I'm starting to think trump might be shadow cia

What happened to Jeb. Bilderbergs? Illuminati? Bohemian Grove? Skull and Bones? Reptilians? Masons? Highly evolved Sasquatches? Zeta Reticuli? Pleiadians?
Perry will be VP? Trump/Perry or Cruz/Perry?

OIT, you must admit your prophecies are hit and miss. Mostly a swing and miss. Can you name the last conspiracy theory that actually came true?
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Probably seattle superbowl or whitney Houston death but most people agree that one was a given
See the problem is: there are psychic prediCtions there are conspiracy theories then there is stream of consciousness commentary oit style
Since Alex Jones is a well known CIA operative and he is a HUGE supporter of Trump this story has legs.
this is what has got me puzzled. well, one thing. there are others. while I don't think alex is cia, I do think he sniffs them out. why alex has not sniffed this one out- is beyond me.
OK. It's getting clearer now.

yes, we don't get to vote. the powers that be roll these guys out there and control everything. I'm guessing roger stone is the cia handler for trump. cruz is there to take a fall, trump shall take a fall, it's bill and hills time! oh goody.