If We Win The Next 2, Are We Ranked?


Jan 20, 2015
We have a little momentum going, which is nice to see! A big win in a trophy game (against an inferior opponent) and a nice win against a lower division power house give us something to cheer for. So if we beat BCS conference foe Pitt (without their star RB) and beat up on lowly North Texas, does or fortunate schedule allow us to move into the top 25? Ranked teams are losing every week, and we are definitely climbing. It would be cool to see us nationally relevant again.

I think we have to go 5-0 to crack the rankings, but time will tell.
It will be close but my guess is we'll still be in the honorable mention. Probably only a spot or two from being in though
Would make the game vs Wisconsin a battle of top 25 teams (assuming they beat Troy and Hawaii). That would be fun. When was the last time we played a ranked team while we were ranked?
Maybe we get to 25 and then get a game day in Madison? Doubtful,

How about if Iowa and Minnesota run the table till November 14th......Game Day Iowa city.......Yeah, probably not. Have to have it in Tuscaloosa for the 30th time..
I have a feeling they would want a top 25 matchup for wisco and iowa, so i'll bite and say yes
I doubt 4-0 would get us ranked unless the next two games are big wins. We would need lots of "help" from the teams getting more votes through them losing or looking less than stellar against their own opponents. As long as Wisconsin stays ranked, a win there would definitely propel us up the ranks. I'd guess that we'd leapfrog them in the rankings (we'd maybe jump as high as #20??), and they'd drop to #25 or out to the getting votes group. 5-0 definitely gets us a ranking, but 4-0 looks unlikely to me right now.
I would think we would have to be very impressive against Pitt with more eyeballs on us on a nite game, and then a few unexpected trip in front of us. Could happen. I kind of hope we are 4-0 and NOT ranked going into Madison. Keep the fire burning for the conference opener. Just another reason to have a bit of a chip.
There is absolutely no chance we're ranked, even at 4-0. We will be ranked if we beat Wisconsin. Shouldn't be that hard, right?
If Iowa starts 4-0 it will mean they have beaten:

-An FCS school (Illinois St.)

-A team that won 2 games last year (Iowa State)

-Pitt, a team that may win 5 or 6 this year

-A team who won 4 games last year (North Texas)

Would they be? No. Would they deserve to be? No.

Win the following weekend in Madison against the Badgers and go 5-0, then yes.
Wouldn't be warranted.
Pitt is #56 in Sagarin. And they are the highest of the bunch. By a fair amount.
Need to be at least 5-0 to warrant the top 25.
No, because those 4 games include North Texas (enough said), a FCS team, ISU (enough said), and a rebuilding pittsburgh team with a new coach and without the ACC POY.
95% chance of no in my humble opinion.

Hawks go out and put a beat down on Pitt something like 41-7 or something and then maybe. BUt I don't think that is going to happen. I would expect this game on Saturday is going to go down to the wire like the last 3.
As soon as you start asking these type of questions, is when you start losing games you shouldn't.

I would much rather stay unranked. The hawks play better when no one expects anything from them. Tend to play with a bit of a chip...
I don't think so. The only national press Iowa got pre-season (and there was quite a bit of it) was for having the easiest schedule in the country. If they had the 6th or 7th easiest no one would know but because they led the list they were ridiculed. I think 5-0 would do it, barely.