I hate people that dress like Jerry in Sienfeld

this is true. I don't relate to any of the male characters at this point.
Just wait for the characters to grow and develop and learn from their mistakes. The sophistication level of the comedy requires a patient audience. I would suggest a brief survey of Western philosophy (Plato through the Frankfurt School) prior to the season when Jerry and George are pitching a meta TV show to NBC or some of the subtleties might go over your head.
You don’t like people wearing styles that are thirty years old? What do you not like parachute pants, either?
it's not the style of clothes. I don't like business casual. I never have. even when I worked in the office I never wore jeans on Friday. I didn't like how it looked or felt.
Loved Jerry Seinfeld in Bee Movie otherwise everything else he has done is pretty mid.
I actually rather enjoyed the new pop tart movie on Netflix. Watched it a few weeks ago and it makes for a fun family movie night. The kids loved it and there is enough humor there for the adults as well.