Is anyone following the Stanley cup craze?

Don’t worry, nobody expects you talk about anything sports-related. Unless Alex Jones says something, then you’ll just repeat his thoughts (Sandy Hook).
Well this isn't sports related unless running into the store and stealing a bunch of cups... Is considered sport. I can see that takes a little bit of athleticism.
I thought these cups already had their 15 minutes of fame?
I don't know usually I don't give two craps about this stuff but I was in my doctor's office the other day and they were playing whatever kind of afternoon programming people watch when they don't have a job ha ha. What used to be Jerry Springer show is now pop culture shows about people wanting these cups so bad they steal them and go 115 miles an hour and risked their lives and others just for a stupid cup. So I have a 45 minute wait in the doctor's office and nothing better to do.

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