Iowa Poll: More approve than disapprove of Iowa Legislature in 7th year of GOP control

For every finger you point there are hundreds pointing back.

Teacher unions are destroying education not only in Iowa but all around the nation.

It is an educators job to teach and instill knowledge in their students, here in Iowa public education is a total failure.

Thank God our legislators and Governor gave all parents a better option.
Teachers unions in Iowa are NON existent. At best they are “advisory groups”…. Tell me a story where an Iowa Teacher’s Union pissed in your cereal bowl. Please….
As enrollment keeps dropping in rural schools another big round of consolidations are needed.

Just the way it is.
Teachers unions in Iowa are NON existent. At best they are “advisory groups”…. Tell me a story where an Iowa Teacher’s Union pissed in your cereal bowl. Please….
BS! They still donate to political campaigns and still vote in block in political and school board elections.
Why wouldn’t any teacher organization (union..your word) endorse candidates that are sympathetic to their professional goals? But that endorsement doesn’t automatically transfer into votes, does it? It is no different than a newspaper endorsing a candidate for office.
In Iowa, do “unions” donate to specific Political campaigns any more?
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Capital Christianity...."trickle down" economics....the unfairness of the tax code , economic/monetary disparity....the growth of "me first-ism" across the post WW1 Germany and what happened there..........History repeats itself if its lessons are not learned.
.study post WW1 Germany and what happened there..

Yeah, because that’s what going on here…🙄
.study post WW1 Germany and what happened there..

Yeah, because that’s what going on here…🙄
We are finding scapegoats and identifying problems that aren’t really problems and we are ignoring issues that need addressing...and that’s the road post WW1 Germany took in the 1920s...
Just beware rollingball and don’t choose to be ignorant of what’s going on. That is all I am saying.
Maybe you should stop blaming Rs for funding. Especially when your own guy, Governor Chet Culver, was the last guy to cut funding.
Remember the circumstances of “ the cut” Northern?

Budget short fall, and Culver cut “ across the board” as opposed to picking winners and losers. The latter was always the Branstad approach to budget shortfall cuts. Culver’s reasoning was it was “the people’s budget” (a product of the legislature) not “his budget”...therefore an across the board cut was appropriate.
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Culver’s reasoning was it was “the people’s budget” (a product of the legislature) not “his budget”...therefore an across the board cut was appropriate.

Then why didn't he call in the legislature as opposed to doing it via executive order?
We are finding scapegoats and identifying problems that aren’t really problems and we are ignoring issues that need addressing...and that’s the road post WW1 Germany took in the 1920s...
Just beware rollingball and don’t choose to be ignorant of what’s going on. That is all I am saying.
Scapegoats for an economy that was in complete shambles with no hope for improvement because of reparations. A generation of men wiped out. I am pretty sure post war Germany was in much worse shape. I understand your point of view, just think it is a bit of a stretch….
Then why didn't he call in the legislature as opposed to doing it via executive order?
Governors do this routinely w/o the legislature. By Iowa Constitution. They use their pen. Branstad would go thru the budget line by line and make cuts...Culver chose the “across the board” approach. Both actions are legal Nd proper.
Northern...with all due respect, are you that ignorant about how government works? Honestly, Branstad probably did this 3-4 times during his time in office as Governor. It is not that uncommon to have budget shortfalls because of financial emergencies....hence the state’s “rainy day fund” is part of the budget.
You come on here as a hard core financial conservative and really you are nothing more than a political neophyte.
Honestly, you need to understand how government works...really works. Forget the noise...altho fascinating, it is mere distraction.
Failing schools need to look inward. It's easy to blame others instead of taking accountability.
Our state leadership has failed the PUBLIC in public schools.
Actually, state funding for schools was just bumped up 3% ... not 2%. Approved by the Iowa House and Senate last month.

That’s less than usual, factoring for inflation (which is a global phenomenon right now).
For every finger you point there are hundreds pointing back.

Teacher unions are destroying education not only in Iowa but all around the nation.

It is an educators job to teach and instill knowledge in their students, here in Iowa public education is a total failure.

Thank God our legislators and Governor gave all parents a better option.
I get that I am arguing with a moron here, but there’s a reason Iowa’s private schools lobbied hard to not have to release performance data to get taxpayer money (they won in that. No accountability). Because even they know the truth: kids of the same demographics in public schools are every bit their equal, perhaps superior. One of the only comparative measures we get is the ACT Cedar Rapids Kennedy (avg. 26) outperforms CR Xavier (24). Iowa City West (avg. 26) outperforms Regina (24), and City High (24) is Regina’s equal. Private school parents in Iowa aren’t sending their kids there out of any logical data. They want their kids to avoid Black kids, avoid poor kids, indoctrinate them with conservative religious ideology, and to project social status.

As for your braindead, far right propaganda regurgitation about the nation:

So how are American students doing? As the Brookings report reveals, America’s scores on the PISA test (Program for International Student Assessment) have remained relatively flat from 2000 to 2014, but the data from the latest TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Assessment) test in 2015 show Americans scored their highest marks in the 20-year history of U.S. tests. One wonders why that wasn’t reported widely.

As for international scores, we need to employ measures with statistical significance, not a number ranking system. Such proper analysis paints a different picture of where America ranks. Among the top 69 countries tested in the PISA rankings in reading, we’re ahead of 42 in reading and statistically tied with another 13, scoring only behind 14 countries. When it comes to PISA math and science, the numbers are lower. For math, we’re ahead of 28, tied with five, and behind 36. Science is a little better; the USA is ahead of 39, tied with 12, and behind 18 countries.

Yet those TIMSS scores, which also look at math and science, provide better results for American students. Our fourth graders are ahead of 34 in math, tied with nine, and behind 10, while scoring ahead of 38 in science, tying with seven, and placing behind seven. For our eighth graders, it’s a similar score: they’re ahead of 24 countries in math, tied with 11, and behind eight. For science, U.S. eighth graders are ahead of 26 countries, tied with nine, and behind seven. That’s definitely not Third World; it’s not even close. PISA scores are closer to Top 20 for reading and science, and TIMSS scores in math and science show top 10 results.
To use a sports metaphor for these international tests, the U.S. is in the playoffs, but it’s not the top-seeded team. Those real results are useful to know when deciding whether to blow up the franchise and start all over or build on prior success to make the modifications necessary to be the best.

Governors do this routinely w/o the legislature. By Iowa Constitution. They use their pen. Branstad would go thru the budget line by line and make cuts...Culver chose the “across the board” approach. Both actions are legal Nd proper.
Northern...with all due respect, are you that ignorant about how government works? Honestly, Branstad probably did this 3-4 times during his time in office as Governor. It is not that uncommon to have budget shortfalls because of financial emergencies....hence the state’s “rainy day fund” is part of the budget.
You come on here as a hard core financial conservative and really you are nothing more than a political neophyte.
Honestly, you need to understand how government works...really works. Forget the noise...altho fascinating, it is mere distraction.

I perfectly understand how it works.

I was making a counterpoint to your comment. You said it's "a product of the legislature". Using that reasoning, why not call them in to act?

You said "Culver’s reasoning was it was “the people’s budget” (a product of the legislature) not “his budget”...therefore an across the board cut was appropriate."
We are finding scapegoats and identifying problems that aren’t really problems and we are ignoring issues that need addressing...and that’s the road post WW1 Germany took in the 1920s...
Just beware rollingball and don’t choose to be ignorant of what’s going on. That is all I am saying.
With some reflection I do see some similarities. Germany’s crap deal at the end of the war that left no hope of improvement of their situation left a power vacuum that pretty much left them two choices: soviet influenced communism or fascism. Neither one being a good choice. If you listen to far lefties or far righties this is what you see… what we need is centric compromise….
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I perfectly understand how it works.

I was making a counterpoint to your comment. You said it's "a product of the legislature". Using that reasoning, why not call them in to act?

You said "Culver’s reasoning was it was “the people’s budget” (a product of the legislature) not “his budget”...therefore an across the board cut was appropriate."
It was “the people’s budget” a product of the as opposed to recalling the legislature (very expensive and time consuming) ho took their budget and cut it across the board as opposed to going thru item by item and sparing some programs and cutting/ eliminating others...and to me, Culver.s Logic was pretty easy to understand. Did it confuse you?
It was “the people’s budget” a product of the as opposed to recalling the legislature (very expensive and time consuming) ho took their budget and cut it across the board as opposed to going thru item by item and sparing some programs and cutting/ eliminating others...and to me, Culver.s Logic was pretty easy to understand. Did it confuse you?

So the legislature's budget but against them amending their own budget.

Makes sense...
Our state leadership has failed the PUBLIC in public schools.

That’s less than usual, factoring for inflation (which is a global phenomenon right now).

I get that I am arguing with a moron here, but there’s a reason Iowa’s private schools lobbied hard to not have to release performance data to get taxpayer money (they won in that. No accountability). Because even they know the truth: kids of the same demographics in public schools are every bit their equal, perhaps superior. One of the only comparative measures we get is the ACT Cedar Rapids Kennedy (avg. 26) outperforms CR Xavier (24). Iowa City West (avg. 26) outperforms Regina (24), and City High (24) is Regina’s equal. Private school parents in Iowa aren’t sending their kids there out of any logical data. They want their kids to avoid Black kids, avoid poor kids, indoctrinate them with conservative religious ideology, and to project social status.

As for your braindead, far right propaganda regurgitation about the nation:

So how are American students doing? As the Brookings report reveals, America’s scores on the PISA test (Program for International Student Assessment) have remained relatively flat from 2000 to 2014, but the data from the latest TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Assessment) test in 2015 show Americans scored their highest marks in the 20-year history of U.S. tests. One wonders why that wasn’t reported widely.

As for international scores, we need to employ measures with statistical significance, not a number ranking system. Such proper analysis paints a different picture of where America ranks. Among the top 69 countries tested in the PISA rankings in reading, we’re ahead of 42 in reading and statistically tied with another 13, scoring only behind 14 countries. When it comes to PISA math and science, the numbers are lower. For math, we’re ahead of 28, tied with five, and behind 36. Science is a little better; the USA is ahead of 39, tied with 12, and behind 18 countries.

Yet those TIMSS scores, which also look at math and science, provide better results for American students. Our fourth graders are ahead of 34 in math, tied with nine, and behind 10, while scoring ahead of 38 in science, tying with seven, and placing behind seven. For our eighth graders, it’s a similar score: they’re ahead of 24 countries in math, tied with 11, and behind eight. For science, U.S. eighth graders are ahead of 26 countries, tied with nine, and behind seven. That’s definitely not Third World; it’s not even close. PISA scores are closer to Top 20 for reading and science, and TIMSS scores in math and science show top 10 results.
To use a sports metaphor for these international tests, the U.S. is in the playoffs, but it’s not the top-seeded team. Those real results are useful to know when deciding whether to blow up the franchise and start all over or build on prior success to make the modifications necessary to be the best.

Public schools today are at the center of controversy, over curricula, security protocols, mask mandates, and more. As of June, only 29% of Americans—and just 14% of Republicans—put their trust in them, the lowest level since Gallup began asking the question in 1973.
Public schools today are at the center of controversy, over curricula, security protocols, mask mandates, and more. As of June, only 29% of Americans—and just 14% of Republicans—put their trust in them, the lowest level since Gallup began asking the question in 1973.
It is no surprise that your only recourse is public opinion polling. The public have been hoodwinked by right wing media and politicians. The actual data is not on your side.
Public schools today are at the center of controversy, over curricula, security protocols, mask mandates, and more. As of June, only 29% of Americans—and just 14% of Republicans—put their trust in them, the lowest level since Gallup began asking the question in 1973.

Have you looked at the general public recently? Bunch of butthurt loons like you answering these polls. We have a giant segment of the population that's gone full on stupid. Simpletons like you and the half this board think with your feelings and even in the face of data like @Menace Sockeyes gave you - you double down. It's a sign of weakness but par for the course from you losers.

Get a new ID NC, Pete's jumped the shark.
Why wouldn’t any teacher organization (union..your word) endorse candidates that are sympathetic to their professional goals? But that endorsement doesn’t automatically transfer into votes, does it? It is no different than a newspaper endorsing a candidate for office.
In Iowa, do “unions” donate to specific Political campaigns any more?
The largest union in the country, the National Education Association, hates America, hates God and hates children.
Have you looked at the general public recently? Bunch of butthurt loons like you answering these polls. We have a giant segment of the population that's gone full on stupid. Simpletons like you and the half this board think with your feelings and even in the face of data like @Menace Sockeyes gave you - you double down. It's a sign of weakness but par for the course from you losers.

Get a new ID NC, Pete's jumped the shark.
You mean his cherry picked news sources?

The elephant in the room is the failed public school system in Iowa, just show up and everyone can graduate yet graduation rates keep plummeting.

School choice was the saviour of our children.
Have you looked at the general public recently? Bunch of butthurt loons like you answering these polls. We have a giant segment of the population that's gone full on stupid. Simpletons like you and the half this board think with your feelings and even in the face of data like @Menace Sockeyes gave you - you double down. It's a sign of weakness but par for the course from you losers.

Get a new ID NC, Pete's jumped the shark.

Everyone's dumb except you, right?
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You mean his cherry picked news sources?
Awww...more feelings. Find a Rasmussen poll to support your next argument.

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We do have a political party now that runs on no real issues
Like using a different bathroom locker room or spending other people’s money after your freedom to do stupid shit puts you in a bad place?

I am full blown libertarian. Do what you want but be prepared to be the sole sufferer of your decisions.

Don’t like your school? Run for school board. Or just move. Don’t care either way.

Democrats keep promising to tax the rich? When will that happen?
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You mean his cherry picked news sources?

The elephant in the room is the failed public school system in Iowa, just show up and everyone can graduate yet graduation rates keep plummeting.

School choice was the saviour of our children.

Awww...more feelings. Find a Rasmussen poll to support your next argument.

Maybe Pete will explain to us how TIMSS, by far the largest, most thorough, and most referenced international comparative test, is “Cherry picked”. I think I understand why they hated their education system.
Maybe Pete will explain to us how TIMSS, by far the largest, most thorough, and most referenced international comparative test, is “Cherry picked”. I think I understand why they hated their education system.

You’re going to be waiting a long time for any response that makes sense. It’s all feelings…there’s a boogeyman these boys are chasing and they’ve got to take him down!

Edit to add: Hahahah! And Nordy’s right on queue with his response to you. So predictable.
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