I hope Michigan crushes Texas

And I just heard the Mich offensive line is pretty much all new, but I am sure they are very good football players
Big Blue balls, getting what they deserve!

season 2 GIF
sherron gonna cry after loss or save it for after a win against arkansas state?
If they can beat Ark State- I am eating humble pie 🥧 after this wrong wish/call on this game as the mighty have fallen from last years Natty but shit happens you can’t always win all the time as much as we all want it but this was a lackluster performance by Michigan and I am eating my words
The consensus in the media around Michigan is that they would lose 3 or 4 games. So I don't think people are surprised.
Lol, guess we won't be seeing much of Ellobo now huh? I tried telling him...
What did you try to tell me?

A couple people brought up that Michigan could start off 2-2...I agreed but said not for the reasons they were saying...they said our D would drop off a cliff

I made it clear...I wasn't sure Michigan had a QB...I was damn sure we didn't have anyone on the outside that could help a new QB look good...and while I was a bit optimistic on our OL I said the question is how long it would take them to gell...I'll take the hit that our OL is way more a mess than I thought it would be...

But still...what did you tell me?

I clearly said Michigan could start off 2-2 and I wouldn't be point was that it wouldn't be because of our D...our D wasn't great vs Texas but wasn't why we lost

So what happened vs. ISU?

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