Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst blocks bill guaranteeing federal access to contraception


HR King
May 29, 2001
Iowa Republican U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst blocked an attempt by Senate Democrats on Wednesday to pass legislation that would guarantee access to contraceptives nationwide should the U.S. Supreme Court overturn decadeslong precedent, as it did last month on abortion.

Ernst, a combat veteran, also voted against a procedural vote to advance legislation providing health care for military veterans impacted by burn pits. The Red Oak native voted to pass a previous version of the bill.

Some Senate Republicans raised objections to the Honoring Our PACT Act because it would reclassify nearly $400 billion in current Veterans Affairs spending from discretionary to mandatory accounts, thereby potentially freeing up more budget authority to increase discretionary spending on other domestic programs.


“Senator Ernst supports the PACT Act and believes that if Senator (Chuck) Schumer gets to amend the bill due to his own incompetence, Republicans should be able to make this vitally important bill stronger without sacrificing a single dollar of care for our veterans,” Ernst’s office said in a statement.

The measure passed the Senate in June, 84-14, and by a 342-88 vote in the House. But technical corrections sent the measure back to the Senate for another procedural vote on Wednesday.

Twenty-five Republicans who supported the previous version of the bill, including Ernst, did not support the procedural vote to advance the bill.

Fellow Iowa Republican U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley voted in favor of the procedural motion and voted to pass the bill in June.

Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn told Roll Call he expected the bill "ultimately will pass in some form or another," but Republicans are hoping there "will be a negotiation to eliminate some of the mandatory spending in the bill.“

Birth control​

U.S. Senate Democrats on Wednesday also tried to pass a bill that would codify a federal right to contraception, which the U.S. Supreme Court first recognized in a 1965 ruling.

On Iowa Politics​

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Democrats argue that right is threatened by the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision that overturned a federal right to an abortion and by Republican lawmakers in states across the country eyeing restrictions on birth control.

In a concurrence to Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion last month overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade decision from 1973, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that the court should now review other precedents, including a 1965 ruling that affirmed the rights of married couples’ use of contraceptives.

Ernst objected to Massachusetts Democratic U.S. Sen. Ed Markey’s request for unanimous consent to pass the bill, saying the measure went too far.

Congressional Republicans, including Iowa Reps. Ashley Hinson and Mariannette Miller-Meeks — who voted against a House-passed version last week — said the bill would lead to more abortions, which supporters deny, allow the use of drugs not yet fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration and force health-care providers to offer contraceptives, even if that contradicted their religious beliefs.

Instead, Ernst offered a proposal that would allow people over the age of 18 to access birth control pills over the counter without a prescription. The bill would incentivize manufacturers of oral birth control to file for over-the-counter approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, giving those applications priority review and waiving associated application fees.

The FDA is currently considering whether to approve over-the-counter contraceptive pills from HRA Pharma.

Ernst was joined by Grassley, Hinson and Miller-Meeks in introducing the bill.

In a statement, Ernst called the proposed measure “an important and common-sense step in expanding health-care choices and removing unnecessary hurdles, especially for those in rural areas who may need to travel long distances in some cases just to see their doctor.”

Senate Democrats contend Ernst’s bill fails to protect access to contraception, as it does not address many kinds of contraception covered under Democrats’ bill, such as long-acting reversible contraceptives, emergency contraceptives, injectables, vaginal barrier methods, transdermal patches and more.

Democrats, too, note that when purchased over the counter, costs typically come out of pocket and are not covered by health insurance. Meaning contraception could still be inaccessible to women if cost is a barrier.

“It’s a priority of mine to make sure that insurance does cover it,” Hinson said Monday during a walking tour of Main Street Vinton to meet with small businesses, which included a stop at a local pharmacy.

“We know that based on need there are many programs where women can access birth control for free,” Hinson said.

Senate Democrats introduced a bill last month to ensure that insurers fully cover over-the-counter birth control without any out-of-pocket costs.

Additionally, the bill backed by Iowa Republicans applies only to adult women, with no mention of teenagers who use birth control pills to help regulate their menstrual cycle as well as those who use it to avoid pregnancy.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1977 that minors have a constitutional right to obtain contraceptives, and states can’t require parental consent.

“That’s a hormone going into your body. I think parents need to be in the driver’s seat there in terms of what’s best for their children,” Hinson said Monday.

Ernst’s office, in a statement Thursday, defended the bill, arguing it “expands health-care choices for women” and “she believes that’s the right approach.”

Joni also was the one that blocked increasing the minimum wage from $7.

Joni also blocked expanding health care for her comerades in arms that were crippled in the mid east wars.

Iowa's newest Senator-for-Life.
re: birth control pills

I'm not sure it is widely known among the (male) general public that birth control meds have many beneficial applications and that they are prescribed for medical issues other than contraception.

Adolescent girls and young women are often prescribed birth control pills for irregular or absent menstrual periods, menstrual cramps, acne, PMS, endometriosis, Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Girls who are diagnosed with PCOS are often prescribed oral contraceptives to lower their hormone levels and regulate their menstrual periods.

My wife was prescribed birth control for endometriosis when she was in her early 30s. It wouldn't surprise me if a very large segment of women at child bearing age use birth control meds for reasons other than, or in addition to, contraception.

The anti-abortion zealots coming after contraceptive meds might be in for a bigger fight than they may expect.

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I've never understood the argument that somebody votes against some bill because it isn't "good enough". Pass the dam bill and then work to make it better next time.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
Just pass it and we’ll work to fix it later. Sounds good since the two sides work so well together.
Your parties entire platform is "let's pass it and figure out the details later" and you can't seem to figure out why inflation is out of control and the dems get nothing done.

Thanks for the laugh.
Yes the GOP is acting in good faith blocking everything and projecting about all issues largely created under their Colusal failures of 2016-2020 including enabling a conman President as he decimated our institutions. Get a clue finally it is pathetic
Yes the GOP is acting in good faith blocking everything and projecting about all issues largely created under their Colusal failures of 2016-2020 including enabling a conman President as he decimated our institutions. Get a clue finally it is pathetic
You have nothing to offer but a constant finger pointing at a guy who hasn't been the one calling the shots for damn near 2 years.

Talk about pathetic.
Oooo but the 6th grade social studies teacher totally has a PhD...

I'm right there with you. ALL teachers should have PhDs. Otherwise let the parents handle it.

No public school should be allowed to even open its doors unless every teaching spot is filled by someone with a PhD.

Or, in the case of Texas, if they served in the military. Because that's nearly the same thing.

Needless to say, private and religious schools don't fall under these rules.

Especially religious schools. If you know your bible, you can teach. Heck, if you know a little of your bible you can teach. Even if the little you know is sometimes wrong.
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I'm right there with you. ALL teachers should have PhDs. Otherwise let the parents handle it.

No public school should be allowed to even open its doors unless every teaching spot is filled by someone with a PhD.

Or, in the case of Texas, if they served in the military. Because that's nearly the same thing.

Needless to say, private and religious schools don't fall under these rules.

Especially religious schools. If you know your bible, you can teach. Heck, if you know a little of your bible you can teach. Even if the little you know is sometimes wrong.
That's a hell of a straw man you just created.

It's funny how far the left has been willing to distance themselves from the idea that parents know how to parent.
That's a hell of a straw man you just created.

It's funny how far the left has been willing to distance themselves from the idea that parents know how to parent.
If "parents know how to parent" then why are there so many shootings? Why are there so many kids who aren't on grade level? Why are so many kids hungry? Why are you wanting to ban books or prevent teachers from teaching?

Parents want to choose their choice and to hell with anyone else's choice. Or they want to parent until shit gets real and then they blame someone else. This is why we need to make getting guns difficult and ensure those using them get proper training. It's why we need to properly fund all schools and PreK so the kids get off to a better start. It's why we need to let teachers do their job and if little Johnny comes home saying he believes in climate change you can give him your side and let little Johnny figure out which makes sense to him.
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If "parents know how to parent" then why are there so many shootings? Why are there so many kids who aren't on grade level? Why are so many kids hungry? Why are you wanting to ban books or prevent teachers from teaching?

Parents want to choose their choice and to hell with anyone else's choice. Or they want to parent until shit gets real and then they blame someone else. This is why we need to make getting guns difficult and ensure those using them get proper training. It's why we need to properly fund all schools and PreK so the kids get off to a better start. It's why we need to let teachers do their job and if little Johnny comes home saying he believes in climate change you can give him your side and let little Johnny figure out which makes sense to him.
You are doing great.
It's funny how far the left has been willing to distance themselves from the idea that parents know how to parent.

You do realize Texas is investigating parents of trans children for child abuse if they provide gender affirming care?

I know you love playing the victim and pretending Democrats are the real fascists but let me know when any Blue state goes to those levels of taking a parents ability to parent away.
You do realize Texas is investigating parents of trans children for child abuse if they provide gender affirming care?

I know you love playing the victim and pretending Democrats are the real fascists but let me know when any Blue state goes to those levels of taking a parents ability to parent away.
In Texas if it is found the parent is acting in the best interests of the child, and doing what they are wanting, the parent is not charged with anything right?

I don't know who you are to act like I give a shit about what you do on these boards.
That's a hell of a straw man you just created.
Says the guy who introduced the idiotic straw man about 6th grade teachers not being PhDs.

I guess you can only see that it's a straw man argument when it's reflected back to you. And even then, you can't recognize that you launched that straw man.

Needless to say, I wouldn't want you teaching my kids.
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Says the guy who introduced the idiotic straw man about 6th grade teachers not being PhDs.

I guess you can only see that it's a straw man argument when it's reflected back to you. And even then, you can't recognize that you launched that straw man.

Needless to say, I wouldn't want you teaching my kids.
We were discussing teachers and the knowledge they have correct? Thus discussing teachers and their training is not a strawman.

In Texas if it is found the parent is acting in the best interests of the child, and doing what they are wanting, the parent is not charged with anything right?

I don't know who you are to act like I give a shit about what you do on these boards.

Any sane person would agree just having a trans child shouldn't automatically warrant an investigation from CPS. Texas Republicans just want to harass parents who have the audacity of accepting their child for who they are.

For all your crying that this place is a liberal echo chamber you seem to take this place pretty seriously.
I've never understood the argument that somebody votes against some bill because it isn't "good enough". Pass the dam bill and then work to make it better next time.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
“Perfect” is nothing more than an excuse. “Perfect” is Godly...divine. “Hold your nose and vote” is more oft the reality of politics and compromise. Contrary to what some pols want you to believe, there are NO Gods in Congress. When working in the sewer, you have to hold your nose.
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At least Joni loves puppies enough to fight for them. I've received two emails recently from Breadbags bragging about how she fought to save puppies from medical experiments. That's a laudable goal. It had some anti Fauci hysteria in the text, but, that was to be expected.
I have not received a response to my query as to what Breadbags is doing to provide funding to regulate and inspect all the puppy mills in Iowa?
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