Iowa-North Texas will be a 2:30 PM game on ESPNU

My schedule is not entirely in my hands, but I'm facing a 1030 departure and a 2000 return. That's the whole day gone, as far as I'm concerned. As much as I dislike night games, I'll take one of those over a 2:30 in most cases. In this case, I should be thankful they didn't pick a night game. I'm taking my oldest two sons with me. A 7pm kickoff would mean we couldn't go at all.

11 am kicks every time, man. Every time.
My schedule is not entirely in my hands, but I'm facing a 1030 departure and a 2000 return. That's the whole day gone, as far as I'm concerned. As much as I dislike night games, I'll take one of those over a 2:30 in most cases. In this case, I should be thankful they didn't pick a night game. I'm taking my oldest two sons with me. A 7pm kickoff would mean we couldn't go at all.

11 am kicks every time, man. Every time.
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2:30 games are ok. Much better when on the BTN. Since it is on espns network I will just assume the game before us goes to 4 OTs and we will miss the whole 1st qtr again. Not to much it will just be pimp the SEC match of the night all game.
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I love 11am kicks. Disappointed that this one is 230.

I live out west so I kind of like the 11am kicks. Morning game out where I live so I get the morning to watch the game while everyone else in my family does their things. Then in the afternoon I can take the wife and kids and have some fun outdoors and enjoy an evening with them. However if we travel back to Iowa and go to a game I'm all about a 2:30 kick. Better tailgating then.
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My schedule is not entirely in my hands, but I'm facing a 1030 departure and a 2000 return. That's the whole day gone, as far as I'm concerned. As much as I dislike night games, I'll take one of those over a 2:30 in most cases. In this case, I should be thankful they didn't pick a night game. I'm taking my oldest two sons with me. A 7pm kickoff would mean we couldn't go at all.

11 am kicks every time, man. Every time.

Nobody, and I mean not one single human being on the entire planet outside of you, cares.
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I care. So you are wrong.

Da Coach, give it a rest.

You care that this guy is inconvenienced by a 2:30 start, overwhelmingly the preferred start time of just about everyone that actually attends games?

And you've been to, what, like one game in the last 30 years? Why don't YOU give it a rest.

I work a lot of overnights, but you don't see me bitching about how I'd prefer the games to start at 3AM, because I'm smart enough to realize that very few, if anyone, would care what is personally more convenient to me, as opposed to the 60,000 or so that actually have to sacrifice and do the things necessary to attend a game.
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You care that this guy is inconvenienced by a 2:30 start, overwhelmingly the preferred start time of just about everyone that actually attends games?

And you've been to, what, like one game in the last 30 years? Why don't YOU give it a rest.

I work a lot of overnights, but you don't see me bitching about how I'd prefer the games to start at 3AM, because I'm smart enough to realize that very few, if anyone, would care what is personally more convenient to me, as opposed to the 60,000 or so that actually have to sacrifice and do the things necessary to attend a game.

You somehow speak for the overwhelming majority? Put it up as a poll you donk.
You somehow speak for the overwhelming majority? Put it up as a poll you donk.

Learn some better insults, you spazzwad.

You've never actually been to a game before you if deny that 11AM games are easily the most hated, with 2:30 the overwhelming favorite. No poll needed.
Learn some better insults, you spazzwad.

You've never actually been to a game before you if deny that 11AM games are easily the most hated, with 2:30 the overwhelming favorite. No poll needed.

Actually, yes, yes I have. I am starting to doubt you have. This has been discussed ad naseum on here. If one was the "overwhelmingly" most disliked it would be night games.
Must be a real weak schedule that week for this game to get a 2:30 slot.

This is a 230 ESPNU game, not a 230 ABC game. Now that the 230 ABC exclusivity window is gone, there are some crappy games at 230 on BTN or the lower rungs of ESPN.
You care that this guy is inconvenienced by a 2:30 start, overwhelmingly the preferred start time of just about everyone that actually attends games?

Yes. So you are wrong. Big shocker there.

And you've been to, what, like one game in the last 30 years? Why don't YOU give it a rest.

I have been to a bunch of games in Kinnick if you go back 30 years. However, between Bobby Fricken Olive in 1990 and the day before Michigan 2013 I had been to zero games. Michigan in 2013, Iowa State 2014, Minnesota this year. Thanks for asking. Glad you care. It means so much to me.

I work a lot of overnights, but you don't see me bitching about how I'd prefer the games to start at 3AM, because I'm smart enough to realize that very few, if anyone, would care what is personally more convenient to me, as opposed to the 60,000 or so that actually have to sacrifice and do the things necessary to attend a game.

Congratulations Da Coach you are finally correct after all these years of being wrong. Because to the above paragraph all I can say is

Nobody, and I mean not one single human being on the entire planet outside of you, cares.

2:30 games are ok. Much better when on the BTN. Since it is on espns network I will just assume the game before us goes to 4 OTs and we will miss the whole 1st qtr again. Not to much it will just be pimp the SEC match of the night all game.

Why I always hope road games are 11am don't have to worry about game before and missing out on Iowa game. However ESPN has done little better of moving around regional game where you can watch it on abc or other ESPN channel if game before is lasting a little longer like Iowa-Minny in 2013. Game was on abc and saw start on ESPN and switched back to abc once game ended.
You really suck at the new posting format.

Of course, you sucked at the old one, too.

What's your problem da coach? You just summed up your whole lousy pathetic career here in one sentence. If you had 1/10th the heart as icu81222 you could be HR LEGEND by now. As it is you just went from the scout team to a new handle. Get out of here.

(Heat_dawg kicks the ground showing his displeasure)
7 pm >11 am > 2:30 pm

I like 11 am games better than 2:30 games because I can spend the rest of the day watching games of my choice on TV and fighting the same day hangover.
7 pm >11 am > 2:30 pm

I like 11 am games better than 2:30 games because I can spend the rest of the day watching games of my choice on TV and fighting the same day hangover.

If you don't actually attend the games, then your opinion is completely worthless.
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If you don't actually attend the games, then your opinion is completely worthless.

Attended the ISU game last Saturday.

Might hit up one or both of the North Texas/Minnesota games this year. Haven't decided.


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