Is Stephanopoulos Worse Than Brian Williams?


HB Legend
Nov 11, 2002
Twin Cities MN
Williams embellished and totally made up stories to make himself look better, but it's now come to light that George Stephanopoulos, the face of ABC news, donated $75000 to the Clinton Foundation. He did not disclose this, and probably would not have save for being outed. It looks like he's withdrawn as moderator of the Republican debate next year, but his failure to disclose this, even when reporting on Clinton Foundation news, is troubling to say the least.

I think it's probably worse than anything Brian Williams did. Should ABC suspend him for his failure to disclose? Isn't it worse than Williams white lies?
Wasn't this the guy who worked in the Clinton Administration? And you guys are surprised he donated money to them? I'm lost, please help.
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Williams embellished and totally made up stories to make himself look better, but it's now come to light that George Stephanopoulos, the face of ABC news, donated $75000 to the Clinton Foundation. He did not disclose this, and probably would not have save for being outed. It looks like he's withdrawn as moderator of the Republican debate next year, but his failure to disclose this, even when reporting on Clinton Foundation news, is troubling to say the least.

I think it's probably worse than anything Brian Williams did. Should ABC suspend him for his failure to disclose? Isn't it worse than Williams white lies?
They are different. Williams made up shit, which disqualifies him from claiming to be a serious journalist. Stephanopolous should never have been given the job by ABC in the first place. He's was, and remains, a tool of the Clinton machine. And now the number on his donation to the foundation is up to $75K.....yet the network allowed him to "interview" the guy who wrote the book about how it's being abused, without mentioning his ties to either the Clintons or the foundation.

He should be fired. Period. Any serious news organization would give him his walking papers.
I can't stand O'Reilly, but he has nothing in common with the other two guys except they're all on television.
True, Williams and Stephanopolous are more credible than O'Reilly. When compromised both WIlliams and Stephanopolous admitted errors. O'Reilly just yells at people and sends his goons to intimidate people in parking lots or their drive ways.
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I can't stand O'Reilly, but he has nothing in common with the other two guys except they're all on television.

He has nothing in coming with Brian Williams ?? Really ? Seems they both fabricated stories to make themselves look better.
ABC news person not coming clean about political connections- 1
FOX news person not coming clean about political connections- eleventy billion
Well that certainly makes it ok ABC news people.

The problem we have is we don't call something wrong when it is we just try to find somebody worse and do the "we are not as bad as them" dance. Still don't make it ok.
He should be fired. Period. Any serious news organization would give him his walking papers.

Serious question - why should he be fired? Because he made a donation to the foundation, because he didn't disclose the donation (if that's true - I don't know if foundations disclose donors or not), or some other combination of wrongs?

I'm sure many journalists donate to all sorts of politicians, charities, foundations, and other influence groups. I'm trying to understand the wrong here - as I would have no problem if Britt Hume had donated to Mitt Romney or a right leaning influence organization.

And does that matter if the person is a "newsperson" or just a "commentator"?
ABC news person not coming clean about political connections- 1
FOX news person not coming clean about political connections- eleventy billion

Do tell.

True, Williams and Stephanopolous are more credible than O'Reilly. When compromised both WIlliams and Stephanopolous admitted errors. O'Reilly just yells at people and sends his goons to intimidate people in parking lots or their drive ways.
Too funny the only reason they admitted it was because they were both CALLED OUT by someone.Both should be fired ol Georgie boy skewered the writer about the Clintons charity WITHOUT disclosing the $75,000 donation.He is a major weasel.
Earlier today on Morning Joe famed reporter Bob Woodward said (closely paraphrased):

The question for Stephanopoulos is, what was going through your mind when you made this donation? Or is there so much money that he’s being paid, that it’s kind of on automatic pilot. But I want to know what he was thinking because this is ethics 101.

Later, Woodward also called it a "big mistake". At the same time, Stephanopoulos has been trying to minimize it, claiming that it wasn't that big of a deal. It is interesting that he's recused himself from Republican debates, but shouldn't the real issue be that he recuse himself from purportedly "objective" reporting on the 2016 election at all?
Wasn't this the guy who worked in the Clinton Administration? And you guys are surprised he donated money to them? I'm lost, please help.

Nope, not surprised. I've worked for Disney in the past. The are a subsidiary of the Democrat party.
Morning Joe Liberals and Conservatives killed him this morning! Their clip of the Daily Show made him look like a fool!
Serious question - why should he be fired? Because he made a donation to the foundation, because he didn't disclose the donation (if that's true - I don't know if foundations disclose donors or not), or some other combination of wrongs?

I'm sure many journalists donate to all sorts of politicians, charities, foundations, and other influence groups. I'm trying to understand the wrong here - as I would have no problem if Britt Hume had donated to Mitt Romney or a right leaning influence organization.

And does that matter if the person is a "newsperson" or just a "commentator"?
Because he has a serious conflict of interest that he didn't share with his employer, and as a result, he has damaged the organization's credibility (to the extent it has any) and lessened his value to the network. Can he cover the presidential election campaign if Hillary is involved? Not if ABC cares about being believed.

He was already on thin ice, or should have been, because of his relatively recent role with the Clintons. He had to be more careful about apparent conflicts, and instead, he did something incredibly stupid.

Does it matter if he's a news person or a commentator? Are you freaking serious? No. You can't be serious about that......yet, you mentioned Brit Hume. Hmmmmmmmmm.

When a commentator says something, it is assumed he or she is voicing a personal opinion. That's why it's called commentary. When a newsperson says something, it is assumed he/she is reporting a fact, or posing an objective question with no ulterior motive other than to get truthful information.
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I suspect that some of the posters here who claim not to know the difference between a commentator (O'Reilly, Maddow, Will, Rove, Carville, et al) and a newsperson (Stephanopolous, Bair, Williams) actually know perfectly well the difference, and why there are different standards.

But in case they don't, here is perhaps the analogy that might explain it.

It's the difference between a play-by-play guy and a color guy on a sports broadcast. Not a tame team, like Flipper 'n' Eddie or John and Eric, but a team from a network that people expect to be fair. If you're playing Nebraska, it's fine to have Tom Osborne doing commentary. But you don't want him doing play-by-play.

Stephanopolous is even more extreme than that. Having him interview the author of an anti-Clinton book is like having a Cowboys cheerleader referee a Dallas-Washington game.
Who does Georgie Porgie think he is fooling with his "nonpartisan" act? Everyone knows he is a Clinton Commie. The little turd fancies himself a ladies man and believes he can do no wrong. Can't stand him. Can you tell?
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