Iowa Poll: Democrat Rob Sand has higher job approval than GOP's Kim Reynolds, Brenna Bird


HR King
May 29, 2001
Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand maintains a higher job approval rating than Gov. Kim Reynolds and Attorney General Brenna Bird, a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll finds.

A majority of Iowans — 53% — approve of how Sand, the only Democrat elected to statewide office in Iowa, is handling his job. Another 17% disapprove and 31% are not sure.

Half of Iowans (50%) approve of the job Reynolds is doing, while 46% disapprove and 4% are not sure.

Bird has 42% job approval and 32% disapproval, with 26% not sure.

Reynolds has not said whether she plans to seek another term as governor in 2026. Sand is often talked about as a potential candidate for the office.

And, on caucus night, former President Donald Trump named Bird as someone to watch, saying “she’s going to be your governor someday.”

The poll shows that more Iowans approve of the job that the Republican-controlled Iowa State Legislature is doing (46%) than disapprove (39%).

The poll of 806 Iowa adults was conducted June 9-14 by Selzer & Co. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Sand draws high marks from Republicans, with 59% approving of his job performance, up from 51% in February.

He also has the approval of 40% of political independents, although that number is down from 54% in February.

Sand hits 60% approval or higher among several demographic groups, including Republican men (64%; Iowans 55 and older, Catholics, Iowans earning $70,000 or more and white men with a college degree (all 61%); and dads with children under age 18 (60%).

Less than half of Iowans say they know enough about Sand to say whether they feel favorably about him. But he stands in positive territory among those who do, with 36% viewing him favorably and 13% unfavorably.

How often do people think about their state auditor?

Sounds like an administrative functionary rather than a person that sets major public policy.