Iowa is 111th in offensive efficiency as of today.

Kaleb had a lot of yards which is a positive. The passing game has to be better---if Lester can't improve that quickly than we
are about where we were with Brian.
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It's an improvement. Not a great improvement.
It was unwarranted to assume they would come out of the gate and make a big leap into mediocre.
Through the course of the year, they could get better. No guarantees.
From my perspective, if the offense breaks into the 90s at least they will have reached a level of improvement that is significant. Make it into the 70s by the end of the season and they will have made a monumental improvement. They still won't be good. But mediocre would be tremendous relative to where they were last season.
Kaleb had a lot of yards which is a positive. The passing game has to be better---if Lester can't improve that quickly than we
are about where we were with Brian.
I still struggle with how much of this is about Lester. The more things change, the more they look the same. The 2 biggest weaknesses over the last several years were passing offense and offensive line. The 2 biggest weaknesses today are the passing offense and offensive line. Kirk is the one common element in all of this. At a minimum he decides who starts at QB (same limited, guy as last year), and he retained the oline coach who over the last 4 years has overseen the development of what now is one of the most experienced olines in Iowa history. He also moved a failed QB analyst to receiving coach. Add in whatever in-game influence Kirk exerts over the offense and how much blame do you want to place on an OC who's been in place for all of 7 months?
I have to believe having Lester here only increases our odds of seeing a QB change earlier than years previous, right? I would think Cade’s seat is now warm after 2 of 4 shaky halves of football so far this year. Lester is under as much pressure as anyone to improve this offense’s performance.
will the hawks under KF be forced to win with a last minute offensive drive and be successful, ever again? Seems like every close game, it comes down to the defense having to stop the other team multiple times in the last 5-6 minutes of game time to win by a point or two. This is what KF believes in though.
That's a good point. And it's been true of Iowa as a team for a long time.

The last time that I had confidence in the O being able to go out and win it at the end was when CJ was taking snaps. Even during the Nate years it was always about the D being the primary force to set up and then preserve a win.
the efficiency rank makes sense in light of sniffing the ez 3 times and walking away with just 1 td. but i suspect we are far better at total O and scoring O. can’t look it up right now so that’s a guess. seriously the O does look better per eye test doesn’t it?
It is better. It was 121st last year. Average total O and points on an absolute basis aren't truly relevant yet because there hasn't been enough games yet to compare. Those numbers are pumped up by that 2nd half vs Illinois State. Iowa's offense crushed it against Western Michigan last year also.
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That's a good point. And it's been true of Iowa as a team for a long time.

The last time that I had confidence in the O being able to go out and win it at the end was when CJ was taking snaps. Even during the Nate years it was always about the D being the primary force to set up and then preserve a win.
Forget about winning it. When the Iowa offense came out having to get just 2 first downs to salt the game away I had almost zero confidence they could achieve that. And rightly so.
Not much has changed since last year so far. Still haven't achieved that "not suck" level that we were all hoping they could reach.

Kaleb had a lot of yards which is a positive. The passing game has to be better---if Lester can't improve that quickly than we
are about where we were with Brian.
Let's say it, Cade was way off especially in the second half. He started to struggle a bit in the 2nd qtr after starting 7 for 8.

And not all of it was no receivers being open. 1. Kaleb Brown got behind their defense and a better throw might have been a catch or PI. As it was Cade threw it about a yard or 2 short. Reece VZ was wide open on a 10 yard in route for a 1st down and the pass wasnt close. Lachey was somewhat open on the INT but the pass was 6 feet behind him.

My gosh those 3 catches, even just the long one to Kaleb, would have used up time and maybe got us the FG we needed.
I have to believe having Lester here only increases our odds of seeing a QB change earlier than years previous, right? I would think Cade’s seat is now warm after 2 of 4 shaky halves of football so far this year. Lester is under as much pressure as anyone to improve this offense’s performance.
I think it will tell us how much leverage Lester does or doesn't have. No reasonable person plays Cade the entire game vs Troy.
Forget about winning it. When the Iowa offense came out having to get just 2 first downs to salt the game away I had almost zero confidence they could achieve that. And rightly so.
this is the sad part. both offense and defense failed to win the one series each to secure the win. in that respect we are equally weak on both O and D.
Let's say it, Cade was way off especially in the second half. He started to struggle a bit in the 2nd qtr after starting 7 for 8.

And not all of it was no receivers being open. 1. Kaleb Brown got behind their defense and a better throw might have been a catch or PI. As it was Cade threw it about a yard or 2 short. Reece VZ was wide open on a 10 yard in route for a 1st down and the pass wasnt close. Lachey was somewhat open on the INT but the pass was 6 feet behind him.

My gosh those 3 catches, even just the long one to Kaleb, would have used up time and maybe got us the FG we needed.
Oh I agree 100%. Cade was bad after the first few series. Iowa QB play has been bad for years and is a significant reason why the offense has been bad for years.
It's an improvement. Not a great improvement.
It was unwarranted to assume they would come out of the gate and make a big leap into mediocre.
Through the course of the year, they could get better. No guarantees.
From my perspective, if the offense breaks into the 90s at least they will have reached a level of improvement that is significant. Make it into the 70s by the end of the season and they will have made a monumental improvement. They still won't be good. But mediocre would be tremendous relative to where they were last season.
There is absolutely zero patience being shown. I get it, we have been forcefed shit sandwiches for several years now and we are beyond hoping for something better.But I see a lot that I am excited about from a design/structure standpoint. We are blowing up huge running lanes. We are getting receivers open.

Going into this season, I wanted to see what Lester could design to be effective. Now, I think (like many others) the season hinges on CAN OUR QB TAKE WHAT IS THERE. Of Cade’s 8 quarters of football, he has been Deacon-level bad in 5 of them. That is absolutely unacceptable.
will the hawks under KF be forced to win with a last minute offensive drive and be successful, ever again? Seems like every close game, it comes down to the defense having to stop the other team multiple times in the last 5-6 minutes of game time to win by a point or two. This is what KF believes in though.
That's a good point. And even though we're Hawk fans, and fully expect to be heartbroken, which unit would we rather see out there with the game on the line?
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You’re as obstinate in not holding the defense accountable as you are in blaming the offense.

20 points and 260 yards in a half of football. That’s freaking horrible.
I'm not obstinate. I'm rational. Anybody sugesting that the Iowa defnse isn't light years better than the Iowa offense isn't rational in any way. The first half defense was as good as the second half was a struggle. How many Big 10 teams lost on Saturday while giving up 20 or fewer points? Every defense on the planet gives up points. Iowa's defense isn't any different from that perspective. The difference is that every mistake is magnified because they have to be perfect every game in order for Iowa to win.
It's OK to admit the D had problems in the second half. They are not beyond criticism.
That doesn't mean they are not FAR ahead of the O. They are. The expectation has been set that the D must be great with no breakdowns to secure a win. They weren't great. They did have breakdowns. This is what many of us have thought likely to happen for some time now. That the D has been as consistently solid for as long as they were, even against mediocre to poor B1G west teams, was a great accomplishment.
The D needs to correct issues, particularly in the secondary. But the onus is still on the O to improve. It SHOULD be much easier to take the terribly performing unit and make them better than to expect near perfection from the well performing unit.
It's OK to admit the D had problems in the second half. They are not beyond criticism.
That doesn't mean they are not FAR ahead of the O. They are. The expectation has been set that the D must be great with no breakdowns to secure a win. They weren't great. They did have breakdowns. This is what many of us have thought likely to happen for some time now. That the D has been as consistently solid for as long as they were, even against mediocre to poor B1G west teams, was a great accomplishment.
The D needs to correct issues, particularly in the secondary. But the onus is still on the O to improve. It SHOULD be much easier to take the terribly performing unit and make them better than to expect near perfection from the well performing unit.
Agree… my analogy for this is the offense is like a person who hasn’t lifted weights in 10 years, if they started a weight lifting program today, would see major gains the first few months.. the defense is like a seasoned body builder, where gains are harder to come by.
If you can't see that the offense is head and shoulders better than it's been the last 3 years, you just don't want to see it.

We have schemes now that can actually get guys open. How many times in the last umpteen years have we said "Why can't our receivers get open/get separation, etc"? We've got guys open on nearly every pass play now.....we're just not hitting them. Gill was open in the end zone by 10 yards. Brown had 2 steps on his defender. Lachey was wide open. Vanderzee was open countless times.

The problem Saturday wasn't "the offense" per se.....not in the way we've been saying it's the problem in the past. We've got a run game that is gashing teams so far. We've got a pass game that is scheming guys open. We've got a line that isn't getting the QB crushed on every drop back.

What we have right now are two issues. 1) A QB that is showing rust from being out for the better part of two years and only had a few weeks of fall camp to get acclimated to the system and the new receivers, and 2) A HC that still continues to zig when he should have zagged. He gets aggressive at the worst times (2 pt conversion in the middle of the 3rd Q) and then gets conservative at the worst times (runs into a 10 man box when a play action pass will get a first down and salt the game away). The first can be solved with more reps. Cade still has the best record of any active QB. Granted that was 2 knee surgeries ago, but he has shown enough flashes to warrant him the opportunity to play himself out of this rust. If he isn't showing it more consistent against Troy, then I'm all for yanking him in favor of Sullivan. The 2nd can't be solved and we just have to decide if the head scratching decisions outweigh the good KF brings (and yes, he does bring plenty of good....even if Sat sucked a$$).
If you can't see that the offense is head and shoulders better than it's been the last 3 years, you just don't want to see it.

We have schemes now that can actually get guys open. How many times in the last umpteen years have we said "Why can't our receivers get open/get separation, etc"? We've got guys open on nearly every pass play now.....we're just not hitting them. Gill was open in the end zone by 10 yards. Brown had 2 steps on his defender. Lachey was wide open. Vanderzee was open countless times.

The problem Saturday wasn't "the offense" per se.....not in the way we've been saying it's the problem in the past. We've got a run game that is gashing teams so far. We've got a pass game that is scheming guys open. We've got a line that isn't getting the QB crushed on every drop back.

What we have right now are two issues. 1) A QB that is showing rust from being out for the better part of two years and only had a few weeks of fall camp to get acclimated to the system and the new receivers, and 2) A HC that still continues to zig when he should have zagged. He gets aggressive at the worst times (2 pt conversion in the middle of the 3rd Q) and then gets conservative at the worst times (runs into a 10 man box when a play action pass will get a first down and salt the game away). The first can be solved with more reps. Cade still has the best record of any active QB. Granted that was 2 knee surgeries ago, but he has shown enough flashes to warrant him the opportunity to play himself out of this rust. If he isn't showing it more consistent against Troy, then I'm all for yanking him in favor of Sullivan. The 2nd can't be solved and we just have to decide if the head scratching decisions outweigh the good KF brings (and yes, he does bring plenty of good....even if Sat sucked a$$).
You almost nailed it. Good post except assuming that the play calls you questioned were KF's calls.

Reasonable chance the 2pt conversion was KF's call. But the "conservative" run play you questioned was almost certainly Lester's call.

Yes, in the end, all calls on offense, defense, and special teams can be overwritten by KF. But if KF gets the blame for the "conservative" run, then he also gets the credit for all of the calls that schemed receivers open and opened gashing running lanes. He'd also get the credit for every successful defensive call in games where the D has dominated, and every successful call on special teams
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Agree… my analogy for this is the offense is like a person who hasn’t lifted weights in 10 years, if they started a weight lifting program today, would see major gains the first few months.. the defense is like a seasoned body builder, where gains are harder to come by.
So was the IL State game offensive performance like me losing 10 lbs after a couple of weeks of the Atkins Diet? 😎
I still struggle with how much of this is about Lester. The more things change, the more they look the same. The 2 biggest weaknesses over the last several years were passing offense and offensive line. The 2 biggest weaknesses today are the passing offense and offensive line. Kirk is the one common element in all of this. At a minimum he decides who starts at QB (same limited, guy as last year), and he retained the oline coach who over the last 4 years has overseen the development of what now is one of the most experienced olines in Iowa history. He also moved a failed QB analyst to receiving coach. Add in whatever in-game influence Kirk exerts over the offense and how much blame do you want to place on an OC who's been in place for all of 7 months?
I disagree with your assessment of the OL. The team has averaged 220 yards rushing. McNamara has been sacked 1 time. The OL is not a weakness so far. Not every rushing play goes for 6 yards or more. Cade has had enough protection to find open receivers and throw completions on most passing plays. From what I've seen, I think the OL is much improved this year.
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I think it will tell us how much leverage Lester does or doesn't have. No reasonable person plays Cade the entire game vs Troy.
No reasonable person would have kept Cade in up 33-0 in the 4th quarter against Illinois State, either.

Those people saying “Cade needed the reps!” would be the first to complain had he gotten injured.
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The running game has rushed for

I disagree with your assessment of the OL. The team has averaged 220 yards rushing. McNamara has been sacked 1 time. The OL is not a weakness so far. Not every rushing play goes for 6 yards or more. Cade has had enough protection to find open receivers and throw completions on most passing plays. From what I've seen, I think the OL is much improved this year.
So, here's how I see it. While improved, they still lack the physicality needed for real success. While true that KJ broke some long runs against a depleted linebacker corps, the oline still lacks consistency and experiences frequent breakdowns allowing multiple defenders access to the backfield. On one play where the entire ISU front 5 ended up in the Iowa backfield, every Iowa lineman could be seen lying on the turf about 2 yards downfield. They blocked literally no one. When the oline needed to impose it's will on short yardage near the goal line and at the end of the game, it gets very little push and often goes backwards. This was apparent on most plays outside of the few that KJ broke.

Is it improved? Yes. Is it good? Hardly.
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Might be back there after Troy? :)
After Saturday……


Lol. God, that second half last week and the first quarter this past weekend were great though. Can't wait to see an actual Iowa football game where we can do it for a whole game. It's only been 3 years and counting. Sigh...
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That's a good point. And it's been true of Iowa as a team for a long time.

The last time that I had confidence in the O being able to go out and win it at the end was when CJ was taking snaps. Even during the Nate years it was always about the D being the primary force to set up and then preserve a win.

This KF offense has been bad so long, that if they get a penalty on offense, it's like they might as well punt right away. There hasn't been any big play threat for a long time. Stanley use do be able to stand in the pocket and he had some good receivers and good OL---so that is last time I've thought that we had the type of offense that could make chunk plays.

I think the big plays in Run game with Kaleb were encouraging. However the passing game was beyond terrible. The OL is the best its been for last few years. WR spot is still bad, but maybe not as bad as last year. TEs are solid. The QB play is beyond bad.

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