Iowa City, Johnson County consider joint law enforcement center


HB King
May 29, 2001
Iowa City and Johnson County are exploring the possibility of merging local and county law enforcement into a single facility.

Officials are exploring a site off Riverside Drive near Highway 1 and the Iowa City airport. The city and county are studying the logistics of combining the Johnson County Sheriff's Office and Iowa City Police Department.

The Johnson County Sheriff's Office is currently housed at the Johnson County Jail at 511 S. Capitol Street, a location tight on space and housed in an older building. Iowa City's police department sits within the confines of the Iowa City City Hall at 410 E. Washington Street. Both facilities were built more than four decades ago when the community and its law enforcement units were less robust.

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Reactions: lucas80
On that plot of land next to the bus barn, or make one large facility over the entire area? Move the bus barn? That is barely off line from one of the runways of the airport, so you couldn't go too tall in a facility.
On that plot of land next to the bus barn, or make one large facility over the entire area? Move the bus barn? That is barely off line from one of the runways of the airport, so you couldn't go too tall in a facility.
Rebuild on the old dump site? That site has had all kinds of structural problems with settling over the years as the dump continues to decompose. Build it off Melrose towards the county landfill so the convicts can pick up trash along the road...