Iowa ranked the 16th most independent state in the union.


HR Legend
Dec 23, 2007
Not bad, but work to be done.

Americans value independence. We fought hard for it during the Revolutionary War, and in the present day, we celebrate not only our freedom from the British crown but also our strong ability to rely upon ourselves as individuals. Now, with inflation affecting people across the country, many Americans are struggling to maintain financial independence. Some have become at least temporarily more dependent on support from the federal government. Other people have become more dependent on personal vices, such as drinking and drugs, due to stress and depression.

In order to find out where Americans are the most self-reliant, WalletHub compared the 50 states based on five sources of dependency: consumer finances, the government, the job market, international trade and personal vices. We broke down these categories into 39 key indicators of independence, from the share of households receiving public assistance to the unemployment rate to the share of adults with gambling disorders.

uhhh, they don't call it texas independence for nothing, we used to be our own country... wallet hub has iowa 16 and texas 41??? what is independence -to the wallet hub?