I’m so f’n sick of this…


HB King
Apr 17, 2003
Yeah, I realize there other thread on this but I’m pissed. The Kentucky school had a new alert system that may have limited the bloodshed:

The CrisisAlert system, designed by Centegix, includes a device the size of an ID badge. It’s equipped with a button that, when pressed rapidly, can quietly notify administrators and local law enforcement to the exact location of an active emergency.

Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith told CNN Apalachee High School had the system for less than a week and had tested it for the first time only the day before the shooting.

He called the timing, “God’s intervention.”

Well, it sure would have been nice if this “god” had “intervened” to heal this young man’s mind. Or prevented his father from buying him the gun. Or alerted the admin and sheriff to take the prior threats and warnings seriously. Or just made the shooter miss. You know…ANY ”intervention” that might have saved the lives of two fourteen year old children and two teachers and prevented injuries to nine others while negatively impacting the lives of hundreds of others. I guess that’s asking too much of this god. But at least it made sure that they tested the alert system the day before. Whew!!!
