Injury Update


HB All-American
Mar 29, 2010
Beathard, Koehn, Andrew Stone, Canzeri and Kittle paid a visit to my daughter's elementary school earlier on Tuesday. According to my 9-year old daughter's astute observation, Beathard walked without a limp, and she thought she heard Canzeri announcing to the kids that his injury was all healed up. In the group photo Canzeri was wearing shorts and regular sneakers with no braces or sleeves. So there's that:)
She get their autograph for you?
Well, I would have asked her to get it if I had known in advance that some players were visiting, and hopefully she would have made an effort against all the big kids for the autograph line. All I knew in advance was that to celebrate Iowa's 8 and 0 start, all the kids were encouraged to wear black and gold to school yesterday. So I broke out my oversized 2004 Outback Bowl T-shirt for her to wear to school.
Beathard, Koehn, Andrew Stone, Canzeri and Kittle paid a visit to my daughter's elementary school earlier on Tuesday. According to my 9-year old daughter's astute observation, Beathard walked without a limp, and she thought she heard Canzeri announcing to the kids that his injury was all healed up. In the group photo Canzeri was wearing shorts and regular sneakers with no braces or sleeves. So there's that:)
I trust your 9 year old daughter's observation more than most on here, and surely Canzeri wouldn't lie to the school-children!
Here's a link to the school page with the photo in the rotating photo gallery:

Beathard was wearing flip-flops, so he's still taking it easy. I spent some time looking up Iowa's roster to identify the players. Andrew Stone was dead easy to figure out, but it took me several tries to confirm the tall fellow was Kittle. I knew he looked 6'4 in reference to the others and built like a lineman, and it had to be an upper-class player to be sent out to do these school visits. But his cap really altered his appearance. Finally, my daughter came to the rescue, as she told me she heard one of them say he's from Oklahoma when introducing himself. Well, another look at the roster and Kittle was finally exposed!
Sounds like your daughter is well on her way to being a Doctor...or a psychic! :)
I'm not joking when I say this. This is more reliable than most of the injury updates I see on here.

She could be where SP is getting all of his info!;)
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Here's a link to the school page with the photo in the rotating photo gallery:

Beathard was wearing flip-flops, so he's still taking it easy. I spent some time looking up Iowa's roster to identify the players. Andrew Stone was dead easy to figure out, but it took me several tries to confirm the tall fellow was Kittle. I knew he looked 6'4 in reference to the others and built like a lineman, and it had to be an upper-class player to be sent out to do these school visits. But his cap really altered his appearance. Finally, my daughter came to the rescue, as she told me she heard one of them say he's from Oklahoma when introducing himself. Well, another look at the roster and Kittle was finally exposed!

Well hell if CJB is wearing flip flops he must really be taking it easy...LOL.
Not really sure what kind of shoes he is wearing has any damn thing to do about his injury.? You can't make some of this stuff up
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She didn't ask him to demonstrate some progression drills so that she could better evaluate his mobility? What are they teaching at that school?
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Kirk said last night that Canzeri practiced and looked good but I would bet they hold him out this week to make sure he is 100%.
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Kirk said last night that Canzeri practiced and looked good but I would bet they hold him out this week to make sure he is 100%.

Is there a copy of the transcript from KF's presser somewhere? They used to post them here but haven't been lately it seems.