In honor of April Fools Day

I'm embarrassed to admit I fell for it. I was a 15-year-old high school sophomore and I remember getting that issue in the mail, reading that article, and excitedly telling my friends about it the next day at school. I didn't even think to question it, for two reasons. 1) My April Fools' guard was down because even though the publication date technically was April 1, it arrived at my house several days before that day, and 2) it didn't occur to me that a reputable magazine like SI would just make shit up.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Hell, I fell for it too and I was 22. I haven't watched this yet, but here is the ESPN 30for30 that they did on the story.

ESPN show
George Plimpton was a helluva sportswriter. Go to your library and check out "Mad Ducks and Bears."

Thanks OP, great stuff.
Originally posted by rchawk:
George Plimpton was a helluva sportswriter. Go to your library and check out "Mad Ducks and Bears."

Thanks OP, great stuff.
Agree on Plimpton. "Paper Lion" was a good read as well, particularly when he was hanging with Alex Karras.