The field is full of Trump and a bunch of humps. You know it, i know it, everyone knows it.
Hell Mitt could just run on being right about; China hacking, Russia as #1 geopolitical foe, Obama care premium sky rocketing, self deportation, oh did i mention hacking of govt AND citizens accounts. Its funny how the left tried to make a mockery of his ideas but he was right on nearly everything of substance.
He would probably get 60% of the independents on that alone and i don't think Biden could beat him (Hills is done....toast at this point).
Romney was a big hump. He's a 2 time loser. He beat an extremely weak field last time only because he had a ton more money than his opponents. He inspired no one. The guy isn't running because he doesn't want to be a 3 time loser.
Biden? Wow, you are setting the bar high. Biden hasn't gotten more than 1-2% in his previous 2 tries for president. He's a fossil. Crazy Uncle Joe is the dream candidate for any Republican. At least Hillary has the name and she'll get women to vote for her. Biden is a joke. Hillary is the only Dem who stands a chance of winning the WH, the rest are a bunch of stooges.
Mitt's foreign policy mirrored Obama's. During that debate his response to Obama was "I agree, Mr. President". LOL on his critique of Obama care. It was basically the same thing as Romneycare. It did exactly what Romney care did, which if Romney would have admitted he "F'd up", then it would have held some credence.
Could Romney beat the Dems in 2016? Hell yes, but so could about any of dozen of their candidates. The Dems have never, in my lifetime, had such a weak field. Let it go. Romney got smoked in 2012. I know it's hard for you to turn the page, your dream candidate got torched, but let it go. He's a loser. He's won one election in his life and gotten smoked every other time. He's not running, the only people pining for Mitt are the establishment types, like yourself, who want him because Jeb is imploding.
I'm just happy for the first time in 45 years or so, lots of voters are getting their first chance to vote for a conservative candidate for president.