In Long Island Hamlet, Home Buyers’ Rule Is a Relic of Its Nazi Past


HB King
May 29, 2001
Here in this rural Long Island community, a Nazi summer camp once held parades before American flags and banners bearing swastikas. Nearby streets were named after Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and other leaders of Nazi-era Germany.

While the parades are gone and the streets have been renamed, one thing has not changed: The original owners of this tract of land kept a clause in its bylaws requiring the homeowners to be primarily “of German extraction.” That has kept this community of 45 families almost entirely white.

It has also left one family frustrated and headed to court to challenge the bylaws. Philip Kneer and Patricia Flynn-Kneer, a couple who lived in a two bedroom, ranch-style home along the main road, are suing the community organization that owns the land under their house, the German American Settlement League, alleging that the league’s housing practices are discriminatory and violate the Fair Housing Act. The complaint was filed on Monday in Federal District Court in Central Islip.

The couple, both of German descent, originally agreed in 1999 to enter the community under its rules. But in subsequent years, a mix of both moral and practical concerns came to trouble them.

The family wanted to sell their home. But the league’s covenants, kept residents from advertising their homes on the open market. Even a for-sale sign was banned. Only members of the league, along with their friends, are told. The consequence: A white neighborhood that stays that way, the Kneers said.

“You feel like a caged animal here,” Mr. Kneer said on a recent afternoon. “It’s terrible for everyone — for the kids, for us and even for our dogs.”

The persistence of such covenants, decades after the Fair Housing Act was passed, is a reminder of how deeply discrimination was embedded in the nation’s real estate industry, and how the ghosts of that past linger in the homes of today.

The Kneers’ complaint includes photographs of a rally in the 1930s of the Italian Black Shirts, supporters of Benito Mussolini, that occurred a short walk from their yard. A recent picture of a Nazi medallion topping a German flag in the community clubhouse was included to draw a line between past and present.

Robert G. Schwemm, a lawyer who teaches at the University of Kentucky, said enforcement of these kinds of covenants remained an issue, especially in closed communities where few know how homes change hands and where residents want things to remain the same.

Still, he said the case of Yaphank, a hamlet in the town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County, was notable because the German requirement was in writing. “I’ve never seen anybody in the modern era try to act like this,” he said.


Adolf Hitler Street ran through Camp Siegfried in 1938. Credit Bettmann/Corbis
Yet residents of Yaphank (pronounced YAH-pank) say that while the community remains primarily white, it has split from its racist past. “Most people don’t even know any of this happened here; it hardly comes up,” Robert Kessler, the settlement league president, said of the Nazi rallies once held here.
After a letter sent from the Kneers’ lawyer on Friday and inquiries from The New York Times, the league said it would discuss what to do about the bylaws and if they were appropriate. Mr. Kessler called the rules “antiquated” and said they should be changed to allow homeowners more freedom to sell. But he said previous attempts to change the rules had been voted down.

Speaking on the porch of a shingled home that his father bought in 1945, Mr. Kessler said his community and its rules were misunderstood. “People in other parts of town look at us and think this is closed to non-Germans,” he said. “That’s just not true.”

The league began in the 1930s an offshoot of the German-American Bund, a group of American Nazi sympathizers that operated nationwide. The tract homes in Long Island were first built as summer bungalows for Camp Siegfried, a pro-Nazi summer camp that drew hundreds of participants. Each summer children and adults traveled from around the state to Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan and took the early morning Camp Siegfried Special to Yaphank.

While World War II would turn American sentiment against Germany, Nazi sympathy was tolerated here, at least for a time. Photos from Camp Siegfried show children in German military uniforms raising the flag of the SS guards. One resident planted a hedge in the shape of a swastika. Hitler and Goebbels Streets were drawn up in an adjoining community called German Gardens.

During the war, the league was singled out by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and when Hitler fell, the land was seized by the federal government. After legal wrangling, the league was able to recoup the land. It went from running a Nazi camp to being co-op of sorts: The group retains collective ownership over the land and allows members to own homes there.

The Kneers first heard in 1998, shortly after they had married, that a home was for sale. A friend, whose mother had died in the house, wanted to sell the property. The couple remembered filling out an application and submitting to a background check and a credit check.

They also recalled a visit paid to Ms. Flynn-Kneer’s mother, whom they had listed as a reference, by members of the league. Part of the interview was conducted in German. “They were very impressed that she was from Berlin,” said Ms. Flynn-Kneer, who found the board’s interest unusual.

During a subsequent meeting between the couple and the board, the Kneers say the league president at the time said he had no questions after taking a look at them. Ms. Flynn-Kneer said she believed that was because “he wanted to see what I looked like.” (The league said that person had since died.)

Mr. Kessler said he doubted there would have been inquiries about the Kneers’ ethnic background, but acknowledged it could have happened “if they were asked by an old-timer.” Current applicants are not asked such questions, he said.

The Kneers joined the league and bought the home for $70,000 — a steal on Long Island, even then. But they soon “started to notice that things weren’t like other neighborhoods,” Ms. Flynn-Kneer said. The area was entirely white, so far as they could tell. A neighbor had a black boyfriend who they said appeared unwelcome by much of the community. Mr. Kneer’s brother-in-law, who visited occasionally, was the only other black person who was ever seen there, they said.

In 2006, after the birth of their second child, they decided to put their home up for sale and move to a larger place. But the bylaws left them unable to advertise to the public, and they say they received no suitable offers. They made attempts to take a loan on the property to expand the home, but no banks would lend them money because it would be difficult to foreclose on them, given that the league owned the land.

The family asked the league to change the bylaws to allow them to advertise to the public.

“We kept getting told: ‘It will sell. the summer is coming,’ ” Mr. Kneer said. “But they wouldn’t change the bylaws. They want to keep everything just the way it was.”

The Kneers eventually contacted Long Island Housing Services, a nonprofit that handles fair housing cases. The group will be a co-plaintiff in the lawsuit.

Residents say much has changed over the decades, if not the bylaws. While many of the mailboxes on this street still bear German names like Miethe and Korneffel, some of the younger residents include the spouses of league members who have Italian, Irish and Jewish ancestry. All of those interviewed said the community could hardly be described as nationalist now. The only events related to Germany were three annual parties in the clubhouse, like a recent Oktoberfest.

One resident, who asked not to be named because he did not want to cause conflict with his neighbors, expressed sympathy with the Kneers. The resident offered a reporter a tour of his home, which included a World War II-era concrete bomb shelter that a recent renovation had converted into a pantry. “Our hands are tied in selling this place,” he said.

The resident said he felt the bylaws were a product of a more racist time that has passed, both in the nation and in the community itself. “It was that way once, and that’s why the bylaws are that way now,” he said.

August Stahl, a former board member of the league who is also the brother-in-law of Mr. Kessler, said he would like to vote to change the bylaws. He said he believed those in favor of change were “slowly outnumbering” the older generation who had opposed changes for decades. Asked if he minded if nonwhites joined the community, he said, “So be it.”
Not hardly new.

Good luck being a round-eye in San Francisco and renting space in China Town.