Iowalaw's Objective Post-Season Awards


Jan 20, 2015
The regular season has already come to an end. An 8-4 season is nothing to hang our heads about, especially with a huge win against #3 Michigan. However, regardless of how the bowl game plays out, we will always wonder "what if" when looking back at 2016. The media will soon publish all conference/all american/etc. warm and fuzzy awards, Iowalaw's awards are the only place to get a non-white washed version of the best AND worst performers of Iowa's season:

Team MVP - Wadley. Arguments can be made for several Hawks, but this year's MVP goes to...a 2nd teamer! That's right, despite getting 52 less carries than the starter, and leading the entire Big 10 conference in yards per carry (2 more yards each carry than Daniels), Akrum was hands down the most valuable player on this year's team. We may never again see an Iowa player who received more praise from opposing players and coaches than his own head coach. Wadley single handedly carried Iowa on his shoulders to defeat Michigan (115 yrds rushing and 52 receiving)...and the staff's unexplainable benching of him for the NDSU game lost a game for us (Daniels had 14 carries for just 29 yrds, while Wadley got just 4 carries for 20 yards. Embarrassing coaching mistake). Wadley was a 2 game swing by himself.

Team Underachiever of the Year - Beathard. A lot was expected out of the Big Ten's 2015 2nd team all Big 10 QB. CJ returned for his senior year with a stacked RB tandem and 5 OL with starting experience on a 12-0 team. I was his biggest fan, and even speculated that he could be a Heisman candidate if the Hawks had another great season. How did CJ respond? By growing a scraggly goatee and putting up some of the worst QB numbers in the 18 year Ferentz era. The Hawks ranked 13th in the Big 10 in passing offense under CJ, and 113th in the country in scoring offense. CJ, who had been known for his cannon of an arm, scrambling ability, and gutsy leadership, was the king of the 2 yard pass on 3rd and 7, had no ability to avoid sacks while holding the ball way too long in the pocket, and was a shell of a leader this year. Last year he was gutsy and cocky, and this year, he showed no fire, no awareness, and was tagged delay of game penalties/time outs with 1 second on the clock virtually every game. Some say he was "hurt," yet his coaches called designed QB draws every game, and CJ did not show signs of any limp, nor did he discuss any injuries at all at press conferences (he discussed injuries every week last year). Since he wasn't hurt, others blame his production on the WRs sucking...they did. But a good QB finds a way to thread the needle and make his WRs seem better than they are. Pre-season, CJ was the top senior QB going into the draft. Now, he's a 3rd day draft pick at best. Time will tell whether it was the coaches that killed CJ or he was just the beneficiary of a great team and a soft schedule last year.

Defensive MVP - Jewell. Another tough one, with Johnson coming on big time late in the season, but Jewell finished the season with 114 tackles, just 2 away from leading the Big 10 in tackles. This is despite missing a full game after being ejected. Jewell was the team leader on defense and never seemed to take plays off. He played well against the run and pass, and although he did get a few dumb penalties, that was more a sign of being aggressive than mental mistakes. Honorable Mention - Davis and King will probably be drafted higher than Jewell, but Jewell was more valuable to this team.

Defensive Underachiever of the Year - King. The nation's returning 1st team All American CB came back to school for his senior year to rewrite the record books. He had 69 tackles as a true freshmen. 64 tackles and 3 ints as a true sophomore. 72 tackles and 8 ints as a junior. And what was his encore? 53 tackles and 2 ints. Fans like myself were screaming at the coaches since the ISU game to stop being stubborn and have King shadow the opponent's top receiver, regardless of what side of the field he was on. They refused, and opponents picked Mabin apart while King watched from the opposite side of the field. We wanted to see Kind play some WR. They refused, and we watched WRs drop 5 yard slant passes. In the end, the underutilization of King will go down in history as the worst waste of talent since Willie Guy. However, part of King's lack of production was on him. He took plays off this year, he tried to strip balls (and missed) rather than making tackles, and he talked so much trash that NFL analysts have noted that he "randys around too much and needs to just play football." We were lucky to have King, and he will be missed, but he could have been a guy everyeone in the nation was talking about, and he was a non factor this year.

Newcomer of the Year - Coluzzi. What a god send Coluzzi was. We have seen what it's like to have a shaking punter kill us in the field possession game. And we know what it's like to get torched by speedy kick returners. Despite not even being offered a scholarship to Iowa, Coluzzi wanted to play Big 10 ball and knew he was good enough, so he walked on at Iowa. He was as dominant as a punter/kicker as we've had since Ryan Donahue. Had a 41 yard punting avg, but more importantly, virtually no one could return punts against him due to all of the hang time. He had 40 kickoffs that went through the end zone, which is the majority of his kicks.

Wasted Redshirt of the Year - Stanley. It caused a lot of excitement when true freshmen Stanley was named 2nd team QB ahead of a more experienced backup, Wiegers. I openly wondered what the point was, unless CJ got hurt and Stanley was that much better than Wiegers. CJ stayed healthy all season long and played almost every snap, including in blowouts like Neb. So rather than keeping Wiegers happy at Iowa and keeping Stanley on the shelf to save his eligibility, Kirk burned a full 12 games of Stanley's 2020 eligibility so that he could throw a grand total of 8 passes, completing 5 of them. Did Stanley get invaluable experience as the #2 that would make such a dumb move worth while? Probably not, as Wiegers was still the guy who held the clip board, sent in all signals this year and met with CJ during timeouts while Stanley stayed on the bench. Honorable Mention - Jones (LB), Young got zero targets (WR)

Coach of the Year - Chris White. Statistically, the Hawks were pretty mediocre in virtually all categories. However, we were 1st in kick returns, 2nd in punt returns, 3rd in punting, and solid on kick and punt coverage. This is in spite of using walkons in several key positions, including our clutch place kicker...which tells me they were coached up. Kudos to the coach that probably gets the least credit, yet is one of our best recruiters. Honorable Mention - Morgan.

Worst Coach of the Year - Davis. Win or lose, this team was one of the most boring offenses in all of college football. Statistically, the scoring offense was nearly last in D1. Was that because the team lacked play makers? NOPE! We boasted the best RB tandem in the Ferentz era, one of its best pro prospect QBs, and a solid OL. No one will ever know what the offensive staff was thinking, hiding Derrick Mitchell and Jonathan Parker, two PROVEN offensive spark plugs who never got to sniff the field, while Jereminic Smith whiffed on pass after pass and Scheel was a ghost out there. Davis was a square peg in Kirk's scheme, and he simply doesn't belong. QBs regressed under him, and our offense needs a change. Time for new blood, and I am NOT talking about hiring the Coach's inept son.
Most Improved - McCarron. I was never a fan of McCarron's as no Big 10 fan wants to have a 5'7, short armed, not overly fast, white walk on WR as their #1 receiver. However, when he was thrust into the starting lineup, McCarron made the most of his limited talents, and became a pretty reliable WR. Was he still the worst starting WR in the Big 10? Possibly. But he made plays in the last half of the season, and shocked the heck out of me with his performance in special teams (he averaged 21 yards per punt return and 54 yards per kick return...both would be tops in the Big 10 if he had more attempts). Honorable Mention - the OL, and the Nelsons, who had 9 sacks combined.

Most Likely to Transfer - Mends/Mitchell/Parker. After last season's Rose Bowl, a shocking number of kids (esp from the 2013 recruiting class) decided to transfer for reasons unknown. This year, the reasons to transfer are crystal clear for the above mentioned guys, who found themselves in Kirk's unforgiving dog house. Aaron Mends, who was slated as the starter at LB, not only was suddenly replaced in the lineup by a less talented coach's pet Bo Bower in week 1, but he complained to the staff about it while Bower proved to be one of the worst LBs in the Big 10 early on, he saw himself relegated not only to 2nd team, but to 4th or 5th team, as he was never even allowed to see the field when all the backups played against Purdue (Kirk kept Bo Bower in the entire game, presumably to teach Mends a "lesson?"). Mends was just a soph, and will likely make plays for another team. As for Mitchell, who proved to be perhaps the most talented RB on the team last year, got to see zero action this year, not even in mop up duty when true freshmen Toks played instead. Mitchell averaged 6.5 yards per carry in our 12-0 season, and even started a game. He has great hands, and was an obvious choice to see the field at WR given our lack of depth, but he never did. Parker, who was a starter at KR and got playing time at RB TWO YEARS AGO, who switched to WR for the team, never saw the field in spite of a need for speed at that position. Absolute fail by Kirk, Davis, and WR coach Kennedy for failing these kids and the team. Adios, boys, we never knew you.

Most Hope For the Future
- Snyder. I have been high on Snyder virtually all season because of the way he plays with reckless abandon, like Bob Sanders did at his age. The guy flat out lays the wood, and if he can improve on his technique a bit, he is going to be one hell of a safety for Iowa over the next two years. He had 2 interceptions and forced 2 or 3 fumbles this year. He had 12 tackles against Penn State and 13 tackles against Rutgers, being one of our leading tacklers as just a soph. Honorable Mention - Rugamba.

Next Man In Award - Gair/Rugamba. Perhaps our weakest two positions all year were strong side corner and safety. Rather than tinker with the lineup, Kirk stuck with Mabin and Miles Taylor throughout the year and watched them get torched game after game. Well, if the staff wouldn't see what the backups could do, the injury bug stepped up and did it...for the Michigan game, of all games. The rest is history. Gair and Rugamba stepped up and played lights out ever since. Honorable Mention - Render and Ekakate.

Feel free to mention other relevant awards.
Beathard- In his defense he was hurt all season and no one to throw to once MV and GK went down.

King - You do realize that he took half of the field away from opponents every game, right? That in itself should earn him team MVP right there. no one, and I mean no one threw at him (other than the one pass by the PSU QB).
Next Man- Agree with your assessment, especially in regards to injuries forcing changes. I'd also add Levi Paulsen, the line really seemed to gel when Render and Paulsen went in.
I could go down the list and point things, inaccuracies, out (and I will).......but this post is just to provide a brief outline:

Just because you say it's "objective"............doesn't make it right.

As long as others see that, I really don't care how highly iowalaw values his own opinion.
I'm going to have to call foul on your assertion that Mitchell was the most talented RB on a roster last year that included Canzeri, Wadley, and Daniels, as well as the idea that Parker is ever worth putting on the field.

As for the CJ assessments amen brother, immensely disappointed in him this year and I love the guy. But he was off with a capital O this year.
I could go down the list and point things, inaccuracies, out (and I will).......but this post is just to provide a brief outline:

Just because you say it's "objective"............doesn't make it right.

As long as others see that, I really don't care how highly iowalaw values his own opinion.

Yea I don't know what your definition of objective is, but these posts are not what is typically understood to fall into that categorization. Actually quite the opposite they seem to be rather subjective. "Unbiased" might be a more accurate word to use, although I'm sure you'd get pushback on that as well.
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You are totally biased against Ferentz. You are not objective about him. It is your Achilles heel in your otherwise interesting reads. Let that bias go and your credibility would skyrocket. Nebraska would love to have Ferentz as their coach RIGHT NOW.

Mitchell and Beathard battled serious injuries all season. You need better sources.

Mitchell isn't transferring. He will be sharing carries with Wadley next year. You need 2 backs in the Big Ten, as you well know.

Beathard had no one to throw to....totally different season if Vandeberg and Kittle had been healthy and played against Wisconsin.....we would have been in the championship game. Beathard's QB rating was 130 this year and 136 last year....not that different. He didn't run that much because of his knee injury (obvious to everyone but you). Don't you read the stats?

I agree on Davis....he has to go.

Your analysis is always interesting
King played great all year, and never better than in the Michigan and Nebraska games when it mattered the most. My only regret was that they didn't give him 3 to 5 touches a game on offense; that didn't make sense to me.
You spent an incredible amount of time to post something so worthless. Congrats
Disagree with your assessment on Mitchell and especially King. Agree on Beathard, Colluzi, Wadley, White, Davis, Stanley, Mends, and Gair/Rugamba. We will always wonder what could have been if Wadley, Gair, Rugamba got more playing time in those loses.
I won't get personal about it but I'd agree with about 25% of what was written. I realize this is an opinion piece but as mentioned the "objective" description is a large misnomer.
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"We wanted...they refused". You used this line twice. You think you have some sort of input into the game plan? You think the coaching staff even listens? Wow! That ego pretty much proves you're a lawyer. The "not overly fast" McCarron didn't have much trouble blowing by Nebraska's so-called superior athletes. Also, please stop using the word objective in these posts. You're opinions are anything but objective. Start calling it "Iowa Laws slant to what happened." Thanks!

I sure hope you are better at practicing law than evaluating games or players.
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His message has been roughly the same all year and hasn't changed - we suck/the coaches suck. That's why people agreed with him for a 5-6 game stretch.

Always an interesting read, don't mind reading a long winded perspective from anyone - even if I don't agree with everything.

The Mitchell part about last year made me lol, same with King "underperforming". I wouldn't mind seeing GD go elsewhere either. I feel that a lot of it was close to accurate though.
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Before the season everybody called Iowalaw a fool. Then once we started struggling, the majority agreed with everything he said. Now it looks like we're back to square one.

This is precisely why Ferentz and Co. are still at Iowa with 10 year contracts. We're losing to teams we shouldn't lose to and underperforming. Then we win a few games (only 1 of which was against a real quality opponent) and all is magically ok again. This fan base suffers from Alzheimer's.
This is precisely why Ferentz and Co. are still at Iowa with 10 year contracts. We're losing to teams we shouldn't lose to and underperforming. Then we win a few games (only 1 of which was against a real quality opponent) and all is magically ok again. This fan base suffers from Alzheimer's.
So what is your point in regards to what Ferentz is doing at Iowa?

Why is he underachieving sometimes and then pulling a rabbit out to do just enough to keep his job?

Is it deliberate?
So what is your point in regards to what Ferentz is doing at Iowa?

Why is he underachieving sometimes and then pulling a rabbit out to do just enough to keep his job?

Is it deliberate?

No I don't believe it's deliberate. I think Ferentz does the best job he knows how. But my main concerns are with the style of offense he runs, average recruiting classes, and an appearant bias towards some players while seemingly more talented players ride the bench.
Nice writeup, Iowalaw. I agree on almost every point. A little harsh on Beathard considering his receiving threats and pourous OL at times, but you're right, he regressed. I expected a lot more from King this year as well, but the underachiever was Greg Mabin. He straight up Shadian stunk this year.
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Nice writeup, Iowalaw. I agree on almost every point. A little harsh on Beathard considering his receiving threats and pourous OL at times, but you're right, he regressed. I expected a lot more from King this year as well, but the underachiever was Greg Mabin. He straight up Shadian stunk this year.
I'm not surprised you agree with him. Clueless loves company.
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You realize ints and tackles alone isn't exactly a great way to measure CBs, right?
NM, obviously you don't.

I'll agree king should have had a few more INTs, but so should a lot of the D.... they all seemed to drop a lot of INTs. Dropped INTs were a big difference between this year and last year(obviously not the only difference)! Hell King had more INTS last year than the entire team did this year! Josey went from 4 to 0, mabin from 2 to 0.....king is the only guys that had a pick this year and last year!

BTW King was tied for team lead in INTs, with Snyder and rugamba (in his short time!). Not bad, for a guy nobody want to throw near!
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The regular season has already come to an end. An 8-4 season is nothing to hang our heads about, especially with a huge win against #3 Michigan. However, regardless of how the bowl game plays out, we will always wonder "what if" when looking back at 2016. The media will soon publish all conference/all american/etc. warm and fuzzy awards, Iowalaw's awards are the only place to get a non-white washed version of the best AND worst performers of Iowa's season:

Team MVP - Wadley. Arguments can be made for several Hawks, but this year's MVP goes to...a 2nd teamer! That's right, despite getting 52 less carries than the starter, and leading the entire Big 10 conference in yards per carry (2 more yards each carry than Daniels), Akrum was hands down the most valuable player on this year's team. We may never again see an Iowa player who received more praise from opposing players and coaches than his own head coach. Wadley single handedly carried Iowa on his shoulders to defeat Michigan (115 yrds rushing and 52 receiving)...and the staff's unexplainable benching of him for the NDSU game lost a game for us (Daniels had 14 carries for just 29 yrds, while Wadley got just 4 carries for 20 yards. Embarrassing coaching mistake). Wadley was a 2 game swing by himself.

Team Underachiever of the Year - Beathard. A lot was expected out of the Big Ten's 2015 2nd team all Big 10 QB. CJ returned for his senior year with a stacked RB tandem and 5 OL with starting experience on a 12-0 team. I was his biggest fan, and even speculated that he could be a Heisman candidate if the Hawks had another great season. How did CJ respond? By growing a scraggly goatee and putting up some of the worst QB numbers in the 18 year Ferentz era. The Hawks ranked 13th in the Big 10 in passing offense under CJ, and 113th in the country in scoring offense. CJ, who had been known for his cannon of an arm, scrambling ability, and gutsy leadership, was the king of the 2 yard pass on 3rd and 7, had no ability to avoid sacks while holding the ball way too long in the pocket, and was a shell of a leader this year. Last year he was gutsy and cocky, and this year, he showed no fire, no awareness, and was tagged delay of game penalties/time outs with 1 second on the clock virtually every game. Some say he was "hurt," yet his coaches called designed QB draws every game, and CJ did not show signs of any limp, nor did he discuss any injuries at all at press conferences (he discussed injuries every week last year). Since he wasn't hurt, others blame his production on the WRs sucking...they did. But a good QB finds a way to thread the needle and make his WRs seem better than they are. Pre-season, CJ was the top senior QB going into the draft. Now, he's a 3rd day draft pick at best. Time will tell whether it was the coaches that killed CJ or he was just the beneficiary of a great team and a soft schedule last year.

Defensive MVP - Jewell. Another tough one, with Johnson coming on big time late in the season, but Jewell finished the season with 114 tackles, just 2 away from leading the Big 10 in tackles. This is despite missing a full game after being ejected. Jewell was the team leader on defense and never seemed to take plays off. He played well against the run and pass, and although he did get a few dumb penalties, that was more a sign of being aggressive than mental mistakes. Honorable Mention - Davis and King will probably be drafted higher than Jewell, but Jewell was more valuable to this team.

Defensive Underachiever of the Year - King. The nation's returning 1st team All American CB came back to school for his senior year to rewrite the record books. He had 69 tackles as a true freshmen. 64 tackles and 3 ints as a true sophomore. 72 tackles and 8 ints as a junior. And what was his encore? 53 tackles and 2 ints. Fans like myself were screaming at the coaches since the ISU game to stop being stubborn and have King shadow the opponent's top receiver, regardless of what side of the field he was on. They refused, and opponents picked Mabin apart while King watched from the opposite side of the field. We wanted to see Kind play some WR. They refused, and we watched WRs drop 5 yard slant passes. In the end, the underutilization of King will go down in history as the worst waste of talent since Willie Guy. However, part of King's lack of production was on him. He took plays off this year, he tried to strip balls (and missed) rather than making tackles, and he talked so much trash that NFL analysts have noted that he "randys around too much and needs to just play football." We were lucky to have King, and he will be missed, but he could have been a guy everyeone in the nation was talking about, and he was a non factor this year.

Newcomer of the Year - Coluzzi. What a god send Coluzzi was. We have seen what it's like to have a shaking punter kill us in the field possession game. And we know what it's like to get torched by speedy kick returners. Despite not even being offered a scholarship to Iowa, Coluzzi wanted to play Big 10 ball and knew he was good enough, so he walked on at Iowa. He was as dominant as a punter/kicker as we've had since Ryan Donahue. Had a 41 yard punting avg, but more importantly, virtually no one could return punts against him due to all of the hang time. He had 40 kickoffs that went through the end zone, which is the majority of his kicks.

Wasted Redshirt of the Year - Stanley. It caused a lot of excitement when true freshmen Stanley was named 2nd team QB ahead of a more experienced backup, Wiegers. I openly wondered what the point was, unless CJ got hurt and Stanley was that much better than Wiegers. CJ stayed healthy all season long and played almost every snap, including in blowouts like Neb. So rather than keeping Wiegers happy at Iowa and keeping Stanley on the shelf to save his eligibility, Kirk burned a full 12 games of Stanley's 2020 eligibility so that he could throw a grand total of 8 passes, completing 5 of them. Did Stanley get invaluable experience as the #2 that would make such a dumb move worth while? Probably not, as Wiegers was still the guy who held the clip board, sent in all signals this year and met with CJ during timeouts while Stanley stayed on the bench. Honorable Mention - Jones (LB), Young got zero targets (WR)

Coach of the Year - Chris White. Statistically, the Hawks were pretty mediocre in virtually all categories. However, we were 1st in kick returns, 2nd in punt returns, 3rd in punting, and solid on kick and punt coverage. This is in spite of using walkons in several key positions, including our clutch place kicker...which tells me they were coached up. Kudos to the coach that probably gets the least credit, yet is one of our best recruiters. Honorable Mention - Morgan.

Worst Coach of the Year - Davis. Win or lose, this team was one of the most boring offenses in all of college football. Statistically, the scoring offense was nearly last in D1. Was that because the team lacked play makers? NOPE! We boasted the best RB tandem in the Ferentz era, one of its best pro prospect QBs, and a solid OL. No one will ever know what the offensive staff was thinking, hiding Derrick Mitchell and Jonathan Parker, two PROVEN offensive spark plugs who never got to sniff the field, while Jereminic Smith whiffed on pass after pass and Scheel was a ghost out there. Davis was a square peg in Kirk's scheme, and he simply doesn't belong. QBs regressed under him, and our offense needs a change. Time for new blood, and I am NOT talking about hiring the Coach's inept son.

(fart noise)
Some of these responses crack me up, especially the hillbilly tough guys who get on their computer and say "you're wrong" but don't have the intellect to even attempt to justify their opinion. To those who actually have opinions, I'll address a few:

1. Some actually believe King overachieved expectations this year with his 2 ints? King came out and said he was disappointed in how he performed this year, but that he does not regret coming back for his senior year. Interceptions aside, King DID have more tackles as an 18 year old true freshmen than he did as a 4th year senior all-American. King fumbled more punts this year than last, and had more personal fouls (including a back breaker against Michigan). King did get burned and whiffed more this year than last year. I'm sorry, but the guy did not meet his own expectations, and even though he played great this year, he did not play up to his abilities or expectations. Thus, he underachieved from his potential. Like I said, it's a travesty that King did not cover the opponents' best receivers this year and allowed Mabin to be a punching bag. Much of King's lack of production is due to poor coaching, which I've established.

2. CJ didn't suck this year? Well, he ranked 119th in the NCAA in passing, even behind quite a few true freshmen at other schools. Not since 1982 have the Hawkeyes totaled fewer than 2,000 passing yards in a season, and Iowa’s at 1,936, which means this was the worst passing attack in the Ferentz era. Iowa’s 11.5 yards per completion rank 96th in FBS, showing he refused to even try to throw the ball down the field. Finally, he was sacked 29 times (once per 9.6 attempts). You can blindly blame the OL, but they graded out pretty well, and the announcers stated game after game that CJ holds the ball too long. Maybe it's a conspiracy? CJ and Ferentz said each week that he's not hurt. Do tell what his mysterious "injury" is that caused these horrible stats, rather than ignorantly claiming "he's hurt," without justification...and explain why our backup threw just 8 balls all year. Another conspiracy against CJ?

3. No one agrees that Mitchell deserved playing time, just like no one thought Wadley deserved playing time last year? Ignorance in believing the "best players always play...just because they play." Well, if you want to argue with his 6.5 yard per carry average (which is the same insane amount as Wadley averaged this year), feel free to embarrass yourself. Explain why that isn't good enough. He had 15 receptions last year, despite being just our 4th team RB...that is more catches than Fant, Scheel, or Daniels had this year. With that production a year ago, Mitchell couldn't line up at the slot? If you want to argue that Kirk doesn't favor kids or have a dog house, or that Mitchell was happy sitting on the bench all season, ask yourself if you would transfer when you only get 4 years of eligibility. How many other backs in the country averaged 6.5 yards per carry last year, and were cast off in limbo. He will be senior next year, and is not going to want to risk being in Kirk's dog house again. I wonder if he qualifies as a grad transfer.
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Some of these responses crack me up, especially the hillbilly tough guys who get on their computer and say "you're wrong" but don't have the intellect to even attempt to justify their opinion. To those who actually have opinions, I'll address a few:

1. Some actually believe King overachieved expectations this year with his 2 ints? King came out and said he was disappointed in how he performed this year, but that he does not regret coming back for his senior year. Interceptions aside, King DID have more tackles as an 18 year old true freshmen than he did as a 4th year senior all-American. King fumbled more punts this year than last, and had more personal fouls (including a back breaker against Michigan). King did get burned and whiffed more this year than last year. I'm sorry, but the guy did not meet his own expectations, and even though he played great this year, he did not play up to his abilities or expectations. Thus, he underachieved from his potential. Like I said, it's a travesty that King did not cover the opponents' best receivers this year and allowed Mabin to be a punching bag. Much of King's lack of production is due to poor coaching, which I've established.

2. CJ didn't suck this year? Well, he ranked 119th in the NCAA in passing, even behind quite a few true freshmen at other schools. Not since 1982 have the Hawkeyes totaled fewer than 2,000 passing yards in a season, and Iowa’s at 1,936, which means this was the worst passing attack in the Ferentz era. Iowa’s 11.5 yards per completion rank 96th in FBS, showing he refused to even try to throw the ball down the field. Finally, he was sacked 29 times (once per 9.6 attempts). You can blindly blame the OL, but they graded out pretty well, and the announcers stated game after game that CJ holds the ball too long. Maybe it's a conspiracy? CJ and Ferentz said each week that he's not hurt. Do tell what his mysterious "injury" is that caused these horrible stats, rather than ignorantly claiming "he's hurt," without justification...and explain why our backup threw just 8 balls all year. Another conspiracy against CJ?

3. No one agrees that Mitchell deserved playing time, just like no one thought Wadley deserved playing time last year? Ignorance in believing the "best players always play...just because they play." Well, if you want to argue with his 6.5 yard per carry average, feel free to embarrass yourself. Explain why that isn't good enough. He had 15 receptions last year, despite being just our 4th team RB...that is more catches than Fant, Scheel, or Daniels had this year. With that production a year ago, Mitchell couldn't line up at the slot? If you want to argue that Kirk doesn't favor kids or have a dog house, or that Mitchell was happy sitting on the bench all season, ask yourself if you would transfer when you only get 4 years of eligibility. How many other backs in the country averaged 6.5 yards per carry last year, and were cast off in limbo. He will be senior next year, and is not going to want to risk being in Kirk's dog house again. I wonder if he qualifies as a grad transfer.

1. Wrong
2. More wrong
3. Even more wrong.