Iowa, MLB, bowl games, whoever . . . buying high-demand tickets online like this is a frustrating, horrible experience. At least it has been for me. I wasn't eligible for this event, so l have no observations to make about it in particular. But selling out in less than an hour was entirely predictable. And remember: this isn't a regular season game, it's just a practice game against a bunch of Brazilians who will get blown out.
And, of course, the secondary market prices are beyond ridiculous right now. There are only about a dozen tickets on Seat Geek at the moment, but the cheapest is around $600 all the way up to $2,000 . . . for an exhibition game. LOL
I'd like to watch CC in person at Carver, but I'm not stupid . . . or stupid rich. I won't be paying those prices. Hell, I could probably get a dozen eggs or two for that money.