I had federal jury duty selection yesterday


HB Legend
Jun 3, 2002
In council bluffs. Quite the deal. I was hoping to not get selected, as a couple weeks of no revenue would be a kick in the sack. Took 7 hours to come up with the 12 jurors and 2 alternates. Anyone had a similar experience?
In council bluffs. Quite the deal. I was hoping to not get selected, as a couple weeks of no revenue would be a kick in the sack. Took 7 hours to come up with the 12 jurors and 2 alternates. Anyone had a similar experience?

I've only ever gotten a county jury summons. Went there and the case was resolved already and went home. Ever since I retired I've been hoping for a juicy case. Some real life crime tv.
In council bluffs. Quite the deal. I was hoping to not get selected, as a couple weeks of no revenue would be a kick in the sack. Took 7 hours to come up with the 12 jurors and 2 alternates. Anyone had a similar experience?
You didn't tell them that you did contract work for the defendant and he refused to pay you so you couldn't make a biased judgement?
I've never been to jury selection, I was suppose to go once but they had me call a number the day before and it told me not to report.

But if you really don't want to be selected wouldn't it be as easy as walking in there and talking about the case as though you've already decided that he's guilty (or innocent).

Or would they see right through that and punish you for the attempt?

Not endorsing it because I think jury duty is an important responsibility for a citizen. Just seems like it wouldn't be that hard to get out of it by acting like someone no one would want on a jury.
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For some reason I am constantly getting summoned in the past 14 years I have been summoned 7 times. I have been selected for 2 juries. I have had to go through selection sitting in the courthouse but not selected twice. Did not have to report a couple of times. Last year I got summoned for both federal and county. Although I didn't end up having to report for federal.
For some reason I am constantly getting summoned in the past 14 years I have been summoned 7 times. I have been selected for 2 juries. I have had to go through selection sitting in the courthouse but not selected twice. Did not have to report a couple of times. Last year I got summoned for both federal and county. Although I didn't end up having to report for federal.

It's those 20 aliases you used to register to vote. ;)
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What’s the selection pool for federal? I’ve been summonsed several times for county court and I’m pretty sure they use drivers licenses for their pool. Never been summonsed for federal.
I’ve never been selected in my 40 or so years being eligible. I’d be down to go.

Have testified in federal court. Never in county
In council bluffs. Quite the deal. I was hoping to not get selected, as a couple weeks of no revenue would be a kick in the sack. Took 7 hours to come up with the 12 jurors and 2 alternates. Anyone had a similar experience?
I’ve served as a juror on a 4 week criminal trial as well as a 3.5 week civil trial.

The civil one was big money. The defense (large corp you’ve all heard of) had hired consultants there to evaluate us as jurors.
I've been called 6 times.
County Court in Jefferson County - excused as a full time college student
Federal Court out of CR - didn't have to report
County Court in Cook County, IL - took a vacation deferrment
County Court in Cook County, IL - moved out of the county while deferred
Lake County, IL - served on a jury
Federal Court in Davenport - wasn't selected, but the lead investigator was my neighbor, so I felt pretty good I wouldn't be selected