Is the Florida Immigrant Construction Worker Story Running Around on Tik Tok Just Fake News?


HB Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
Before you laugh, lots of things have been showing up on Tik Tok at the very early stages...

The story is there are stalled construction sites due to undocumented immigrants leaving the state as a result of recently signed bills targeting them. Their driver licenses from other states will not be recognized so they are driving illegally, felony to hire, felony to bring them into the state, etc... Takes effect July 1st...
Before you laugh, lots of things have been showing up on Tik Tok at the very early stages...

The story is there are stalled construction sites due to undocumented immigrants leaving the state as a result of recently signed bills targeting them. Their driver licenses from other states will not be recognized so they are driving illegally, felony to hire, felony to bring them into the state, etc... Takes effect July 1st...

Is there a link to this TikTok?
How does it go when we talk about food workers? "Well, I guess they'll have to start paying a living wage to get workers"

That apply here or nah?
How many able bodied adults on EBT/welfare in this country that should be out doing this work?
The employers would then be subject to payroll/minimum wage laws etc. The employers are the driver here, that and nobody is willing to pay $8 for a head of lettuce. But keep marginalizing poor people, it's super helpful and has clearly solved this centuries old problem.
The employers would then be subject to payroll/minimum wage laws etc. The employers are the driver here, that and nobody is willing to pay $8 for a head of lettuce. But keep marginalizing poor people, it's super helpful and has clearly solved this centuries old problem.
You know the best place to go if you are poor? To work.
Hammock Bay construction sites don't seem to have been effected.

(Note: the south of the border construction workers I've observed are some of the hardest working dudes I've ever seen)
Anyone who denigrates their work ethic as a group are just doing so because they are racist INMHO. Workers from Mexico and beyond are incredibly hard workers.
Anyone who denigrates their work ethic as a group are just doing so because they are racist INMHO. Workers from Mexico and beyond are incredibly hard workers.

INS raids generally don’t pick them up on their couch at home, but at some chicken plant slaughter line in Mississippi.

Speaking of that, any Koch C-suite executives indicted for employing hundreds of illegals at that plant?
You don't get it. c'est la vie
Says the liberal who drove right past that sign that said UH, GET A CLUE.

So much of what we see on the good old interwebz is faker than hell and it’s put there - planted there - in the hope of causing harm to someone politically - if the gullible rubes swallow it then it was a win.

Yeah illegals watch the cable news, browse the Internet, sit around and wait for news that impacts them.
An alleged law that will go into effect in six weeks? Those photos look fake by the way. Plenty of construction going on here in FL and lots of men on the job - just down the street from my house a whole new townhouse development of 200 plus with streets, utilities, framing, concrete, etc. A new Chipotle going up about six blocks from me. A new Whataburger up at the intersection s mile away and a new condo conversion across the street from the WaWa being built just off I95 about a mile away.
NoFla is just going crazy with growth.
Y’all shouldn’t be so naive.
Anyone who denigrates their work ethic as a group are just doing so because they are racist INMHO. Workers from Mexico and beyond are incredibly hard workers.

They absolutely are. I saw that in Dallas and here in Florida. They just want to work.
I do wonder how the Mexicans feel about the increasing numbers of border crossers from other countries in Central America coming across and maybe competing for jobs. Also there are a sizable group coming from Venezuela this time.
They share a language but not necessarily a culture.
They absolutely are. I saw that in Dallas and here in Florida. They just want to work.
I do wonder how the Mexicans feel about the increasing numbers of border crossers from other countries in Central America coming across and maybe competing for jobs. Also there are a sizable group coming from Venezuela this time.
They share a language but not necessarily a culture.
Clearly something needs to be done about the increasing numbers but the heavy handed tactics nor the open border philosophies are going to fix it.
They absolutely are. I saw that in Dallas and here in Florida. They just want to work.
I do wonder how the Mexicans feel about the increasing numbers of border crossers from other countries in Central America coming across and maybe competing for jobs. Also there are a sizable group coming from Venezuela this time.
They share a language but not necessarily a culture.
South Florida’s lawncare runs on Guatemalan and Honduran labor. It’s been that way as long I can remember. Their path wasn’t crossing the border illegally, it was getting an H-2A visa for migrant ag work and then overstaying it.
INS raids generally don’t pick them up on their couch at home, but at some chicken plant slaughter line in Mississippi.

Speaking of that, any Koch C-suite executives indicted for employing hundreds of illegals at that plant?
Look, we've been over this. You simply cannot expect some overworked HR guy to establish the credentials of every worker. There's just so darn many of them, and all those IDs and paperwork can be tricky.
The guy said Home Depot is going down?

Home Depot and Lowe's were both packed yesterday. I was looking for a bougainvillea plant for the no pics Mrs. Tradition. The Depot didn't have any but Lowe's came through for me. People everywhere though, and looooooong lines to checkout.
A hate filled “patriot” says she’s going to drive a truck and stock the shelves in addition to doing her regular job. MAGAs live in a world of non stop make believe.

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Migrants will go where there is work regardless of the state laws. Until employers are scared to hire undocumented workers then they will keep coming.

We can either enforce laws that penalize employers or we can develop programs that allow migrants to work. Or both. Given our demographics I think there would be benefits to bringing in a younger population that is willing to do this work. Ideally we would be able to collect taxes and they would help fuel the economy.

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