Iowa Voters react to Impeachment


HB King
Jul 9, 2003
Howard County? Really?

"Lets find some stereotype rural Iowans and ask them"

Never mind that most of the state lives in 2-3 urban corridors. Jesus H.

Link wont work...forget it
Classic "Cletus Safari"

In case you are not familiar (and I just learned the term last week, and I absolutely LOVE it!):

When a reporter from a large national publication - say the New York Times - makes an expedition from some enclave of sophistication to go talk to the exotic folk out in the hinterlands to get their take on an issue of interest.
Classic "Cletus Safari"

In case you are not familiar (and I just learned the term last week, and I absolutely LOVE it!):

When a reporter from a large national publication - say the New York Times - makes an expedition from some enclave of sophistication to go talk to the exotic folk out in the hinterlands to get their take on an issue of interest.

Thats great!

The tones of the NY Times, the Atlantic, etc. make it seem like Jane Goodall living with chimps.

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