Iowa’s Defense Lost 14 to 7 to Ohio State


HR All-American
May 27, 2021
Here is how Ohio State scored their points today:

Petras throws a pick first play, defense forces a three and out holds them to a field goal. 3 to 0.

OSU goes on their best sustained drive of the day. 10 plays 75 yards. Williams touchdown run. 10 to 7.

Petras fumbles on Iowa’s 27. Defense forces a three and out holds them to a field goal. 13 to 7.

Taylor’s fake punt comes up short. OSU takes over at Iowa 30. Defense holds to a field goal. 16 to 7.

Iowa punts from its two yard line and OSU returns to Iowa’s 32. Defense holds and forces a field goal. 19 to 10

Petras throws a pick six. 26 to 10 at half.

Padilla throws a pick on iowa 15 and OSU scores 33 to 10.

Iowa turns the ball over on downs at midfield. OSU scores a touchdown 40 to 10.

Stroud and Fleming hook up for a big play. It’s OSU. It’s going to happen. 47 to 10.

Iowa turns the ball over on downs at it’s own 40. OSU scores final touchdown. 54 to 10.

Iowa’s offense scored 20 points for OSU, Iowa’s special teams contributed 6 points to OSU.

Hard to blame the defense for two touchdowns when OSU takes over in Iowa territory or midfield.

Our defense literally gave up one drive in the first half and one big play in the second half for touchdowns. And they scored Iowa’s only touchdown. Hell of an effort.
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The offense and special teams kept the defense in a bad position the whole game. You cannot allow a high powered offense like OSU to continually start on the positive side of the field. The Iowa offense has failed to score a touchdown in three of the seven games Iowa has played so far this season.
Putting the Ferentz legacy aside for a bit. I would love to see what would happen if everything tied to the offense was gotten rid of (except this year's players for this year but next year fair game.) Forced early retirement. Firings, etc. Including Ferentz, most of the assistants, and Barta. Start completely over on offense - full replacement of staff. Keep the D and all related staff as is. Would be a hell of team.
The fact there have been no terminations after the last 1.5 Years of this Offensive Staff is mind boggling, imagine a business operating at this level of incompetence and lack of results, The share holders would fire everyone or the company would already be in bankruptcy proceedings.
Pretty sad state of affairs, when you'd be better off taking 3 knees (giving defense a tiny break), then punt and let defense do their thing.

I'm thinking more along the lines of 21-7 loss. Although, if the OSU offense is forced to sustain drives, our defense probably would have had another turnover in FG position
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