Iowa lawmakers and pro-biz lobby group "assumed" fed government wouldn't enforce labor laws


HB King
Gold Member
These are not serious people. They are dumbasses.

FTA: Deyoe also indicated that Republican lawmakers had the impression that federal child labor rules would be more strictly enforced for large employers than for small “mom and pop” businesses. Asked why any restaurant owners should assume they could break federal law and only get a warning, he said, “Keep in mind, though, that they’ve been doing this for 50 years, and the feds have never enforced it. So I think they just assumed that it must not apply to them, because it never has applied to them.”
Full article is definitely worth the read. Just more BAU stupidity by the numpties now in charge in Iowa:

Ffs Wow GIF by BBC
Yeah, that's pretty dumb all the way around. A state could have no youth worker laws whatsoever. That doesn't mean there are no rules.
I appreciate you noting that despite being a more conservative type typically.

Personally, I think some child labor laws are a bit soft - I’ve worked 2 jobs or more since I was 14 and appreciate the opportunity.

That said, what a ludicrous proposition that they “assumed” the federal government wouldn’t enforce its regulations.
The cynic in me suspects the lawmakers knew damn well this was going to be the outcome and they are itching to take this case to the U.S. Supreme Court which they believe, due to its radical right wing makeup, will rule in their favor.

Sure, dozens or hundreds of small Iowa business owners will face fines and legal bills because they in good faith followed Iowa law (which was brazenly contradictory to federal law) but hey - you can't win a revolution without some martyrs, eh?
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