to achieve mutually agreed on results" can you name a single negotiation that accomplished anything beneficial to the United States?

The only thing that comes to mind is her Russia "reset button" fiasco.
I don't believe Trump's a good person, nor do I want him to be president, but I would bet this writer prides himself on being "open-minded," and honestly, he seems about as closed-minded as anyone.

His writing in superlatives as he puts words in Trump's mouth is all you need to see. In my mind this gives him less credibility than Trump himself.
Yeah, Trump has not engaged in ANY negotiations with leaders of foreign countries. They just give out permits to build megacasinos to anyone who asks.

During all of Hillary's "negotiating and bargaining to achieve mutually agreed on results" can you name a single negotiation that accomplished anything beneficial to the United States?

The only thing that comes to mind is her Russia "reset button" fiasco.

You seriously think negotiating for a casino that will end up in bankruptcy is the equivalent of negotiating public policies or to avoid a war somewhere? Wow. This explains a lot.
I'm cool with you removing me from your friends list if you don't like this post. You can even disown me if you like. But Donald Trump isn't a good person, nor would he be a good president. I can understand a difference in politics. I can understand if you don't like a government run by Democrats. I can understand if you don't like certain ideologies, like Socialism. But I can't understand why you would support someone as hateful, sexist, racist and ignorant as Donald Trump.

How do you support him so blindly? Ask yourself, are you a racist, sexist, hateful and ignorant person as well? I hear his supporters saying they like him because he tells the truth, because he's so rich he can say whatever he feels like with no apologies. Just because Trump is saying these things doesn't suddenly make them right. It's not okay to discriminate against an entire religion based on a small percentage of its followers who have become terrorists by twisting the words of the religion to fit their crazy ideals. It's not okay to marginalize an entire race of people, saying things like all the Mexicans are lazy, that they are all stealing our jobs and bringing drugs into our country.

White people also have bad apples. So does every race of people. We're all human. Some humans are really bad people. Some are really good. And it doesn't matter what color they are, it makes no difference whatsoever. Trump says he is just telling the truth. But whose truth? There are lazy people in every race and there are dangerous violent people in every race and every religion. Kicking all Muslims out of the country is not the answer, nor is it the acceptable behavior of a person in an extremely powerful position, like the President of the United States.

The Japanese Internment camps were wrong, Segregation was wrong, Slavery was wrong. We fought wars amongst ourselves to rise above racism and hatred. In WWII more than 60 million people died worldwide. Why? Because of twisted people who were whipping up the population into a frenzy and making ridiculous statements, killing innocent people simply because of their race or religion. The United States lost more than 400,000 lives fighting in that war, against the same ideas that Trump is pushing. The idea that certain religions are more dangerous than others and the idea that people should be judged based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.


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Holy smokes, I clicked the link, and scrolled down to the comments section...Our country is in real trouble.
I have no dog in the fight. I'm not a very political person ... at all, really. But I will say, you don't get into a position to be President of the United States by being a "good" person. At some point you have to stab people in the back, take bribes, lie, and on and on. So for anyone to say any candidate, be it Trump, Clinton or anyone else, doesn't deserve to be PotUS because they're not a good person is just laughable.
Hillary's resume sucks. Her secretary of state work was abysmal. She was elected as a carpet bagger Senator in New York due to essentially no Republican opposition there. The fact that anyone knows who she is is simply because of her husband.

The woman has zero core convictions. A truly bitter old hag.

Having said that, still possibly better than Trump.