Iowa regulators approve Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline


HB King
May 29, 2001
Iowa regulators approved an application from Summit Carbon Solutions to build a carbon dioxide capture pipeline across the state on Tuesday, capping three years of proceedings and debate and marking the first major approval for the five-state project.
The Iowa Utilities Board, in a 507-page order approving the project, found that the pipeline will “promote the public convenience and necessity” and found Summit could be granted the right of eminent domain to involuntarily take land — with compensation — for the project. There are 859 remaining parcels of land along the route where owners have not signed voluntary easements with the company, according to the order.

"The momentum will continue as we prepare to file our South Dakota permit application in early July," said Summit Carbon Solutions CEO Lee Blank in a statement Tuesday. "We look forward to engaging with the state throughout this process and are confident in a successful outcome."

James Powell is chief operating officer of Summit Carbon Solutions. (Screenshot of IUB livestream)

The proposed pipeline would cover more than 680 miles in 29 Iowa counties. Summit plans to connect to 57 ethanol plants in Iowa to capture CO2 emissions and shuttle them to an underground reservoir in North Dakota.

The pipeline will have the capacity to move 18 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year, Summit has said.
The project has encountered stark resistance from environmentalists, who argue it will not seriously address greenhouse gas emissions, and from landowners opposed to the use of eminent domain.

State lawmakers have attempted to curtail the eminent domain authority of the projects. Over the last three years, the Iowa House passed three largely bipartisan measures to limit eminent domain for the projects, but the bills have died in the Senate.

The pipeline will have the capacity to move 18 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year, Summit has said.
The project has encountered stark resistance from environmentalists, who argue it will not seriously address greenhouse gas emissions, and from landowners opposed to the use of eminent domain.

Doesn't matter,.. Summit understands that ethanol manufacturers will be forced via governmental regulation to use their system for sequestration of the carbon dioxide byproduct,.. They're just taking advantage of an artificial economic opportunity...
According to the ruling, Summit must:

  • “Obtain and maintain at least a $100 million insurance policy.”
  • “Comply with certain construction methods.”
  • “Ensure landowners and tenants are compensated for damages that may result from the construction of Summit Carbon’s hazardous liquid pipeline.”
  • Delay construction until it has “obtained agency-level approval for a route and sequestration site in North Dakota and a route in South Dakota.”
  • Can’t connect to ethanol plants in Minnesota and Nebraska without their prior approval.
I copied and pasted the above. It is from KTIV of Sioux City.
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Big name Iowa Republicans like the kind they can profit off of directly though
You don't get a big sky box at Kinnick like Bruce Rastetter does by spending your own money.
Kudos to Kimmie, she played the long game stacking the utilities board and letting it become a fait accompli versus listening to what the citizens want. It's funny how Kim is selective in when she thinks the citizens can make good choices.
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You don't get a big sky box at Kinnick like Bruce Rastetter does by spending your own money.
Kudos to Jimmie, she played the long game stacking the utilities board and letting it become a fait accompli versus listening to what the citizens want. It's funny how Kim is selective in when she thinks the citizens can make good choices.
Well, some citizens will always agree with her.,Imagine if Chet Culver would have tried this?
According to the ruling, Summit must:

  • “Obtain and maintain at least a $100 million insurance policy.”
  • “Comply with certain construction methods.”
  • “Ensure landowners and tenants are compensated for damages that may result from the construction of Summit Carbon’s hazardous liquid pipeline.”
  • Delay construction until it has “obtained agency-level approval for a route and sequestration site in North Dakota and a route in South Dakota.”
  • Can’t connect to ethanol plants in Minnesota and Nebraska without their prior approval.
I copied and pasted the above. It is from KTIV of Sioux City.
Other stipulations: ( Again, I am copy and paste this info.)

The company may not begin construction in Iowa immediately, as one of the conditions the IUB placed on Summit is that the company “shall not commence construction on any segment of pipe in Iowa until it has obtained agency approval for a route and sequestration site in North Dakota and an agency approval of a route in South Dakota.” The Board also requires Summit be granted approval in Minnesota before constructing 36 miles of the pipeline in Clay, Dickinson, and Emmet counties. Summit must additionally obtain approval to connect to at least one ethanol plant in Nebraska before constructing approximately 30 miles of pipeline through Plymouth and Woodbury counties.
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I really think the pendulum is in the beginning of swinging back to Democrats. It will take awhile but it has started.
Whoever said “Ultimate power ultimately corrupts” was 100% correct. This abortion crap showed Kim’s arrogance…..and the school voucher bullshit has opened up Iowans eyes. Small rural districts will soon see the voucher question as their Waterloo……and honestly, the margins between D’s and R’s in many districts is not that great to begin with……
Que up “Happy Days are Here Again”………..
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Kimmy’s rural support continues to erode.
She doesn’t care. She’s going to cash in on this somehow.
I’ll bet anyone that she winds up on a board or something and makes money off of this after she leaves office. Or, one of her kids winds up on a board with Eric Branstad.
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Dim Kim sells out her fellow Iowans. Suprised? You shouldn't be... she did the same with the school voucher support for the DeVos cartel. Iowa be damned per Dim Kim.
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Pat Grassley has come out and said he is concerned about individual’s property rights and the use of eminent domain. He says elected Republicans want to protect our rights also. This is a lie. He and other Republicans are only concerned what Bruce Rastetter wants. Grassley wants his, his families, and other elected Republicans property rights protected. He is lying to us.

I suppose nobody runs against Grassley in his district but I am hoping somebody steps up to try and defeat this man .
It is time to take out key Republicans in the Iowa House and Senate.
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