Hundreds of Jewish protesters in D.C. demand U.S. stop arming Israel


HB King
May 29, 2001
Hundreds of Jewish people protested U.S. weapons sales to Israel inside the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building on Tuesday afternoon, a day before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congress.

The protest, organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, a national Jewish anti-Zionist organization, included rabbis, students, Israeli Americans and descendants of Holocaust survivors. They demanded that the United States stop arming Israel and called for a permanent, immediate cease-fire in the war Israel-Gaza war. The group is “horrified and dismayed” that elected officials will meet with Netanyahu, said Sonya Meyerson-Knox, a group spokeswoman.

This demonstration comes amid a crucial moment for U.S.-Israeli relations and Gaza cease-fire negotiations. Thousands of people are expected to rally on the Mall on Wednesday to protest Netanyahu’s speech and demand an end to the war. Relatives of hostages also traveled to Washington this week to meet with officials, hold news conferences and rallies and attend Netanyahu’s speech in hopes that they can persuade Netanyahu to quickly sign a deal releasing their loved ones.

Inside the building at about 3 p.m., hundreds of protesters singing “let Gaza live” and “stop genocide” sat in a circle around a banner that read “NO ONE IS FREE UNTIL EVERYONE IS FREE.” They wore red shirts that read “JEWS SAY STOP ARMING ISRAEL” and clapped as they sang “not in our name.” Protesters unfurled banners, including one that said “TIKKUN OLAM = FREE PALESTINE,” referring to the Hebrew phrase that means to repair the world.
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The group is “horrified and dismayed” that elected officials will meet with Netanyahu, said Sonya Meyerson-Knox, a group spokeswoman.

LOL. Idiots.