I know how to end the refugee crisis!

They're fleeing ISIS and Assad. Doesn't it stand to reason that if we squash ISIS and remove Assad, that they'll stop fleeing?

And that will require massive boots on the ground, and then what? How many decades of occupation of Syria would likely be required before a stable government could be installed. Even with Daesh and Assad gone, you've still got Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah and numerous other organizations to deal with who would all enjoy the power vacuum.
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And that will require massive boots on the ground, and then what? How many decades of occupation of Syria would likely be required before a stable government could be installed. Even with Daesh and Assad gone, you've still got Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah and numerous other organizations to deal with who would all enjoy the power vacuum.

The Taliban is in Syria?
They're fleeing ISIS and Assad. Doesn't it stand to reason that if we squash ISIS and remove Assad, then they'll stop fleeing?

No. If we just leave the ME altogether, then this problem will go away and there will be no more terrorism or Syrian refugees.;)
And that will require massive boots on the ground, and then what? How many decades of occupation of Syria would likely be required before a stable government could be installed. Even with Daesh and Assad gone, you've still got Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah and numerous other organizations to deal with who would all enjoy the power vacuum.
Even massive boots on the ground probably won't get the job done. We employed huge numbers of ground soldiers against the Taliban and where did that get us? The Taliban is still around and as soon as we pulled out, ISIS popped up.

I'm not sure why the Conservatives think that ISIS can be taken out with the snap of a finger? We've been battling them. Russia is battling them. Turkey tired kicking their asses. And now France is in the mix. Yet, ISIS is as strong as ever.
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And that will require massive boots on the ground, and then what? How many decades of occupation of Syria would likely be required before a stable government could be installed. Even with Daesh and Assad gone, you've still got Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah and numerous other organizations to deal with who would all enjoy the power vacuum.

Even massive boots on the ground probably won't get the job done. We employed huge numbers of ground soldiers against the Taliban and where did that get us? The Taliban is still around and as soon as we pulled out, ISIS popped up.

I'm not sure why the Conservatives think that ISIS can be taken out with the snap of a finger? We've been battling them. Russia is battling them. Turkey tired kicking their asses. And now France is in the mix. Yet, ISIS is as strong as ever.

Agreed, occupation and our intervention only leads to further destabilization.

I'm going to read between the lines here and i think I'm pretty spot on...So you guys are basically saying get the rest of the refugees out, then nuke every square inch of Syria and half of Iraq, right?
I'm going to read between the lines here and i think I'm pretty spot on...So you guys are basically saying get the rest of the refugees out, then nuke every square inch of Syria and half of Iraq, right?
Nope, let the French do that. We should STFO and offer to sell them rebuilding materials after.
I know how to end it: call them Christians. dems and liberals will go to all lengths to squash those people
Um, I got news for you. Most every one of those immigrants from latin America is a Christian. Who "will go to all lengths to squash those people"? Your team. Ain't mirrors fun?
Um, I got news for you. Most every one of those immigrants from latin America is a Christian. Who "will go to all lengths to squash those people"? Your team. Ain't mirrors fun?
I've never seen one repubber trying to squash the movement of the latinos who come in, in TX they welcome them, bush and perry opened the floodgates and they were repubbers

I was speaking of the right wing Christians anywho, the libs want to squash the right wing Christians

the latinos are left wing commie like cuba , I don't really consider them christians
I've never seen one repubber trying to squash the movement of the latinos who come in, in TX they welcome them, bush and perry opened the floodgates and they were repubbers

I was speaking of the right wing Christians anywho, the libs want to squash the right wing Christians

the latinos are left wing commie like cuba , I don't really consider them christians
Given your own theology, I not sure you're in any position to judge. But thanks for the admission on who is to really blame for the border problems.
the latinos are left wing commie like cuba , I don't really consider them christians

LMAO!!!!!!!! Because Christians are defined by economic ideology, not theology! LOL!!!!!! So ... I'm guessing there were no Christians before the Enlightenment -- which is ironic given that capitalism and humanism both arose in that age. Funny how it took around 1700 years after the death of Jesus for Christianity to finally emerge. Hahahahahahah! Even funnier that economic theory is at the heart of Christianity. I could have sworn it was about other things like God, virtue, good works, praise and worship, etc., but I guess I was wrong. Christianity is all about economics: if you're a socialist, you're evil and if you're a capitalist then you're a Christian. Huh, how about that?

Damn, I forgot how funny the off-topic board could be.
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LMAO!!!!!!!! Because Christians are defined by economic ideology, not theology! LOL!!!!!! So ... I'm guessing there were no Christians before the Enlightenment -- which is ironic given that capitalism and humanism both arose in that age. Funny how it took around 1700 years after the death of Jesus for Christianity to finally emerge. Hahahahahahah! Even funnier that economic theory is at the heart of Christianity. I could have sworn it was about other things like God, virtue, good works, praise and worship, etc., but I guess I was wrong. Christianity is all about economics: if you're a socialist, you're evil and if you're a capitalist then you're a Christian. Huh, how about that?

Damn, I forgot how funny the off-topic board could be.
the latinos are certainly more about economics. the repubbers let them in tx to build our houses and do below minimum wage jobs. look, for the purposes of me explaining to natural about dems who don't like Christians- I'm speaking of the southern Baptist religious right white guys. that's what I should have said in the first place. he throws in latinos to throw me off, and no, they are not white, not southern baptist, not right wing. they are 180 degrees from that and natural knows this , and uses it to throw me off my game. kudos to him for catching me off guard

so what I should have said was just say the refugees are southern white Baptist Christians, the dems would be all for not letting them in. make them gun owners and returning vets, ron paul bumper stickers, "w" bush bumper stickers, and they are in love with sarah palin. make the refugees that.... and they are not let in

the truth of the matter is this: during okc bombing they did indeed mix up muslims with right winger right guys for a while. they needed a boogie man. couldn't figure out who to blame: a white right winger or a little brown guy muslim. they finally decided upon whitey. this was under dem Clinton.

so I see the world as commie socialist vs normal people , yes. the dems are commie socialists.

the normal people don't really fight isis or terrorists: they fight commies
so what I should have said was just say the refugees are southern white Baptist Christians, the dems would be all for not letting them in. make them gun owners and returning vets, ron paul bumper stickers, "w" bush bumper stickers, and they are in love with sarah palin. make the refugees that.... and they are not let in

the truth of the matter is this: during okc bombing they did indeed mix up muslims with right winger right guys for a while. they needed a boogie man. couldn't figure out who to blame: a white right winger or a little brown guy muslim. they finally decided upon whitey. this was under dem Clinton.

so I see the world as commie socialist vs normal people , yes. the dems are commie socialists.

the normal people don't really fight isis or terrorists: they fight commies

Well, I figured you probably didn't really mean that, but I couldn't help myself -- it was too easy! ;-)

Truthfully, I think it's a little far fetched to say Democrats or liberals wouldn't let right-wing Christians into the country. I get that some liberals might be happy to refuse to let in right-wing Christians, but it's not really a homogenous group -- my dad described himself as a liberal and was pro-union (which is to say socialist) but also anti-abortion. In other words, it's not so clear cut. I also have a friend who is an animal rights, environmentalist, and atheist "nutjob" who also believes wholeheartedly in the stock market--(which is to say corporate capitalism). Nevertheless, I think there are very few left-leaning people who actually would support the denial of citizenship or even visas to Southern Baptists from out-of-country. Yes, they'll say it here on this site, but when it gets right down to it I can't imagine someone who is left-leaning going against their egalitarian beliefs (however right or wrong) to deny someone the right to be an American based on their religious affiliation. In fact, that's one of the major points for liberals, freedom of religious belief including the freedom to not practice any religion.

As far as "normal" people versus "commie/socialist"? Equating "normal" with capitalism? Those are not comparative terms. Not even remotely.
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who is now "eternal return"?

Hey, ottomwan -- you probably remember me as "loquacious lunatic." Back after a looooooong hiatus. I remember your monicker, but I don't really remember your posts or your leanings -- or anyone else's for that matter. If I keep participating here I'll probably remember more over time. Cheers -- don't take anything too personally, it's all in good cheer as we're all Hawkeyes after all. :)
Even massive boots on the ground probably won't get the job done. We employed huge numbers of ground soldiers against the Taliban and where did that get us? The Taliban is still around and as soon as we pulled out, ISIS popped up.

I'm not sure why the Conservatives think that ISIS can be taken out with the snap of a finger? We've been battling them. Russia is battling them. Turkey tired kicking their asses. And now France is in the mix. Yet, ISIS is as strong as ever.
The defeatist attitude of the modern far left never ceases to amaze me. Thank goodness none of you were in important positions during WW2.

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