Is the President a Pedophile?

Huey Grey

HB King
Jan 15, 2013
His intimate connections to Epstein make it look reasonable to at least entertain the idea. Off the top of my head, what we already know:
  • Partook in orgy sex parties with Epstein
  • Remained friends with the pedophile even after he got caught human trafficking on Mar a Lago property
  • Knew of Epstein's liking of young girls
  • Trump himself has accusations from at least one 13 year girl
  • Trump's constant inappropriate touching of his daughter
  • His comment of wanting to date a 10 year old on an escalator when she got older
  • Trump's numerous trips to Eastern Europe where there are stories of him partaking of prostitutes, some who may have been underage.
The volume of evidence doesn't look good for Trump. The old eyeball test says that he is probably a pedophile.
Of course not. Duh....
Trust me we know, keep it one thread it is getting old.
Oh we got your message. Potential and serious pedophilia doesn't matter to you. So you would rather bury your head in the sand that face the very real fact that Trump may have had sex with children.

Why dont you run back to the stock market thread, you are getting your ass handed to you and shows how wrong you are most of the time.
You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched against the public – all in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution (public exposure) and regain power (control).

[Attempted removal of the duly elected President of the United States by illegal [manufactured] means]

They believed they could win [con] public support by controlled assets (media, tech, H-wood…).

These controlled assets set out to immediately create division through the use of a pre_designed misinformation campaign.

Groups such as ‘Antifa’ were funded and formed to prevent and/or lessen the appeal for ‘regular’ hard working Americans to gather and express non_narrative viewpoints.

Control of this ‘projected narrative’ depends primarily on their ability to ‘con’ the masses into thinking they are the majority.

The mindset of most: If the majority of people believe ‘this’, than ‘this’ must be more true than ‘that’ [CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED].

Without public support – they are powerless.

We, the People, hold the power.


— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
Why dont you run back to the stock market thread, you are getting your ass handed to you and shows how wrong you are most of the time.
So to sum up your position: The very real chance that the president is a pedophile is not a big deal because of the stock market?

We're no longer in simple theorizing range anymore. Trump literally had orgies with one of the worst pedophiles of our times. And judging from Trump's continued reactions to all this pedophilia, Trump could in a very real sense be a pedophile himself.
You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched against the public – all in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution (public exposure) and regain power (control).

[Attempted removal of the duly elected President of the United States by illegal [manufactured] means]

They believed they could win [con] public support by controlled assets (media, tech, H-wood…).

These controlled assets set out to immediately create division through the use of a pre_designed misinformation campaign.

Groups such as ‘Antifa’ were funded and formed to prevent and/or lessen the appeal for ‘regular’ hard working Americans to gather and express non_narrative viewpoints.

Control of this ‘projected narrative’ depends primarily on their ability to ‘con’ the masses into thinking they are the majority.

The mindset of most: If the majority of people believe ‘this’, than ‘this’ must be more true than ‘that’ [CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED].

Without public support – they are powerless.

We, the People, hold the power.


— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
So... he is probably a pedophile and it's going to help bring down the OLD GUARD?
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The miami herald has the goods and the knowledge of what happened. Fusion GPS looked to find dirt on Trump related to Epstein.

They aren’t finding anything on him
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Oh we got your message. Potential and serious pedophilia doesn't matter to you. So you would rather bury your head in the sand that face the very real fact that Trump may have had sex with children.

Heads buried:
GOP in 1998 when Clinton got a blowjob from a consenting adult: "Impeach him!"
GOP in 2019 when alleged Trump may have had sex with children as part of a sex trafficking ring: "Remember when Clinton got a blowie in the Oval Office?"

Absolutely sad, but not shocking, that in the MAGA times sexual abuse of children is a partisan issue.
And it's not just Epstein. Somehow a convicted pedophile found his way on Trump's transition team. Trump hired the guy after he was arrested for pedophilia. You know what they say. Like water attracts like water.
So to sum up your position: The very real chance that the president is a pedophile is not a big deal because of the stock market?

We're no longer in simple theorizing range anymore. Trump literally had orgies with one of the worst pedophiles of our times. And judging from Trump's continued reactions to all this pedophilia, Trump could in a very real sense be a pedophile himself.

they don't care, he hasn't shot anyone yet, that we know of, but it wouldn't matter.
Why dont you run back to the stock market thread, you are getting your ass handed to you and shows how wrong you are most of the time.
So to sum up your position: The very real chance that the president is a pedophile is not a big deal because of the stock market?

We're no longer in simple theorizing range anymore. Trump literally had orgies with one of the worst pedophiles of our times. And judging from Trump's continued reactions to all this pedophilia, Trump could in a very real sense be a pedophile himself.

No, I am going to wait and see what comes out like most reasonable people do. So far all I have seen is a bunch of lefties trying to connect dots. From what I have seen the dems have more to worry about while they try and deflect.

I am not going to follow a bunch of Twitter crap that has no basis in fact.

Like I said, you have been wrong about 95 percent of the time and you created that with your chicken little sky is falling attitude.

You should be a weather man you have been wrong so many times.
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No, I am going to wait and see what comes out like most reasonable people do. So far all I have seen is a bunch of lefties trying to connect dots. From what I have seen the dems have more to worry about while they try and deflect.

I am not going to follow a bunch of Twitter crap that has no basis in fact.

Like I said, you have been wrong about 95 percent of the time and you created that with your chicken little sky is falling attitude.

You should be a weather man you have been wrong so many times.

You are not allowed time for the facts to come out, what century do ya think we live in. Make a decision now or you will be branded as such and such