Iowa Poll: 77 percent back Planned Parenthood funding for non-abortion services


HB King
May 29, 2001
Iowans overwhelmingly support continued public funding to Planned Parenthood for health services that do not include abortion, according to a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll.

Seventy-seven percent of adult Iowans surveyed favor continued state funding for non-abortive services at Planned Parenthood, up 3 percentage points from February 2016. Eighteen percent do not support that funding going to Planned Parenthood and 5 percent are not sure.

The poll found 62 percent of Republicans believe non-abortion funding should continue, as do 62 percent of evangelical Christians.

Poll respondent Beverly Abbott, 61, of Clinton, a political independent who is a retired retail worker with adult children, said she strongly opposes efforts by Republican lawmakers to block public funding to Planned Parenthood.

“I think Planned Parenthood is a vital service," Abbott said. "And honestly, I think it is shameful that our country does not provide free health care for every citizen. This is like some bread crumbs that they are throwing out, and now they want to take those away. It is just disgusting.”

COLUMN:Vocal minority counts most to GOP over Planned Parenthood

But Bridget Campbell, 43, a Republican from Shenandoah and a mother of three who works in the health services industry, said she doesn't want any of her tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood.

"I am against abortion. I am pro-life, and they are the largest provider of abortions," Campbell said. "I don’t believe in what they teach. And I think a lot of what they teach is really immoral and promotes premarital sex."

The poll shows 81 percent of Iowa women and 73 percent of men back continued public funding for Planned Parenthood. All Iowa age groups supported continued funding, including 87 percent support among Iowans under 35 years old. Support is strong in both urban and rural Iowa, with 83 percent of city dwellers supporting continued funding compared with 67 percent of rural residents.

The Iowa Poll, conducted Feb. 6-9 by Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, is based on telephone interviews with 802 Iowans ages 18 or older.


The Iowa Senate has already voted along party lines to approve Senate File 2, which would block public funding to Planned Parenthood. All 29 Senate Republicans and one independent voted for the bill, while all 20 Democrats opposed it. The legislation, which is supported by Gov. Terry Branstad, is now being considered in the Iowa House, where it appears likely to be approved.

The bill would direct the Iowa Department of Human Services to discontinue the Medicaid Iowa Family Planning Network Waiver, effective July 1, and replace it with a State Family Planning Services Program. The new program would replicate eligibility requirements of the existing network, but funding could not be provided to any entity that performs abortions or maintains a facility where abortions are provided.

Planned Parenthood, which has 12 clinics in Iowa, would not be eligible for funding under the legislation, although it currently does not receive any public money for abortions. The University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics and some other Iowa health care providers would also be ineligible for family planning money. However, Republicans say the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics would face a financial impact of less than $50,000.

State Sen. Janet Petersen, D-Des Moines, a supporter of Planned Parenthood, said she's been amazed by an outpouring of public reaction against the bill passed by the Iowa Senate. On a recent Saturday, she said she was stopped by strangers who wanted to talk about the bill as she visited a coffee shop, a grocery store and a children's shoe store.

"People are upset about it," Petersen said. "People are motivated to try to see if we can get the House to not move the legislation forward. They know it will cost taxpayers more, and it will hurt access to women's health care."

But Maggie DeWitte, executive director of Iowans for Life, which supports the funding ban, says many Iowans opposed to abortion tell her they feel their prayers are finally being answered by the Legislature's action in support of the bill. She believes the responses to the Iowa Poll would be more favorable if Iowans understood there are other medical providers that don't perform abortion that can provide health services for women that are equal to or better than those offered by Planned Parenthood.

Sen. Julian Garrett, R-Indianola, dismissed the Iowa Poll's past findings of support for Planned Parenthood during a recent floor debate. He said Iowa voters sent a strong message in November's election and "up and down the line they elected pro-life candidates." He was supported by Sen. Jason Schultz, R-Schleswig, who pointed out that crowds at Republican rallies last fall cheered enthusiastically when GOP candidates pledged to defund Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood officials have warned that the proposed legislation could set in motion a health care crisis in Iowa, leaving thousands of Iowans without access to crucial care like routine cancer screenings, birth control and testing for sexually transmitted diseases. The organization also says other clinics lack its longstanding expertise in reproductive and sexual health care, and the proposed change would increase abortions by causing unplanned pregnancies.

Backers of the Senate bill say there are 221 clinics in Iowa that can provide similar care, and they contend rural Iowans will be better served with more accessible services. According to the Iowa Department of Human Services, more than 800 providers served the state's family planning program in 2016, including hospitals, medical centers, clinics, gynecologists, primary care physicians, advanced registered nurse practitioners, pharmacies and others. All of these providers will be eligible for the new program if they do not provide abortions, DHS officials said.

Jack Neuzil, 86, of Solon, a political independent and a retired educator who responded to the poll, said he favors continued government funding of Planned Parenthood.

"I think it is beneficial to some people who don’t want to expand their family. They need some education," Neuzil said.

But Melissa Barsness, 29, a Republican and a mother of three young children who operates a photography business, sees no reason for state lawmakers to help Planned Parenthood.

"First of all, I am incredibly pro-life. So it is upsetting to me that our tax dollars are going towards that. And I don’t believe in the lie that Planned Parenthood does a great many other things for women," Barsness said. "There are so many other health clinics that women can go to get the help that they need, based on their income. Planned Parenthood is in the business of abortion; they just are. So yes, we are absolutely opposed to having to fund that."

Poll: Iowans are against abortion-distress lawsuit legislation
An Iowa Senate bill that would allow women to sue a doctor for emotional distress from an abortion, even if the distress occurred years later, is opposed by a majority of Iowans, according to the new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll.

Seventy-seven percent of Iowans surveyed said they would oppose such legislation, while 12 percent favor a change. The responses showed little variation across demographic groups. The opposition to allowing lawsuits against abortion doctors includes 77 percent of Republicans and 70 percent of evangelicals.

"If that law passed and you could sue the doctors, you wouldn’t have any abortions. It wouldn't be worth it," said poll respondent James Sinnott, 63, a political independent from Waverly, He views the bill as simply an effort to stop abortions in Iowa.

Senate File 26, authored by Sen. Mark Chelgren, R-Ottumwa, is one of several bills aimed at restricting abortions being considered this session in the Iowa House and Senate, which are both controlled by Republicans. The measure is opposed by Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, the state's largest abortion provider, which says many studies show that only a small percentage of women regret their abortions.

Maggie DeWitte, executive director of Iowans for Life, said her organization favors Chelgren's legislation. "So many women we have heard from in the pro-life movement talk about how they were just not well-informed when they went in and got their abortion," she said. "They just didn’t know what was happening. They didn’t feel that they were supported. They didn’t feel that they were given adequate information. They didn’t feel like they were given all their options."

Poll methodology is available here.