Is It Anti-Women if I Vote for Jill Stein?

Must have sucked when she was running against Obama and you had to decide if you where going to be sexist or racist or both. Because you clearly could not be neither.
Recently the GOP has put up token black candidates. For a while they pretend they aren't racist. But eventually they realize the guy is black.

Proves nothing.
So it sounds like you found your answer to your original question, glad I could help!
How does that answer my original question?

The Rs who realize Carson or pizza man are black and dump them don't then vote for another black guy.

Oh, so the GOP voters backed away from Carson because he's black? That's the only reason in your opinion?

As for "pizza man"... do you recall why people backed away from Herman Cain? Was it because he was black, or was it because of a bimbo eruption?