D-3 school in Iowa. Do not want to give away my identity in case I ever say anything really stupid. Overall, I feel like there is too much stalling, both in the down position and on the feet. Too many guys willing to take it to the end to try to win. I grew up in the era of double legs, firemans, switches and sit outs. You can watch an entire dual now and not see any. I suppose that is progress, but I pretty much could get a firemans going from any tie up. I guess the 80's and 90's watching Gable's guys spoiled me. I miss the relentless attacks of guys like Royce Alger, Mark Ironside, the Brands, and funky guys like Rico Chipparelli
. I find even the really good Penn State wrestlers, for the most part, are boring to watch.
Weight training and conditioning have advanced, (I guess, although I can't imagine practices being any tougher than what we went through) Weight cutting is monitored much more closely. Better diets these days. I spent a couple miserable winters cutting too much weight. Struggled to concentrate on school work, etc. Tough when you are hungry all the time and then have to go home and do chores. (I was a farm boy)
Any way, I love wrestling. I spend a considerable amount of time watching old matches on You Tube.
Ironsides/Kolat, Zalesky/Carr, Simpson/Volker. Probably watched some of those matches a hundred times.
Go Hawks!