Illinois and day lights savings


Nov 24, 2004
so if they make it permanent would it just be iowa and other border states would be on a different time "zone" than Illinois? that would be a headache for half the year. i think this should be an all or no one type of thing but I know some places already do this.
so if they make it permanent would it just be iowa and other border states would be on a different time "zone" than Illinois? that would be a headache for half the year. i think this should be an all or no one type of thing but I know some places already do this.

Why not just have America shift ALL it's time zones over by one hour?
Problem solved.
Some of these have passed in other states (either by law or referendum), and they've yet to be implemented, because I believe Congress has to sign off on them.

Personally, I can't believe these things pass in states individually. Is it a debate worth having over whether we need DST, or which way to keep it? Sure, but handling this at the state level is insanity. I work with people all over the US and Canada on a daily basis. How on earth would I possibly keep track of what time it is in individual states/provinces if every one of them just did whatever the hell they wanted?
New Mexico is considering staying mountain time year round. It would be like Arizona. With the pacific states during daylight savings and back to the mountain states during fall and winter.

For the cites on the eastern part of the state that would be a pain. If you lived in Clovis for example and took day trips to Amarillo or Lubbock you would have a 2 hour time change in the summer crossing into Texas even though you are only 10 miles from the border.
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The feds should pull highway funding for every state that does something odd.

it will get ridiculous.
Of all the things we need to change in this country, DST should not be changed. Do you people really want it to be pitch black at 725 AM for 2 months?
Yes. Sunlight is more valuable when I get off work than when I get out of bed. Up here in Minnesota, it's cold as a witch's titty with or without sun in the morning.
So for the next 2 months having it not get pitch black until 6:10 pm or so instead of 5:10 pm really adds value? I’d rather have that hour in the AM.
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It's interesting to think about, but it's a long way from happening here in Illinois. There is quite a bit of opposition, but I still think it will pass. And even if it does pass, it won't go into effect for stated before, Congress needs to sign off on it.
It's interesting to think about, but it's a long way from happening here in Illinois. There is quite a bit of opposition, but I still think it will pass. And even if it does pass, it won't go into effect for stated before, Congress needs to sign off on it.

No they don't. States can opt out of it. If it passes, then it will take effect next March. I don't know how I feel about being on Eastern Time Zone in the winter. Eastern Time Zone sucks for TV but then again, outside of sports I rarely watch anything when it is actually on anyway. An hour of daylight in the evening is far more useful to me than an hour of daylight in the morning, that's for sure.
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New Mexico is considering staying mountain time year round.

Yeah, moving the entire state out of the Mountain time zone every year is a real hassle. That's a lot of dirt!

(NM will "Mountain Time" regardless, it is just whether they are MST/MDT or MST year round.)
No they don't. States can opt out of it. If it passes, then it will take effect next March. I don't know how I feel about being on Eastern Time Zone in the winter. Eastern Time Zone sucks for TV but then again, outside of sports I rarely watch anything when it is actually on anyway. An hour of daylight in the evening is far more useful to me than an hour of daylight in the morning, that's for sure.
Then I got bad info on the radio yesterday. They said even if it passes the absolute earliest it would take effect would be 2021.
It would be a nightmare for the Quad Cities. As
folks who live in Davenport or Bettendorf and work
at the Rock Island Arsenal or John Deere Inc.
would really be mixed up.
Can't wait to be in PHX and not have to worry about this. (Moving from IL and can't wait.)
1) What would that do for Chicago game times?
2) I thought it was a stupid notion too, but my mom (no pics) pointed out that without it kids would be going to school in the dark.
Then I got bad info on the radio yesterday. They said even if it passes the absolute earliest it would take effect would be 2021.

Pretty sure I read 2020, but I guess it doesn't really matter until it's signed into law. The House could change the language on it anyway.
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