The point of this thread is to ask for help getting a pulse on where the HWC is and where it's headed.
As a non-insider, here are the things I think are true:
Post-COVID, HWC hit the reset button and the nearly all of the championship team joined. 50 year mark led to a re-brand and an evolution of communication and online presence including fundraising. Obviously Spencer's Olympic run last year. DeSanto's freestyle tournaments and recent Greco foray has been fun. Most of the championship team members have moved on, no new additions from last years seniors.
Didn't Dennis say he was stepping down as coach like a while ago? Do we/have we ever brought in "transfers" - non-Hawkeye alum? How does Sunkist shutting down and OSU club on the rise affect us?
Given the potential of a club of this stature, both in international competition and on recruiting for the Hawks, I ask the many of you who are far more knowledgeable for your thoughts and insights.
As a non-insider, here are the things I think are true:
Post-COVID, HWC hit the reset button and the nearly all of the championship team joined. 50 year mark led to a re-brand and an evolution of communication and online presence including fundraising. Obviously Spencer's Olympic run last year. DeSanto's freestyle tournaments and recent Greco foray has been fun. Most of the championship team members have moved on, no new additions from last years seniors.
Didn't Dennis say he was stepping down as coach like a while ago? Do we/have we ever brought in "transfers" - non-Hawkeye alum? How does Sunkist shutting down and OSU club on the rise affect us?
Given the potential of a club of this stature, both in international competition and on recruiting for the Hawks, I ask the many of you who are far more knowledgeable for your thoughts and insights.