Idiot of the Day

Speaking of idiots, anyone watched any videos of "sovereign citizens" in court? My god, people, they allow you to have representation for a reason, because those are some stupid mf'ers.
Well if they were smart, they wouldn't be "sovereign citizens". Right up there with Qanon types and anyone who still supports Trump.
Speaking of idiots, anyone watched any videos of "sovereign citizens" in court? My god, people, they allow you to have representation for a reason, because those are some stupid mf'ers.
One of these guys was on trial in NW Iowa last year and the stories I would read about it was interesting. I had no clue this was a thing before then and have seen videos since of guys being pulled over and claiming this "right."
Yes, they always claim they are not driving, they are traveling. Therefore, the government (police) cannot restrict their constitutional right to travel.
Speaking of idiots, anyone watched any videos of "sovereign citizens" in court? My god, people, they allow you to have representation for a reason, because those are some stupid mf'ers.
Just wait until several of them are in a second Trump Administration.
Imagine the public defender’s thoughts watching him pop on screen while happily driving his ****ing car.
Just tried to talk through it until the judge felt the need to point out the man was driving, in his car... without a license...
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I can remember back (yes way back) when people would be pulled over for drunk driving and not arrested if they promised the officer they were going straight home.
Note: that did not happen to me.

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