I really encourage you to read this

There is almost no part of that , that he did not get completely wrong.

good grief edit: what I'm trying to say is he got almost no part of it right.
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Sounds like his content engaged you.
And, the ICPC officially died about 2 years ago.
I had not seen that before.

It was exquisite.
Perhaps the greatest defense of free speech ever.

I have no seen or read anything that rivals it.

Hitchens was many things but he took the gift of the idea of truly free speech, freedom of expression very seriously and was very dear to him. He was a writer, after all.
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there will be many challenges to free speech in the years to come from multi culturalists and islamists. May they never prevail.

I was impressed by his condemnation of religion.(I have my own faith values that contrast.)

It was interesting to hear the applause of that stance while he circled Christianity and he teased that group as the tormentors of his family.

The silence was deafening when he broached the taboo topic of Islamic fanaticism. That shows you the grip that sect has on modern society.
What's funny is: he talks about the crazy or drunk uncle, my words, who has the nads to say politically correct stuff is horrible- well that uncle is correct and needs to be published in the press citizen
What's funny is: he talks about the crazy or drunk uncle, my words, who has the nads to say politically correct stuff is horrible- well that uncle is correct and needs to be published in the press citizen

It was a pro-censorship article.
the truth is, freedom of speech, like most other rights held dear in the United States, is heavily regulated and controlled. If this doesn't sound fair to you, let's ask the labor movement, civil rights marchers, anti-Vietnam protesters, the anti-WTO demonstrators in Seattle and Iraq War opponents, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, or any vaguely organized left movement of the last century and a half how free their speech has been. They might have trouble answering with bloodied mouths.

This guy lives in the bubble that is IOWA City who told him this? The kid is obviously oblivious to reality!

The kid is an educated idiot!!
The Black Lives matter people might have problem talking while trying to tape up their bloodied fist from attacking innocent people in the Dartmouth Library!