I fear this board could get ugly on Friday after the tourney game

General Tso

HB Legend
Nov 20, 2004
Seems like Hawk fans are working themselves into expectations of a sweet 16. How many times have we seen this scenario play out unfavorably with Iowa sports over the last few years? Iowa comes in with a chance to make a statement of sorts and completely pisses down their legs. I'll hang up and listen.


We're gonna need you in the fight against ISIS son, and if silliness on a message board causes fear . . . what happened to American men?
This board gets ugly after every loss. We could lose to Kentucky on a buzzer beater and it would be ugly. Pretty much the nature of how it goes.
After any loss or even an ugly victory, we tend to round up the usual suspects: coaches, star players, the "fanbase", DMR, ESPN, Barta, Sally Mason and President Obama.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Agree on the expectations. If they show up and play as well as we know they can against Davidson, They should win and not be sweating the last 2 min.

If they don't, they will lose like they did against NW and Minn.

As far as the 2nd round? Gonzaga is weak. I've watched them a few times and they are about a Michigan. Very beatable by this Iowa team. But we could get beat by double digits if we play like crap
OP...I'd prefer that you stay on the line. Just sayin.

Actually I half expect everyone to pick Iowa to lose on Friday just because BAU....and yes they'll still complain.
We could beat Davidson by 30 and it's still going to be ugly. That's what this board is. A forum for bitchers.
Originally posted by General Tso:
Seems like Hawk fans are working themselves into expectations of a sweet 16. How many times have we seen this scenario play out unfavorably with Iowa sports over the last few years? Iowa comes in with a chance to make a statement of sorts and completely pisses down their legs. I'll hang up and listen.
It's not an unreasonable expectation to expect to beat a mid major team when yr team has several advantages over the other team. As for others whining about how upset posters get, so what? As long as posters aren't getting personal w/ their criticism, there should be nothing to get upset about. Gonzaga is overrated every year, so them as a possible 2nd round match up is ideal. Iowa has no fear of the Clowns and are playing much better now than when they played them the first time. These players never played for Alford but the Iowa fans would undoubtedly let these players know how much we dislike Alford and how it would be unforgivable to actually lose to that undeserving so and so under any circumstances, esp. in a clutch game. There is a lot to like about the Hawks bracket, its just up to Fran and the boys to raise their level of focus and intensity and get them to execute.
heat_dawg posted on 3/15/2015...

We could beat Davidson by 30 and it's still going to be ugly. That's what this board is. A forum for bitchers

*And a board to bitch about bitchers
Originally posted by heat_dawg:

We could beat Davidson by 30 and it's still going to be ugly. That's what this board is. A forum for bitchers.
Not everyone can bring the same value to the board that you do.
I'm not counting a win as already in the bag.
More like 60-40 they win. Not a sure thing
A loss won't feel great, that's for sure. But, it wouldn't be a big surprise either.
If they manage to win the opener, I would have ZERO expectations against Gonzaga.
Originally posted by BirdistheWord:
compared to where we stood with Lickbiter, can we not enjoy that we are in the dance, and a 7 seed is nothing to sneeze at.
Nah, we're Iowa. We're not allowed to experience satisfaction and gratification from the successes of our athletic teams anymore. Everything has to be nerve-wracking, hand-wringing, and frustrating regardless now. Just the way it is.......................
We've made the tournament outright, an improvement over last year.

Even if we lose first round, this season will still be a success to me.

Having said that, I think we beat Davidson by pounding it inside and getting them in foul trouble. They'll make some threes and it will be close but our free throws will win it for us.

I think the Gonzaga game will be very close but I like our chances.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by EvilMonkeyInTheCloset:
Originally posted by BirdistheWord:
compared to where we stood with Lickbiter, can we not enjoy that we are in the dance, and a 7 seed is nothing to sneeze at.
Nah, we're Iowa. We're not allowed to experience satisfaction and gratification from the successes of our athletic teams anymore. Everything has to be nerve-wracking, hand-wringing, and frustrating regardless now. Just the way it is.......................
If last year's team had fulfilled it's promise and won 2-3 games in the NCAA's, I think the mentality of this board would be a lot more optimistic. But we all know that Iowa had a crash and burn end to last season that none of us will ever forget until Iowa wins some games in the NCAA's. Winning will exorcise these demons we have reminding us of last year's collapse.
Originally posted by IronFist1776:

If last year's team had fulfilled it's promise and won 2-3 games in the NCAA's, I think the mentality of this board would be a lot more optimistic. But we all know that Iowa had a crash and burn end to last season that none of us will ever forget until Iowa wins some games in the NCAA's. Winning will exorcise these demons we have reminding us of last year's collapse.


Yes, none of us can ever forget when TSHTF. I think it is best you stay in your hole and those of us on the surface will let you know when it is safe to come out.

Everything has been horrible this year.....stay in your hole. REPEAT, don't come out!

We will tell you when it is safe! Really we will!
Originally posted by packerHawk76:
You must be new around here

This board could beat UK in the title game by 30 and some would still be upset. BAU
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Dunk the f-ing ball Woody. Is Jok drunk? Why is JO playing so much?

Win or lose some are safe bet talking points
Originally posted by HawkeyeinOmaha:
Can't be any worse than after Nebraska beat us in football.
You just had to bring it up.

*Poster heads over to the football board to create another thread b*tching about the loss to Nebraska.
Originally posted by General Tso:
Seems like Hawk fans are working themselves into expectations of a sweet 16. How many times have we seen this scenario play out unfavorably with Iowa sports over the last few years? Iowa comes in with a chance to make a statement of sorts and completely pisses down their legs. I'll hang up and listen.
I fully expect Iowa to choke on Friday so I have zero expectations of beating Davidson. I will be rooting for them but I am expecting another Penn State type performance.
Agree....If we DO lose I think I will stay away from the BB Board for awhile.....maybe check the headlines and see if we signed anybody.
Ten percent of the fan base are raging idiots that no one likes. 90 percent of these people are the ones on boards like this.

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