Iowa International Laughing Stock


HB Legend
Sep 26, 2009
India has 1.1 billion people and multiple rounds of elections and everyone's vote is tabulated and reported. We have a much smaller population, supposedly better technology and we can't tabulate 99 counties in a first world country. Oh, Iowa DNC, that takes a special kind of stupid. End this Iowa first and caucus crap. Stop with the narcissistic sanctimony. Signed, an Iowa Democrat!
Switch to a primary and just let people easily vote before work, during lunch, on their day off, after work, or with an absentee ballot.

Not during a 2 hour sitting session on a Monday night that requires hand counting, coin flips, and straws in a hat.
Switch to a primary and just let people easily vote before work, during lunch, on their day off, after work, or with an absentee ballot.

Not during a 2 hour sitting session on a Monday night that requires hand counting, coin flips, and straws in a hat.

You are absolutely correct. This is some anachronistic thing primarily in place to retain first in the nation status. If Iowa had a simple primary, it would be like 30th to vote in any election if that.
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Switch to a primary and just let people easily vote before work, during lunch, on their day off, after work, or with an absentee ballot.

Not during a 2 hour sitting session on a Monday night that requires hand counting, coin flips, and straws in a hat.

Sitting? Must be nice. Our rooms were SRO.
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And Steve King isn't even involved this time. It's a joke that mail in balloting isnt the norm like Colorado, but then again one party really benefits by making it harder to vote. And the sham electoral college. Fake democracy.
they should just have a national primary day where we all go vote at the same time. then results would be delayed for two years but what the heck.
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they should just have a national primary day where we all go vote at the same time. then results would be delayed for two years but what the heck.
I fully agree and believe it or not, most countries are exactly like this. In Australia, voting is mandatory or they hit you up with a fine on your tax return. Also, voting day is a holiday so there's no freaking excuses.
I'm going to be that annoying guy that is going to be constantly saying this to my fellow Dems: Another thing Andrew Yang was right on...

New York City voted on Tuesday to change the way it determines election winners. With approval from more than 73% of voters, the Big Apple joins Maine and countries including Australia and New Zealand in adopting what’s known as ranked-choice voting.

This popular electoral system allows voters to rank candidates by preference, meaning they can submit ballots that list not only their first-choice candidate for a position, but also their second, third and so on.

Ranked-choice voting advocates, including Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, who has championed it as a key policy initiative, say it could help prevent evermore polarized election campaigns, increase the number of women and minority candidates running for office, and reduce negative campaigning. Critics say that the new system could make elections much more complicated for voters and be abused by parties trying to game the system.
We had a coin flip last night. Also had at least one instance where a voter changed candidates for a free dinner. Those were captured as they happened. It is beyond embarrassing that Iowa does this. It is like a grade school game that no one wins.

Run a primary.
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they should just have a national primary day where we all go vote at the same time. then results would be delayed for two years but what the heck.
I am surprised by you OiT. The United States is a Republic, a collection of States. Nationalizing the process isn't the answer. If you are going to be a candidate for POTUS you should show the ability to go out there and win over each state. Doing an all at once, nationwide primary would leave us with candidates that are rich enough to run a national campaign out of the gatet and who are media favorites. That's a severe consolidation of power right there.
We had a coin flip last night. Also had at least one instance where a voter changed candidates for a free dinner. Those were captured as they happened. It is beyond embarrassing that Iowa does this. It is like a grade school game that no one wins.

Run a primary.
this is freaking awesome. now, did you guys fill out the paper ballots on the way in? so this person could have changed his or her mind later over a dinner, correct? did they go back and change the paper ballot later to reflect their change of mind?
I am surprised by you OiT. The United States is a Republic, a collection of States. Nationalizing the process isn't the answer. If you are going to be a candidate for POTUS you should show the ability to go out there and win over each state. Doing an all at once, nationwide primary would leave us with candidates that are rich enough to run a national campaign out of the gatet and who are media favorites. That's a severe consolidation of power right there.
I didn't mean to say national. I meant 50 individual states running each one separately. but on the same day. sorry if I didn't make it clear. this is why I said it would take two years to get the results. meaning it would take each of the 50 states that long to count. I guess I should call it "national primary day of the 50 states voting" or something.
What's even worse on a national level we know there have been hacks into the voting systems, the voting machines themselves are vulnerable and Congress/POTUS have done nothing to stop this despite having bills come across their desks to make things more secure. I assume those laughing at the Iowa Dems over some systems failures are going to be outraged over the GOP's blind eye to the exposure on the national level.
And Steve King isn't even involved this time. It's a joke that mail in balloting isnt the norm like Colorado, but then again one party really benefits by making it harder to vote. And the sham electoral college. Fake democracy.
Lol, let’s bitch about Republicans even though they had absolutely nothing to do with this mess.
With the State of the Union tonight and Trump acquittal tomorrow, this disaster will soon be mostly forgotten.
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Lol, let’s bitch about Republicans even though they had absolutely nothing to do with this mess.

Both of the parties in Iowa share blame here by clinging to an outdated archaic system that needs to go away, much like Iowa clung to 6 vs. 6 girls HS basketball far longer than necessary. Change will have to be agreed upon by both parties, so going to a primary system will have to be a bipartisan decision. And let's not act like both parties haven't stunk it up over the years in one way or another. Ask Rick Santorum if you don't believe me.
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India has 1.1 billion people and multiple rounds of elections and everyone's vote is tabulated and reported. We have a much smaller population, supposedly better technology and we can't tabulate 99 counties in a first world country. Oh, Iowa DNC, that takes a special kind of stupid. End this Iowa first and caucus crap. Stop with the narcissistic sanctimony. Signed, an Iowa Democrat!
India obviously has better software and apps. Sounds like that is the source of the problems and not the methodology being used. There iis a special place in hell for software salesmen!
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